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Showing posts with label 02. Kuih-muih. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 02. Kuih-muih. Show all posts

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Bingka Ubikayu Filifina (Cassava Cake with Custard Topping)

 Scroll down to the bottom for English version

Assalamualaikum pembaca yang sudi singgah di blog Along yang sudah lebih setahun sunyi tanpa update. Tetiba harini rasa rindu pulak nak update sesuatu. 

Kelmarin ada  pula mencuba kuih ni yang agak berbeda dari bingka di Malaysia dengan tekstur yang lembut dan topping kastad yang manis. Bingka Malaysia agak kenyal tetapi versi filifina ni menggunakan santan yg agak banyak kuantiti nya dan hanya menggunakan susu pekat sebagai pemanis tanpa gula. Itu yang buatkan Along rasa tertarik nak mencuba sebab curious nak merasa nya.

Rasa nya lemak manis dan amat lembut dan sesuai sebagai pemanis mulut terutama selepas berbuka puasa kelmarin. Bagi yg tak gemarkan manis, boleh skip taburan gula perang.


Source: Blog ManilaSpoon
Saiz: 9" x 9" persegi
1 Ib Ubikayu (di sagat)
14oz Susu Pekat Manis
14oz Santan Cream (dlm kotak)
2 bj Telur
2-3 biji Buah Pelaga - optional (ambil biji nya sahaja & di tumbuk)

7oz Susu Pekat Manis
1/4 cwn Single Cream / Susu Cair Evaporated
2 bj Telur
1 st Esen Vanilla
1-2 sb Gula Perang (utk tabur)

1. Panaskan oven 180C. Sapu acuan tin dgn mentega.
2. Campurkan kesemua bahan2 kuih.
Bakar selama 50 minit.
3. Campurkan kesemua bahan2 topping.
Tuangkan ke atas kuih dan bakar lagi selama 20 minit sehingga kastad set.
4. Taburkan gula perang dan bakar dgn api atas "Grill" sehingga gula cair. Boleh skip step ni jika tak suka kuih terlalu manis.

Hi everyone!! I hope all are well and stay cool and safe during this pandemic time. Sorry for a long disappearing action due to hectic retirement life. I'm glad my retirement life is so fulfilling but sorry that blogging has not been easy for me nowadays. I've been cooking and baking a lot but not much opportunities to do a proper photographing and sitting behind pc can be a back torture sometimes.

Anyway, here sharing a recipe I tried yesterday. Didn't manage to capture a great photos... no special table set up and using just a handphone camera but hopefully something to kick this blog alive.

I was attracted to try this one because it seems quite different than our Malaysian bingka. It is much softer in texture and not springy due to a lot of cream added to it producing very delicious creamy and soft kuih. The bottom is moderate sweetness but complimented well by its sweet custard topping. The sugar sprinkles is a killer for me and will skip next time.


Source: Blog ManilaSpoon
Size: 9" x 9" square
1 Ib Grated Cassava
14oz Condensed Milk
14oz Coconut Cream
2 large Eggs
2-3 Cardamon (extract seed & pound - optional)

7oz Condensed Milk
1/4 cup Single Cream / Evaporated Milk
2 large Eggs
1 tsp Vanilla Essence
1-2 tbsp Brown Sugar (for sprinkling)

1. Preheat oven 180C. Grease baking tin well with butter.
2. Mix all cake ingredients and bake for 50 minutes.
3. Mix all topping ingredients and pour onto baked cakes and continue baking for another 20 minutes.
4. Sprinkle with brown sugar and broil for about 2 minutes until the brown sugar melt and caramelised. Skip this step if you prefer moderate sweetness.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Soft Durian Puffs ( Karipap Apam Durian )

Durian season is now over... however, the sensational durian delicacies made many months ago were still freshly luring in my mind for its sweet, creamy and special fragrance!

No fuss with only three ingredients to produce amazingly soft puffs. The creamy durian fillings perfectly complement the soft fluffy skin in each and every bites! Perhaps, the filling preparation will require little bit more effort and for some people who hate standing up long beside the stove due to aging knees (am referring to myself actually....LOL!) will still not complaining for the craze of durian!

I may not post this in the right timing or season for you to try but in some places you can get durian throughout the year long....

If you require the recipe in English, just shout and will be happy to do so. The recipe is quite long to type, so will do so only if anyone needs it.

