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Showing posts with label daughters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label daughters. Show all posts

Friday, January 22, 2016

My Daughter's Journey to Health and Wellness

People ask me often what it is like to be the mom to grown daughters.  And I always tell them the same thing... It's amazing. The relationships shift and we become best friends,  and in some ways "peers".... just women trying our best to honor Jesus, love our husbands well and raise our children to the best of our abilities.  Once they are married, there is a transfer of leadership that takes place.  Their husband's are now the ones who lead them and they are their own team now...making decisions together and bearing all the responsibility.   I get to be their cheerleader.  Their encourager. Their sounding board.  And their prayer warrior.  The concern and worry for them never goes away but it does take on a different dynamic.

I love being the mom of daughters.  I love this season we are experiencing together. I love seeing fruit of years of labor as they build their own nests and raise their own families.  I can see some of my victories being emulated as well as some of my struggles in their lives as wives.   But I am also learning so much from them.  They are teaching me many things as well as I watch them in their own callings and roles the Lord has given them.

My oldest daughter is one of the most amazing moms I know. She would never describe herself in that way but she really is.  She will always go the extra mile for anyone in need and she has done that for her own family. When finding herself in a very hard season, she didn't throw in the towel. She struggled at times but she went the extra mile and found the answers to what she needed...what worked for her and her family to help her overcome a season of depression and be the wife and mom God created her to be.   

I asked her to share her journey here.  I've seen with my own eyes the difference her choices have made for her personally and for their family.  She is teaching me so much in the area of health and wellness by choosing natural methods over what I've always known and done.

Maybe you will glean a nugget or two yourself.....

The following words are from Elizabeth as she shares a little of her journey.

I was done.
Feelings of hopelessness, immense inadequacy, worthlessness, and self-hatred plagued my heart.
Most of my days were spent lying in bed while fatigue ruled my life.
Deep sadness would suck me into this deep, dark hole, which I found so much easier to stay in than have to do the extra work to dig myself out.
I would remain there for days..weeks..months even.
My mind and body were continuously at war with one another never in agreement.
I mean, how could they be? I was sick. My mind was sick. My body was sick.
Which obviously only trickled down into every other area of my life.
My walk with the Lord and everyone I loved and cared for suffered, and that genuinely pained my heart above anything else.
I was miserable, and I wanted out.
Something had to change.

I married my high school sweetheart very young, and the Lord graciously (and surprisingly) blessed us with children shortly after. One after the other they came, turning our world upside down and filling our hearts to the brim. Giving our life such joy and purpose, which was truly indescribable. The only problem was my body took a beating. I didn't nurture and take care of it like I should have, so each new pregnancy stripped me of more and more of the nutrients my body needed to function optimally. It was after my precious Julia Rose, that my body started to go down hill. We had just moved to a new state, started serving at a new church, and had a new baby along with a small toddler who was basically still a baby herself. All the change was a bit overwhelming, and I started to spiral quickly. I got pregnant with Nate only 5 months later, and then eventually we moved to another state for Chris to further his education. It all just slowly took its toll on me for several years to follow, and thats when I hit rock bottom. I literally hated the person who had taken up residence in my body.

You see, all I have ever wanted to do is serve the Lord and my family well.
To love and honor my husband, to nurture and care for my children, and to serve Gods people.
And all I felt like was a big fat loser.
Every day I had to carefully choose what I did that particular day fearing if I over-exerted myself, I would reap great consequences in the days to follow.
It took a ridiculous amount of willpower to even muster up the strength to feed my kids daily.
I knew deep down my worth was not bound by how good of a mother I was or not, but the internal struggle I fought deep within made me feel otherwise.

I was on medicine. Had been, on and off, for 3 1/2 years.
I was tired of the way it made me feel. Sure, it helped me. It really did at times. But the side effects were unreal.
I felt crazy, unstable, and out of control. I was tired of the roller coaster I had been riding for too many years. It just wasnt worth it.
It felt like I was just putting a bandaid on a gaping wound. A wound so deep, I feared could never be healed. I wanted to get to the root of the issue.
My greatest fear was this was my new normal. This was going to be the way I was forever.
I was back to square one, and thats when I started searching.

