March 13, 2019

Spring Break 2019 - Oklahoma Here We Come!

The drive from Amarillo to Oklahoma City takes 4 hours. I took the kids to the trampoline park in the morning to burn off energy, and then we hit the road right after lunch. The day of our drive was EXTREMELY windy. The news reports later called it a "land hurricane." Amarillo saw sustained winds of 60+ mph, with gusts up to 84 mph - yikes!!

Back home power lines, trees, light poles, signs and fences all went down. We had people in our ward who lost power for a couple days, and I had several friends lose their trampolines (luckily there was no damage at our house). There were several reports of overturned semis, and we saw a pickup towing a trailer get flipped on our drive. Dave said his arms got tired trying to keep the van straight and it made me nervous every time we had to pass a semi, but we made it!

The drive along I-40 is pretty boring, but there were two fun landmarks that we passed - a giant cross and the "Leaning Tower of Texas."  

I was able to find a great deal on a two-bedroom condo through Groupon for our stay. It was perfect for our family, and also came with a free breakfast and dinner buffet! The swimming pool was unfortunately closed during our stay, but we were pretty busy with other activities and didn't really miss it. Look up Isola Bella if you ever need a place to stay in OKC!

We had a full kitchen and eating area

The kids bedroom (the chairs are there to keep Davey from rolling off the bed)

Our bedroom

The laundry closet had enough room for a pack-n-play for Charlie

The living area - out balcony looked out over a duck pond, which was super fun for the kids. 

The entire trip Davey kept telling us he wanted to go to Oklahoma, even though we were already there. We kept telling him "this is Oklahoma - you're here!" but he didn't seem to get it.

The first night there was some contention at bedtime and we ended up putting Sophie in our bed and transferring her back after Davey was asleep, but the second night everyone slept just fine. 

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