Here is the recipe in English... hope you will enjoy making them...

By: Roz@HomeKreation
Source: IzaAkma@SinggahsanaKitchen (English translation by HomeKreation)
150g Flour
250g Pandan Juice
1 packet (4.3g) Eno Fruit Salt
Coloring - green / yellow

1. Mix flour, pandan juice & coloring until smooth.
2. Add in Eno & stir until bubbles disappeared.
Let it rest 15-25 minutes.
3. Heat up a pan with slow fire:
- Spread a scoop of the batter to form a small circle. Make it about 1/2 cm thickness in the centre.
- Lift it out of the pan once cook and bubbles surfaced (no need to flip).
4. Fill with durian custard right away and press the edge. You can use curry puff moulds if you like.

120g Evaporated Milk
130g Fresh milk
1 tbsp (10g) Custard Powder
1 tbsp (10g) Cornflour
2 tbsp Sugar
1 Egg Yolk
1/4 tsp Salt
150g Durian Pulp

- Mix all ingredients in a pot and cook above slow fire until thickened.
- Cool the custard before filling the puffs.


  Musim durian memang dah abis tapi  godek2 jumpa lak photo ni dalam handphone. Walau pun dah beberapa bulan yg lalu, tapi keenakan nya masih terasa. Sayang pulak kalau tidak di kongsikan resepi ni.
  Resepi ni di kongsikan oleh Iza Akma dalam tahun 2013... lama dah tu tapi baru ni Along mencuba. Memang berbaloi buat nya - kulit apam yg lembut dan inti yg enak meleleh, sebiji memang tak cukup sekali cuba nak lagi!
  Nak buat tak susah sebab bahan2 tak banyak tapi kena rajin sikit lah nak godek masak sebiji2 tu. Tak lama nak masak dia pun sebentar sahaja. Dapat banyak biji juga walau pun tepung yg sedikit. Lupa pulak nak tulis berapa biji sewaktu buat dulu tu.

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
Source: IzaAkma@SinggahsanaKitchen (Along taip semula resipi spy lebih ringkas)
150g Tepung Gandum
250g Air Jus Pandan
1 peket (4.3g) Eno Fruit Salt
Pewarna - hijau/kuning

1. Campurkan tepung, air pandan & pewarna sehingga sebati.
2. Masukkan Eno dan kacau sehingga buih2 hilang.
Perap selama 15-25 minit.
3. Panaskan kuali leper dgn api perlahan.
- Ratakan sesenduk adunan dan lenserkan bentuk bulat kecil. 
- Ketebalan nya ikut citarasa masing2... Along sengaja buat tebal sedikit supaya ia bersarang dan naik gebu. Kalau terlalu nipis ia akan rangup dan liat apabila sejuk.
- Biarkan sehingga gelembung2 udara di permukaan nya dan kelihatan masak rata baru lah angkat (tak perlu di terbalikkan).
4. Terus letakkan inti durian selepas di angkat dan picit2 ditepi nya untuk melekatkan. Boleh juga guna acuan karipap jika suka. 

120g Susu Sejat
130g Susu Segar
1 sb (10g) Tepung Kastad
1 sb (10g) Tepung Jagung
2 sb Gula Pasir
1 bj Kuning Telur
1/4 st Garam
150g Isi Durian

- Satukan kesemua ke dlm periuk & masak sehingga kental dgn api perlahan sehingga kental.
- Sejukkan sebelum di guna untuk inti apam.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Bingka Tepung Pulut (Glutinous Rice Bingka)

 Malay bingka (wet traditional cakes) range from sweet to savoury with countless varieties. This is one of my favourites with unique taste and bouncy texture (I must mention that my favourite part is the crispy crust). The aroma from glutinous rice filled up my whole kitchen while it was being baked that tickled everybody's tummy in the house.... LOL. Serve it for morning or evening tea.

By: Roz@HomeKreation
Yields: 8" square
56g Unsalted Butter - melted
1 cup Sugar
2 Eggs
1 tsp Vanilla Essence
226g Glutinous Rice Flour
1 tsp Baking Powder
170g Evaporated Milk
200g Coconut Milk

1. Hand whisk butter & sugar until smooth.
Add in egg + VE + flour + BP + milk + coconut milk - mix well each addition.

2. Bake 180C for 1 hour.

 Ini adalah salah satu bingka kegemaran Along... Keunikan nya sebab menggunakan tepung pulut dan tentu nya hasil nya tekstur yg kenyal2 lembut. Aroma tepung pulut yg di bakar amat lah harum menggoda sesiapa sahaja di rumah ni. Keluar jer dari oven dah bising suruh potong... makan panas2 memang sedap tapi boleh lebur lidah kalau tak sabar.... heheee. Yang best nya makan panas2 ni sebab waktu panas kerak nya rangup dan wangi, fooooh memang syok!