Essential oils had just started to surface more widespread, and I was starting to see oil posts pepper my IG and FB feeds here and there. Im a curious gal, so they intrigued me greatly.
But let me just tell you, I was skeptical of those little boogers. I mean, how could they possibly work like everybody was talking about? I was a true hopeful skeptic. Hopeful that they would work for our family, but totally skeptical they they actually would.
Our kids were constantly sick. I had 3 at the time, and they passed everything between each other. We were struggling financially, and I was the worst Ive ever been in my post-partum journey. Thats when I knew this was THE time to make a change.

I had a strong desire to live more naturally, but I would have never called myself a naturalist.  In fact, I was far from it. I wanted to come off of my medicine, and I knew I needed to eat healthier and exercise, but remember I could barely get out of bed! How was I going to have the energy and stamina to cook healthy meals?
I couldnt.
But I knew I needed to take a step. Even if it was just a baby step.
And essential oils were that next step for our family. I knew I could DO that. It was an easy way to start implementing changes in a small, practical way that could have the potential to produce BIG results.

So out of the blue, I asked my parents for the Young Living Premium Starter Kit for Christmas as our family gift, because I knew it would benefit all of us!
Still skeptical and with Chris thinking I had gone a little crazier than I already was, we took the leap of faith.
We did it.
It was our diving board into a great big pool of health and wellness.

That kit is truly the gift that keeps on giving.
It literally changed our lives.
And I dont take that phrase lightly, but its true. Oils have been life-changing for our family. YL essential oils have set us on a path I promise we would have never been on if we had not taken the plunge with the kit. And I will forever be grateful.

My kids are sick MUCH less. Its very rare that they are, and if they do get sick, its typically pretty short-lived. Because oils are so versatile, we pretty much use them for everything you can think of. You name it Building the immunity, respiratory support, hormonal support, aiding the digestive system, teething, upset tummies, carsickness, anxious feelings, skincare, perfume, lotions, bath salts, dishes, laundry, hand soap, cleaning, and so much more.

But like I always say, oils are just a huge puzzle piece in striving for optimal wellness. And because of being on this journey of wellness, we have been able to eliminate the chemicals and toxins in our home all the way from our cleaning supplies, skincare, laundry, to our toothpaste.

Which has only led us now to taking charge of our nutrition. You remember how I talked about how I barely had the energy to feed my family? Well, we are in the middle of Whole30 right now, and Im feeling better than I have ever felt in my ENTIRE life. Im cooking 3 meals a day from scratch with enough energy to last for days.
Yall, Im literally in tears right now as I type this. Im overwhelmed with gratitude. Did you hear me when I said I am cooking 3 meals a day for my family? This may seem trivial to some, but to me.. its everything.

You see, I remember vividly where I was (broken, tattered, and beaten down), and where I am today.
And that is no coincidence, friends. I dont take for granted how much has changed in our family. Yes, it has taken work, but its been small, simple steps over the course of two years that are going to have life-long lasting effects.

Jesus mostly definitely healed my body, but He used several tools to do it with.
And for that, Im forever grateful.

What are your health goals? What are you struggling with today? Maybe for you your first step is eliminating chemicals? Maybe you start by taking charge of your nutrition? Or maybe you are like I was, and you just dont know where to start, but you want to start somewhere?

The key is to start. Take that step. Even if its a baby step.

One of my favorite quotes lately, is one from Lara Casey, and one I have told myself time and time again the past several weeks doing Whole30 is,
She believed she couldnt, so HE did.

Let me know how I can be praying for you today as we start to seek the Lord on how to honor Him by taking care of our temples. These old bodies are His anyways. Lets get them working the best we can, so that we may glorify and serve HIM with every fiber of our being!

 Amen!  She is such an inspiration to me.  I am rejoicing with her over cooking for her family.  I know what a victory that is for her.  And having all the energy to do it. I am so encouraged and inspired by their commitment to Whole30 and the results they are enjoying from clean eating.  I love that my grand kids are being taught how to fuel their bodies instead of feeding their faces.  I've seen the benefits of essential oils firsthand in their family and I am blessed by Elizabeth's desire to give her family her very best.   

If you have any questions about any of it please send her an email at 


Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The Sweetest Gift

Last week while I was at Elizabeth's she took some pics for me with the grandkids for Mother's Day.    It was the sweetest gift. 
It was also an adventure with four kids. More specifically, it was an adventure with Nate Dog.
I don't think there were any "perfect" pictures taken at all.   Someone was always not looking.

But like I've told my girls for years..
Perfect is overrated anyways.

cuff by my girl Becky farmgirlpaints
(her shop re-opens Friday!)

