Showing posts with label mother. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mother. Show all posts

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Suspiria 4K Restored Version at The New Parkway Theater

I got to check out the 4K restored version of Suspiria showing at The New Parkway Theater in Oakland CA  last night with my wife and it was...fantastic. Crisp, bright, and lush - like watching a completely new film.  For those of you who have not been to the New Parkway, it's quite an experience. It's the "local theater" that I remember going to as a child growing up in Novato California - small, sweet, and friendly. Not big box branded. Not filled with glitz and Coke ads. Just two theaters showing current and past films. And, there's more. Much more. 

One theater has cool theater style seats with a selection of other seats and bean bag chairs on two levels. The other theater has an even more eclectic collection of seats, booths, sofas, and chairs in a large theater space. It's super comfortable. Like watching in your living room. But...that's NOT all! 

They also have beer, wine, various other beverages, fresh popcorn, and full meals. In short, the ideal date place. A one stop shop for the film lover who wants things to be more plush than polished...generic. And the staff is super friendly.  Ya need to go if you're in the area. But, enough about them! hehehe

Suspiria on the big screen was a first for me. My wife and I went and I wasn't sure how she was going to take it. She's not a horror fan, but she does like films, so I was curious to see what her take away was going to be. Turns out she enjoyed the film and thought many aspects were interesting. She also knew that I loved it, so I think she was even more forgiving. Seeing as the film started at 10:30pm (when we're usually in bed), I was extra pleased that she made it through. 

I saw things in this restored version that I had never noticed before. Up until now, many aspects of the film were either too dark or too grainy to make out. The level of detail and the crispness of the images were fantastic. The audio quality was fantastic as well and I was able to really sink into the experience on all fronts. Literally like watching a new film. 

The one thing that I wasn't 100% on was the red level at the theater. I wasn't sure if it was the theater's projection or if I just happened to be seeing the film the way it was SUPPOSED to be rather than how I've been seeing it up until now. I remembered the red being far more punchy, but maybe the restored version is a bit more tame. That didn't stop me from enjoying the HELL out of the viewing, however. 

If you get a chance to see the restored version in the theater - GO!

Now, I pre-ordered the SYNAPSE FILMS version of the 4K steelbook, so I'm not feeling bad about using their images below! :)   I can not wait to get this baby. I'm not sure what it is about this film, but I just love it to death. I can't wait to see a non-projected version of the film in my the deep dark. Of course, I may need to get a better TV.....hmmmm...   :)

Thursday, May 21, 2015

HAUNT (2014)


                      WOW!    :)

I was rather shocked that HAUNT (currently on Netflix streaming at the time of this posting) was actually really, really good. I've taken to tossing these really bad movies on while working - having them play on the lap-dog to the side while I work on my "real" computer for actual work. Most of the time, the film goes on and I don't think much of it until something spooky starts, then I glance over, watch the scare, then go back to work. Helps me get through the day.

Well, it turns out that HAUNT was one of the films I put on that I actually had to stop and watch at a later time when I can actually watch what's going on because it's too good to side-watch. hehehe

Writer Andrew Barrer took a simple concept and added just enough to make it move along at an interesting pace with characters that you actually care about and a plot that holds your attention. The script was well executed by Director Mac Carter in his feature film debut.  When topped with some good acting and fun effects work, the film turns what could have been another yawning bore into something I really enjoyed.

I don't want to say too much - there is an element of mystery involved here. It's basically a new family moves into a haunted home and the young boy of the family meets the cute girl next door. They start digging into who is haunting the home and - you guessed it - things don't go well. At all.

This was a fun and fresh horror film I really enjoyed. Jump to it - I think you'll enjoy it!

Thursday, October 2, 2014


I recently re-watched CONTRACTED from Director / writer Eric England. I'm happy that I did.

My first viewing was fine. I watched and took it all in and enjoyed the film, but I wanted more. I won't say much about the plot here. Suffice it to say that a one-night-stand sends the lead - the wondrous Najarra Townsend - on one bad, bad health issue filled ride. But, I found myself wanting more and railed against certain aspects of the film. I liked it, but wanted to re-write parts.

Here's where the Internet got cool again for me.

I posted my thoughts on Twitter.

"Watching CONTRACTED. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to laugh or not. Odd."  Something like that.

"Some Guy" replied with "You can laugh - there's humor in there for sure! :)"

We had a little "chat" about the film there on Twitter and he seemed really invested in backing the film. Why? BECAUSE IT WAS THE DIRECTOR - ERIC ENGLAND!!!! HA! Pretty cool. He was bringing things up and I was agreeing, then I looked him up and had a laugh. I had no idea. His points were solid and I bookmarked it for a re-watch.

When I did re-watch recently, I got it. England kinda nailed this film and, as a genre fan, I was happy with the results once I was key'd into what England was trying to do.  When I checked out other comments, I could see that I just didn't "get it" at the time and I was one of the few who didn't, really.

Townsend is great as the lead Samantha. Not fully seasoned, as it were, but pretty solid throughout.
Veteran Caroline Williams is Sam's mother and nails that role, of course.

I guess the doctor role and writing is the last bit I didn't like even on second watch. Minor, really, but it just came off silly with lines tossed out like, ":::odd pause::: You have a sexually transmitted disease.:::blink:::"   :)   All in all, not a deal breaker.

This is a must see. Check it if you have not already. Chime in in the comments if you dug it or hated it. I'd love to hear from you!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The Last Will and Testament of Rosalind Leigh


I just watched The Last Will and Testament of Rosalind Leigh

It's horror - sure. There are things in it that are scary. Atmosphere. Mood.'s so much more. It's deep. It's moving.

I lost my Father a little while back and maybe that - and the whiskey :) - have influenced my thoughts on this film, but it harkens back to a time where story and mood were top of mind. Very Poe. Very Matheson.

Leon goes back to his Mother's home after she passes away. He finds that she has purchased all the crap that he's sold over the years. He also finds that there is a secret. A dark and frucking creepy secret to the old house and all the crap within. And....finds that the loneliness and sadness lingers on after death.

This is a horror film. There are scary things in it. However, there are way deeper meanings in this film. Life lessons. Family lessons.

Kudos to Rodrigo Gudiño. Fantastic writing and direction here. It was like reading Poe or Matheson. A rich, literary feeling to this slow paced, creepy and soul searching dramatic horror piece.

I loved this film.

Looking for something deep? Something that dares to wander off the path at night? Something with some great visuals and a slow, deliberate pace? PLEASE watch The Last Will and Testament of Rosalind Leigh and support Rodrigo Gudiño's work.