Kalau anda suka boleh tambahkan pewarna tapi Along sengaja tak letak sebab nak cuba kurangkan bahan2 kimia dalam makanan, kecuali apabila perlu sahaja.

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
Hasil: 8" persegi
56g Unsalted Butter - cairkan
1 cwn Gula Pasir
2 bj Telur
1 st Esen vanilla
226g Tepung Pulut
1 st Baking Powder
170g Susu Evaporated
200g Santan Kotak

1. Hand whisk butter & gula sehingga sebati.
Masukkan telur + EV + tepung + BP + susu + santan - gaul rata setiap campuran.

2. Bakar 180C selama 1 jam.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Sardin Gonggok (Sardine Rolls)

 Let's have fun creating beautiful sardine rolls shaped like croissants. More interestingly these freeze well and quickly ready for unexpected walk-in guests.

By: Roz@HomeKreation
Source: rasa (Translated into English by HomeKreation)
Yields: ~40 pcs
4 cups Flour*
1 tbsp Rice Flour*
tbsp Cornflour*
2 tsp Sugar*
1 tsp Salt* (* mix)
¼ cup Oil**
2 tbsp Margarine** (** heat up together)
~1 1/3 cup Water

Sardine Filling

1. Pour hot oil mixture** into flour mixture* to produce crumbly dough.
2. Add in water slowly until a firm dough is formed.
3. Knead for 5 minutes (is ok if still unevenly mixed). 
4. Cover and rest 15 minutes (mus do).
5. Knead until smooth for about 2 minutes.
6. Divide dough into ~40 pcs.
7. Roll a piece of dough into a pear shape, slice the top part, place filling at the bottom & roll - refer to the photo below.
8. Deep fry until crispy.
9. Alternatively, bake 180C for 10 minutes and cool it before freezing. Thaw before deep frying.

Along nak kongsikan satu resipi untuk minum pagi atau petang. Kuih ni boleh di sediakan awal dan di bekukan.... goreng bila perlu. Bentuk yg menarik sesuai untuk di hidangkan kepada tetamu. Bagi yg tak suka nak klim karipap, boleh cuba gulung pula.

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
Source: rasa
Hasil: ~40 ketul
4 cwn Tepung Gandum*
1 sd mkn Tepung Beras*
2 sd mkn Tepung Jagung*
2 sk Gula*
1 sk Garam* (* Campur semua)
¼ cwn Minyak**
2 sd mkn Majerin** (** panaskan)
~1 1/3 cwn Air

Inti Sardin yg telah di masak

1. Tuangkan minyak panas** kedlm campuran tepung* sehingga rata dan seperti serbuk roti.
2. Masukkan air sedikit demi sedikit sehingga menjadi doh.
3. Uli sebentar ~5minit, tak perlu sampai licin.
4. Tutup dgn kain lembab/plastic & rihatkan 15 minit (must do).
5. Uli sehingga licin ~2minit.
6. Bahagikan doh ~40 ketul.
7. Canai seketul doh berbentuk bujur spt pear, toreh di atas nya, letak inti sardin & gulung spt foto di bawah.
8. Goreng sehingga garing.

9. Untuk sejuk-beku, bakar 180C selama 10 minit.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Bingka Kacang Hijau Kukus

 I had been craving for this Malay kuih and made it many times in the past using the recipe in here, which is my favourite recipe. I just don't need to try other recipe because it is very good already for my taste bud. However, I cannot stop the curiosity in me to try this other recipe that calls for tapioca flour... I imagined it must be chewy and sticky... The outcome was really surprising and I'm so glad that I did try it. The texture is soft and bouncy (just like mochi) and the taste is delicious with lovely aroma of coconut cream. It is gluten free so I could eat on and on without feeling any guilt!