My sweet first born Rosalyn.
The one who made me a Honey.
Our deep thinker, quick witted, best dance moves, sometimes bossy, always sweet, doesn't forget a thing, soon to be first grader.

My precious Julia Rose.
The one who recalls every detail of her dreams and has the best morning conversations in the world.
She's our dreamer, peacemaker, left handed artist, deeply sensitive, romantic, funny,  almost kindergartner.

My Little Man Nate
The first grandson
He's our wild child, hilarious, full of energy, hard headed, keeps us humble, loves to lead, all boy,  soon to be fully potty trained (we hope)

My Darling little Hazel Jane
The baby and caboose of this crazy love train
Our little drooler, momma lover, chubby legged, loves to nurse, wiggle worm!
Can't wait to watch your little personality continue to emerge.

Paw Paw
The love of my life and my lover.
He's our wise rock, our problem solver, nurse of the family, the one with all the answers, the one who sees the very best in everyone. Especially me.

And My Dearest Elizabeth
The one who has had to put up with a momma basically growing up with her.
She's a giver,  people lover,  best listener,  deep feeler, patient momma and great friend
Thanks sweet love for always showing your momma grace.
And thank you for taking these pictures for me.
You are so incredibly talented.  I love you.

( For Elizabeth's sake please know that none of these pics are edited.  They are straight out the camera.  Momma was hasty. ;) )
And thank you for those of you who still actually come hang out with me here.
Seriously.  Y'all are the best.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Making memories

As a parent, I always thought life would get simpler once the girls were all married.  And it has in some ways for sure.  Cooking supper and grocery shopping is simpler.  Getting dressed for church and having the bathroom all to myself is definitely simpler. 

But the part about being concerned for them and worrying about your kids is no different. Definitely not simpler.  Now I think about all kinds of other stuff. Where they live.  Where they go to church.  Are they getting groceries.  Do the grand kids have all they need for school.  I could go on and on.

I'm not a worrier by nature.  I'm really not.  My family can testify to that.  I'm pretty laid back about stuff and just go with it.  I'm finding that is easier when it's  just me and Nick involved or when the girls were still under our roof.  Now that they are gone, it's harder to watch them struggle with things and not want to step in and try to fix it.  I never thought of myself as a fixer.  But I'm morphing into one.

I say all that to say this… A couple of weeks ago, it seems like all three of the girls and their families had needs all at the same time.  Stuff that was out of my hands.  I couldn't fix them.  That day at lunch, as Nick thanked God for our food, he prayed for our girls and their families as he always does, asking God to provide for them and to use them for His glory in every circumstance and he then said something I've heard him say a thousand times through the years…

"Lord, You love our girls even more than we do."

Those words were like a slap in the face and a big warm hug all rolled up in one.
As much as I love my girls and their husbands and my grandchildren, it doesn't even compare to how He loves them.  And whatever He is allowing in their life..good and bad… it's for a divine purpose.

I found so much comfort in that prayer that day that I've heard their daddy say so many times.
Our God is a loving Father who wants to load us down with good things.
He wants us to experience life to the fullest with much joy.

He goes the extra mile for us always and spares no expense when it comes to His love.

Such a great reminder.  Such a great example for us as a parent.
I try to go the extra mile to make my girls feel loved and special.
I can't fix things all the time for them.  I'm not supposed to.

But I do want to live a life making memories.
And that's what we did for Lauren's birthday last week.
It was her first birthday away from family.  If you've followed us long enough, you know we whoop it up for birthdays. (here, here and here are just a few examples. Oh..and this.)
I love to celebrate their lives and do it up grand.  
So Lauren was a little bummed none of us would be joining her on her actual birthday.

Lydia had to work so were planning to come the next day and stay the weekend.  But it just so happens that Lydia was able to take off ….so we took off.
And surprised the birthday girl.  

Strap in and grab a cup of coffee…I'm about to bombard you with pictures.
But this is my little place to document our families adventures. 
Sadly, I don't do photo albums like the good old days. 
Feel free to scroll to the bottom now if you want.
It won't hurt my feelings.  I promise.  ;)

 The Birthday Girl
 This pic was part of a fun photo shoot by our friends and incredible photographers, April and Paul.

 On our way there we passed a cotton field right at the golden hour.  I mean…come on. We had to stop.

Apparently Lydia has never seen cotton up close which I'm still not sure about the accuracy of that.
But nonetheless, she was mesmerized and possibly might have picked a puff.