By: Roz@HomeKreation
Source: MyResipi (modified)
Translated into English by HomeKreation
Yields: 8" round
320g boiled Green beans
200g Sugar
180g Tapioca Flour
50g Cornflour
200ml Coconut Cream
7 pcs Screwpine Leaves – blend with water to produce 75ml juice

1. In food processor, blend all ingredients (except green beans) until smooth.
Add in green beans and pulse blend and well mixed.
2. Grease and heat the pan.
3. Pour batter into the tin and steam 45 minutes until done.
4. Cool before slicing.

 Along and hubby suka sangat Bingka Kacang Hijau dan banyak kali dah buat guna resipi yg di kongsikan di sini dulu. Malas dah nak cuba resipi yg lain sebab dah puas hati dgn resepi yg itu. Tapi kan, curious pula nak cuba resepi yg ini sebab ia guna tepung ubi... dok terbayang mesti kenyal2 kan. Bila dah siap masak, tak sabar nak rasa.... aduhai sedap nyaaa.... memang kenyal tapi kenyal2 manja gitu dan tak melekat di jari.... lembut jer tak liat pun. Rasa nya pun cukup rasa lemak, harum kacang hijau dan lemak santan.

Jom kawan2 cuba buat... rugi tau kalau tak rasa.

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
Source: MyResipi (Along dah ubahsuai sedikit resepi)
Hasil: 8" bulat
320g Kacang Hijau (yg telah di rebus)
200g Gula
180g Tepung Ubi
50g Tepung Jagung
200ml Santan Pekat (kotak)
7 helai Daun Pandan – blend & hasilkan Pandan Jus 75ml

1. Masukkan kesemua bahan2 ke dalam food processor / blender (kecuali kacang hijau) blend sehingga sebati.
Masukkan kacang hijau & blend sebentar.
2. Masak dgn api kecil sehingga pekat (Along skip step ni).
3. Lenserkan Loyang dgn minyak dan panaskan sebentar.
4. Tuang adunan ke dlm Loyang & kukus 20 minit (Along kukus 45 minit).

5. Sejukkan sebelum di potong.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Bubur Asyura (Malay Assorted-Filled Pudding)

  It has been the tradition in Peninsular Malaysia to make this pudding (called as Bubur Asyura) during Muharram month to commemorate and replicate collaboration whereby individuals in the village will each brought one type of the ingredients and jointly cooked them into one giant wok. The events are not just fun but bring the neighborhood close with spirit of sharing and collaboration. Nowadays, the activity has become less common probably due to modern and busy life....

 It is hard to make this in a small portion due to varieties of ingredients required... a bit of each will add into a very big tray size. My mother used to make this every year at home in the past because all her children (including me) just love this pudding very much. As it is a big portion, it was an opportunity for us to share with neighbors and it has become an interesting custom of exchanging each other's pudding....!

  I've taken over my mother's role this year but it was a trial and error attempt... To my surprise I got two thumbs up from my mother.... LOL... so happy!

Baru siap masak.....

 Bulan Muharram sudah pun berlalu tapi kenangan tahun ini Along buat Bubur Asyura buat pertama kali nya..... Setiap tahun Emak yg buat tapi tahun ni Emak tak sihat jadi Along ambil alih. Bubur Asyura ada bermacam2 jenis... nama jer bubur tapi keras macam puding.... di panggil bubur sebab menggunakan bermacam2 bahan seperti ubi dan kekacang.

  Nak buat ni agak sukar.... setiap bahan perlu di masak satu-persatu sebelum di campur ke dalam adunan yang di masak seperti dodol yg perlu di kacau senantiasa. Memasak nya mesti pandai supaya betul2 masak dan tidak melekit di gigi. Adunan nya pula agak banyak sebab serba sedikit bahan2 yg bermacam akan menghasilkan adunan yg agak besar.... Nak buat perlukan kesabaran....

  Setiap keluarga ada resipi tersendiri dgn pilihan bahan2 yg di gemari. Ada yg suka berempah dan ada yg suka manis. Keluarga Along suka yg manis dan tidak terlalu banyak bahan. Yang ini cuma ada kacang hijau, kacang merah, jagung, keledek dan keladi. Paling istimewa ialah bedak topping tu.... beras pulut yg di sangai sehingga wangi dan di blend.