Blake had taken her to eat for her birthday and then to "get coffee" afterwards where Lydia and I were waiting.  hee hee. She walked right passed us.  We sat there watching her for what seemed like 10 minutes.

 She finally saw us (or heard us laughing) and was pretty excited.

But this is where she got really excited.
She plopped down. Stuck a pose.  And was like "bring on the presents".

 We did not disappoint.

One of my favorites.  This is so Lauren.

The next day we had a little morning fun with the self timer.

And my personal favorite.
These rad shirts are from my friend, Tiffini.  She has awesome stuff at her shop House of Belonging.

Then we went thrifting. But first Startbucks.  It was buy one get one free the entire time we were there so that worked out great.  I also discovered you can get half the syrup so it's not as sweet!  Holla!  This was life changing! I also learned big buns were not made for the backseat of Lauren's car.

After spending all day riding in the back seat, this is my "I'm really carsick but I'll smile if I have to" face.  Note to self:  A venti Caramel Chestnut Latte on an empty stomach in the back seat does not work for you.

Blakey Poo met us for supper.  Cutie pies.
 Our first full day there was a blast.

This pretty much was the theme of Day 2.
It was all about the food.

Kicking it off at The Tin Cow. If you are ever in Pensacola, and you like burgers, go there. You won't be disappointed.  The pic is a little blurry but you mark what you want and give it to the waitress.  You can choose from all kinds of burgers…venison, bison, Angus, Kobe, Chicken….and the toppings are endless. Stay away from the truffle infused ketchup though…blegh! But by all means, get the house bacon mayo!

This is us feeling  happy about our selections.  ;)

After stuffing our faces at the Tin Cow, we walked a few feet down the sidewalk to this little bakery.  We had us a groupon.  $11 for $20 worth of food. We were like "I'll take one of these and one of these…"  The sky was the limit.  Or so we thought.  Apparently $20 doesn't go very far at Adonna's.  We might have had to pay a little extra.  Hashtag oops.

After all that we had to walk it off some.  And stop and take pics in front of pretty walls.

Then we had to stop for a little street entertainment…

The girls were ready to head home and put on PJ's after this public display.

On day three we got to go worship with Blake and Lauren at their new church.  That was one of my favorite parts of the trip.  Getting to meet their pastor and his wife was a blessing.  He preached the Word with sound doctrine, full of passion.  It blesses me to know they are being fed and shepherded. 
 One of my greatest prayers is that my kids are part of a church family, growing and serving wherever the Lords sends them.  That they will seek a church that teaches truth with a pastor that makes the Word the most important thing.  Blake and Lauren won't be able to be a part of this very  long before they will have to move,  but I'm thankful for this season the Lord does have them there.

After church we went to the Mellow Mushroom for lunch.  This was my first time.  I liked it.
That's my baby pizza on the bottom loaded down with vegetables.  It was super good.  Kind of pricey…like, I'd probably only go back if I had a coupon but I'm cheap like that so don't mind me.

Then these two tortured us with this as we waited in line at Starbucks. 
 (But it was last day for the buy one get one free…so we kinda had to)

We came home and put on our PJ's and never left the couch until the next morning.
Except to answer the door for the delivery guy when he brought our Chinese food for supper.
And even then… we made Blake get up and do it.

Our last day started with a big dog pile on top of Lydia.

Then we did a little shopping.  And for all those who thought this was Elizabeth's pregnant belly when I posted it on instagram….come on y'all.  She would have to be pregnant with a small elephant if it was.   But I get y'alls excited hearts that made you jump to a rash conclusion…you was hoping it was her because that meant she would have been there too.  Sweet.

Big bun probs again.  And I totally made Lydia sit in the back seat and I wasn't  the least bit sad.

 We somehow ended up at Steak and Shake during their half price shakes happy hour.

Then it was time to head home.  It was a great birthday weekend for Lauren. The only thing missing was Elizabeth.  I don't think any of us will ever fully get used to not being able to all be together all the time.  But God gives us the grace to embrace it.  I'm already looking forward to next month's visit to see Elizabeth and her crew!

The next day I spent a good portion of the morning catching up with my favorite person in the world. I'm so thankful for him and his willingness to always bless me and our girls with time together.  He totally gets our girl needs. And our constant  schemes and dreams and plans we come up with for our adventures.
He is the best example of a good father.
He's an incredible example of a lover of my soul.
I learn so much about the Lord through the way he lives his life before me and the sacrifices he makes for me.  

"Every good and perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning."  James 1:17

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