Dah pakai bedak....
 Bahan2 semua main agak2 jer.... stail orang tua2 dahulu.... beras di rendam semalaman dan blend dgn air secukup nya + gula pasir + santan + bahan2 yg di rebus terlebih dahulu + daun pandan.... kacau sehingga kental dan betul2 masak. Sorry ya kekawan takda resipi khusus kali ni.... sekadar nak berkongsi kisah Bubur Asyura. Kalau anda nak buat pun rasa nya tak berbaloi sebab agak remeh dan kuantiti kuih ni agak banyak.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Kuih Kundas

 Not many people know this kuih especially the later generation.... It is typically known as Kuih Kundas in my hometown although there are few other names like Cucur Kembung, Pak Tongkol, Kuih Bantal, etcs. My mother used to make them in a big batch using no precise measurements but the success was the dough riser sold in the next door groceries shop.... Nowadays, nobody knows what it the scientific name of the rising agent as it is obsolete.

 I tried making the same way that my mother did but using bicarbonate soda and the outcome was disappointing with hard texture. I gave it up ever since until recently when my eldest brother made a request for it again... so I decided to give this recipe a try which has many success feedback from the followers.... I was so thrilled with my attempt.... it turned out just the way I wanted it.... soft and fluffy with big air pockets which is perfect for stuffing peanut sauce.

By: Roz@HomeKreation
Source: MyR_Alma
Translated into English by HomeKreation
225g Flour
120g Sugar
1 tsp Soda Bikarbonat
110ml Water

1. Mix all ingredients until smooth, no kneading necessary.
Leave to rest 30 minutes, or keep overnight.
2. Divide dough into small portions and roll flat. Alternatively, roll flat the whole lot and slice into smaller pieces.
Use flour to dust when handling as the dough is a bit sticky.
3. Deep fry in pre-heated oil until fluffy and nice golden brown.
4. Serve with peanut sauce or curry gravy.

 Kuih Kundas ni kat Perak kita panggil "Kuih Kundeh", kat tempat lain macam2 nama Cucuq Kembung, Kuih Bantal, dll.... amat popular waktu Along kecik2, Emak selalu buat.... kalau buat kena buat banyak2 sebab anak2 ramai dan semua nya suka sangat makan ni.... kalau ada kuah kacang atau kari memang best cicah. Ada yang suka mencicah, ada gak yang suka belah tepi nya dan tuang kuah kacang ke dalam ruang yg kembung tu. Kuih ni walau pun kembung tapi nak yg berisi sedikit kena leperkan jangan terlalu nipis... kalau tidak jadi Roti Puri pulak nanti.

 Dulu2 Emak buat kuih ni guna 'Ibu Kuih' yg di beli kat kedai runcit depan rumah. Sekarang ni kalau tanya apa nama ibu kuih tu takda pula yg tau... ada yang kata 'Pontas' tapi kalau cari kat baking shop, tiada siapa yg tau lagi. Ada gak kita orang cuba ganti dgn bic soda tapi kuih tu jadi amat keras.... selepas tu Along pun dah give up nak cuba... sehingga lah baru2 ni abang Along nak sangat makan kuih ni.... baru tergerak hati nak mencuba resepi yg satu ni sebab ramai yg sudah mencuba dgn jaya nya. Mula2 tu ragu juga sebab resepi ni guna bic soda... tapi kalau tak cuba kita tak tau kan.... Selepas mencuba, alangkah gembira nya hati Along sebab kuih nya lembut, kembung dan bersarang di dalam nya.... sama seperti yg Emak buat dahulu! Alhamdulillah, semuga murah rezeki kepada Alma yg berkongsi resepi simple ni.

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
Source: MyR_Alma
Bilangan: ~sedozen
225g Tepung Gandum
120g Gula Halus
1 st Soda Bikarbonat
110ml Air

1. Gaul kesemua bahan2 sehingga sebati, tak perlu uli lama.
Perap selama 30 minit, atau semalaman pun boleh.
2. Bahagi2kan adunan dan leperkan ataupun gelekkkan kesemua nya dan potong2.
Adunan agak lembik, tabur tepung supaya tidak melekat di tangan.
3. Panaskan minyak yg banyak untuk menggoreng.
Goreng sehingga menggelembung dan angkat apabila kedua2 belah kuih berwarna keperangan.
4. Hidangkan dengan kuah kacang atau kari.

Friday, September 18, 2015

White Honeycomb Cake - Pak Thong Koh

I was very thrilled to see the outcome of my first trial of the kuih.... although it could have been better if my steamer didn't dry out half way. This kuih was so soft and very tasty as it uses coconut juice and most importantly is to achieve the desired look of honeycombs....! I will not be successful without a help from my FB friend who supplied the flour and guided me step by step on the making process.... such a lovely friend whom I only know from the Facebook.

Unfortunately I didn't manage to get the permission of the original owner to share the recipe in this blog. Hopefully she will respond to my request later.

Batter fully fermented, ready for steaming

  Seronok nya dapat merasa kuih ni.... dah lama teringin nak makan tapi tak pernah nampak orang Melayu jual kuih ni. Alhamulillah, dapat sahabat yg baik hati di alam maya yg sudi berkongsi resepi dgn Along, bahkan dapat tepung nya sekali dan penerangan terperinci cara2 nak buat.

 Syukur menjadi walaupun air kukusan terkering separuh jalan.... kalau tidak mungkin lebih cantik lagi sarang nya. Kuih ni lembut dan rasa nya sedap wangi sebab letak air kelapa.

 Buat masa ni Along tak dapat nak kongsikan resepi nya sebab masih menunggu tuan punya resepi asal beri izin... Harap2 dia jawab mesej Along tu....

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Bingka Telur Kastad

The women social group of this residence organized morning coffee ala pot-lucks. Since we are all from various nationalities, we were asked to bring our national specialties. Bingka is Malay specialty cake (kuih) so I thought it will be a good idea for this purpose. Coincidently I saw Sue posted the kuih while I was searching for idea... I like the kuih very much and so did the women.... It is easy to adapt to this kuih and in fact it doesn't require any mind twisting at all.... They all love it at first bite!

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
Source: SueNorman
Translated into English by HomeKreation
Size: 9" square
4 Eggs
150g Sugar
180g Flour
50g Custard Powder
1/2 small can Condensed Milk / Sweetened Creamer
400ml Thick Coconut Milk
200ml Milk
100g Melted Butter
Yellow Coloring (I skipped)
200ml Boiling Water

1. Beat egg & sugar, with wooden spoon, until sugar is dissolved.
Add in rest of the ingredients in the above order and stir well each addition.
2. Grease and line tin. Pour in mixture.
3. Bake 180C for 40 minutes using bottom heat and another 10 minutes with top heat.

 Bila Along tengok resepi Sue ni Along dah dapat bayangkan kesedapan nya.... Kebetulan memang nak buat bingka untuk bawa gi pot-luck. Pepagi lagi dah bangun nak buat kuih ni, nasib sempat juga siapkan untuk sarapan pagi dgn kawan2. Jadi cantik jer kuih ni.... tapi Along lak gatal pi grill 5 minit sebab nak extra garing.... tut2 terhitam pulak..... kikikiiii.... tapi hitam tu yg sedap harum tau!
Kuih ni sedang2 manis bagi Along.... tekstur nya amat lembut.... TQ Sue sharing resepi yg mabeles ni!
By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
Source: SueNorman
Saiz tin: 9" persegi
4 bj Telur
150g Gula Pasir
180g Tepung Gandum
50g Tepung Kastad
1/2 tin kecil Susu Manis
400ml Santan Pekat
200ml Susu Cair
100g Mentega Cair
Pewarna Kuning (Along tak letak)
200ml Air Mendidih
1. Kacau telur & gula dgn senduk kayu sehingga gula hancur.
Masukkan tepung, susu manis dan gaul sebati sambil di masukkan satu persatu.
Masukkan santan, susu dan air panas sambil di kacau.
(Adunan memang cair, jangan tambah tepung lagi tau)
2. Sapu loyang dgn mentega & di lapik kertas.
3. Bakar 180C selama 40 minit api bawah, 10 minit api atas.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Fried Stuffed Bean Curds (Tauhu Sumbat Goreng)

Delicious as side dish with rice or on its own as snack with tea....

By: Roz@HomeKreation
Serves 2 persons / 4 pieces
2 pieces Bean curds
1 tsp Chopped Big Onion
1 cloves Garlic - chopped
1 tsp Chopped Red Chili
1 tbsp Chopped Shrimps
1 tbsp Chopped Chicken
1 tbsp Chopped Turnips
1 tsp Oyster Sauce
Salt & Pepper
1 Egg

1. Deep fry the bean curds until skin slightly brown.
Cut each into triangles and cut a slit on the longest edge.
Carefully, spoon out the inner part, making hole for stuffing later.
Keep the inside of the bean curd that been spooned out.
2. Heat up 1 tbsp oil & stir-fry onion, garlic and chili until softened.
Add in chopped shrimps, chicken, turnips and the spooned bean curd.
Add in oyster sauce, salt & pepper.
3. Lightly beat egg, salt & pepper with fork.
4. Dip the stuffed bean curd in beaten egg and deep fry until lightly browned on all sides.
5. Serve with rice or enjoy dipped in chili sauce with tea.

Boleh di nikmati pada bila2 masa, cicah dengan sos cili atau pun sebagai lauk bersama nasi.

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
Hidangan untuk 2 orang / 4 ketul
2 ketul Tauhu
1 st Bwg Besar Cincang
1 ulas Bwg Putih Cincang
1 st Cili Merah Cincang
1 sb Udang Cincang
1 sb Ayam Cincang
1 sb Sengkuang Cincang
1 st Sos Tiram
Garam & Serbuk Lada
1 bj Telur

1. Goreng tauhu dgn minyak dalam sehingga sedikit garing di luar nya.
Potong setiap ketul kpd 2 bahagian berbentuk segi tiga.
Hati2 hiris di bahagian tengah dan korek isi tauhu.
2. Panaskan 1 sb minyak dan tumis bawang & cili sehingga layu.
Masukkan udang, ayam, sengkuang & isi tauhu.
Masukkan sos tiram, garam & serbuk lada.
3. Kocok telur, garam, lada dgn garfu dan celup tauhu sumbat.
4. Goreng tauhu dgn minyak dalam sehingga garing.
5. Hidangkan dgn sos cili sebagai snek atau sebagai lauk sampingan dgn nasi.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Cucur Cakar Keledek & Jagung (Sweet Potato Fritters) Again

 I enjoyed eating the fritters dipped in chili sauce.... I made it again but this time I used purple sweet potatoes and added some sweet corns.... it was definitely more delicious! Look at the photo below.... it has all the goodies in it and less flour, I love it very much but may not be suitable for those who hate vegetables!

Recipe was posted here but shared again to add in the additional ingredients.

By: Roz@HomeKreation
2 medium size Purple Sweet Potatoes (can be substituted with white/orange SP) 
1 Red Chili
1 Big Onion
1 bunch Chives
1 ear of Corn - remove kernels from the cob
Chinese Celery & Spring Onions - chopped 
2 Eggs
~1 scoop Flour

1. Peel & slice the sweet potatoes. Cut into a matchstick shape.
Slice chili, onion, chives.
2. Mix all ingredients in a bowl.
3. Heat up oil for deep frying and scoop batter into it.
Fry until crispy.
4. Serve with chili sauce.

 Buat lagi kuih cucur keledek yang sedap ni.... kali ni Along guna keledek ungu dan masukkan jagung juga..... walaaa memang sedap sangat pada tekak sendiri.... cicah dgn sos cili yg sedap.... tak sedor abis semangkuk cucur....heheee

Resepi dah share kat sini dulu tapi Along letak lagi sekali sebab nak update bahan2 nya...

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
2 bj Keledek Ungu (keledek putih/oren pun ok) - hiris/sagat bentuk btg mancis 
1 bj Cili Merah*
1 bj Bwg Besar*
Sedikit Kucai*
Daun Bwg/Sup* (* hiris) 
1 btg Jagung - hiris biji jagungnya
2 bj Telur
~1 senduk Tepung Gandum

1. Gaul kesemua bahan2 sehingga sebati.
2. Sudukan ke dlm minyak panas dan goreng sehingga garing.
3. Hidangkan dgn cili sos.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Pie Tee

 I made this specially for Marhabban late night supper recently. It is light and therefore suitable for snacks and fun munching at late night mingling.... Some of the guests were so delighted to see it and a big portion of it cleared that night! Nice to see new acquaintances helped themselves with it without much persuasion...

The recipe is courtesy of my sister's MIL. I tried it last week during her Idh open house and I love the simple vegetable filling and that gave me the idea for my Marhabban  menu.

The last time I used my pie tie mold was about 15 years ago.... hahaaa.... luckily I didn't lose it during the house move.... so glad managed to put it into use again.

By: Roz@HomeKreation
Yields ~72 pieces
1 cup Rice Flour
½ cup Flour
1 Egg
1 cup Water
¼ tsp Lime Water

1. Mix well all ingredients and sieve.
2. Heat oil for deep frying and heat up the pie tee mold in it.
Dip the mold in batter until well coated and quickly.
Lift out the pastry from the mold as soon as it is firm up and fry until golden color.
3. Keep in air tight container until needed.
4. Serve with vegetable filling and chili sauce soon before serving.

Carrot and Turnip - shred finely
Fried Bean Curd - slice into tiny cubes
Dried Shrimps - blend and pan roasted

- Mix and serve into pie tee shells with chili sauce

Pie Tee molds
 Nak buat kulit Pie Tee ni perlukan kesabaran.... Along rasa senang lagi buat kek lapis kot, takdalah lenguh kaki tangan camni. Tapi sebab dah nekad nak buat ni untuk menu marhabban, kita pun rajinkan diri.... Along rasa berbaloi juga lah buat dia sebab kuih ni memang laku bila di hidangkan. Kuih ni ringan jadi orang pun tak takut nak makan banyak, lagi pun memang mengasyikkan tak sedor lima ketoi dah Along telan sekali hadap..... heheheee....

Resipi ni  Along dapat dari MIL sister Along sewaktu rumah terbuka minggu lepas. Syok betul makan waktu
tu, terus minta resepi nak buat untuk menu marhabban rumah Along.... waktu tu pula belum ada idea nak buat apa untuk menu. Orang surau dah pesan jangan hidangkan menu berat sebab lawatan pada lewat malam, memang sesuai lah menu Pie Tee ni sebab ia nya cukup ringan dan tidak terlampau mengenyangkan.

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
Bilangan: ~72 ketul
1 cwn Tepung Beras
½ cwn Tepung Gandum
1 bj Telur
1 cwn Air
¼ st Air Kapur

1. Campurkan kesemua bahan2 sehingga sebati (boleh juga guna blender tapi Along gaul dgn whisker jer) dan tapis.
2. Panaskan minyak di dalam periuk kecil atau besen yang dalam.
Rendam acuan Pie Tee di dalam minyak sehingga tembaga nya panas dan celupkan ke dalam bancuhan tepung sehingga menyaluti acuan.
Rendam acuan yg bersalut tepung ke dalam minyak panas dan tanggalkan dengan lidi, kadang2 ia akan tertanggal sendiri. 
Angkat pastri yg telah garing keperangan dan toskan di atas kertas tisu dapur.
3. Simpan di dalam bekas kedap udara sehingga  di perlukan.
4. Hidangkan dengan inti dan sos di dalam bekas yg berasingan.
Isikan isi dan sos apabila di kehendakki supaya kulit pie tee kekal rangup ketika di nikmati.

Karot dan Sengkuang - parut halus
Tahu Goreng - potong kecil
Udang Kering - blend dan sangai 
- Gaul dan hidangkan
- Tuang cili sos sewaktu di hidangkan.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Cucur Cakar Keledek (Sweet Potato Fritters)

 Nice and simple way to enjoy sweet potato....turn them into fritters and serve for morning or afternoon tea... I made this for supper served with coffee to enjoy with my sisters after tarawikh session last month.

By: Roz@HomeKreation
2 medium size Orange Sweet Potatoes (can be substituted with white/purple SP) 
1 Red Chili
1 Big Onion
1 bunch Chives
Chinese Celery & Spring Onions - chopped 
2 Eggs
~1 scoop Flour

1. Peel & slice the sweet potatoes. Cut into a matchstick shape.
Slice chili, onion, chives.
2. Mix all ingredients in a bowl.
3. Heat up oil for deep frying and scoop batter into it.
Fry until crispy.
4. Serve with chili sauce.

Alhamdulillah, rezeki keledek oren dari seorang sahabat di bulan ramadhan.... Along buat Cucur Cakar Keledek ni makan ramai2 kat rumah sisters... Selepas tarawikh, goreng makan panas2 dgn kopi.... memang licin walaupun makan lewat malam!

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
2 bj Keledek Oren (keledek putih/ungu pun ok) - hiris bentuk btg mancis 
1 bj Cili Merah*
1 bj Bwg Besar*
Sedikit Kucai*
Daun Bwg/Sup* (* hiris) 
2 bj Telur
~1 senduk Tepung Gandum

1. Gaul kesemua bahan2 sehingga sebati.
2. Sudukan ke dlm minyak panas dan goreng sehingga garing.
3. Hidangkan dgn cili sos.