Showing posts with label Paris Exhibition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paris Exhibition. Show all posts

John Giorno in Almine Rech Gallery

John Giorno - LIFE IS A KILLER

Pour son exposition à la galerie Almine Rech, John Giorno a choisi de présenter un ensemble de dessins inédits ainsi que plusieurs peintures dont l’une d’elles, We Gave A Party For the Gods fut récemment montrée au Centre Georges Pompidou dans l’exposition "Traces du sacré".

L’exposition sera également composée de deux vidéos Welcoming The Flowers et Down Comes The Rain dans lesquelles le poète-performeur se met en scène.

From January, 10 2009 till March 7, 2009 at Galerie Almine Rech, 19 rue de Saintonge, 75003 Paris - France

'Dans la nuit, des images' [Images in the night]

From December 18 to 31, 2008 the exhibition “Dans la nuit, des images” (Images in the night) at the Grand Palais in Paris, France, presents a panorama of European audiovisual and multimedia creation.

Around 130 artists exhibit videos, movies, photos. Among them: Bill Viola, Michael Snow, William Kentridge, Charles Sandison, Anri Sala, Robert Wilson, Nam Juin Paik, William Klein, Chris Marker, Rosemary Trockel, Christian Marclay, Ryoji Ikeda, Liu, Fortuné, Grasso, legendary animators Hannah and Barbera (creators of The Flintstones and The Jetsons), the world's oldest working filmmaker Manoel de Oliveira, who just turned 100 etc.

Dans la nuit, des images” includes some 140 works, representing 10 years of contemporary creation from the 27 European Union member states and numerous other countries.

“A selection of iconic works using light projection - photographs, films, videos, digital imagery and interactive installations from plasma screens to giant projections - will document the technological innovations that have become part of artistic creation over the past ten years.” (press release).

The works are projected onto the floor and walls, on screens and onto the huge glass roof and facade of the Grand Palais.“Dans la nuit, des images” is staged by the Ministry of Culture and Communication in partnership with Le Fresnoy - National Studio for Contemporary Arts.

Dans la nuit, des images“, Grand Palais, Paris / France. December 19, 2008. Video by Christophe Ecoffet.

Vernissage TV

3 Winners of 2 Major Modern Art Awards During the Modern Art Week in Paris

Video: FIAC 2007 [Paris International Contemporary Art Fair] opening

As usual, two major French modern art awards: Duchamp Award and the Ricard Company Foundation Award were dedicated during the October "Modern Art Week" in Paris when lots of modern art fairs and events are taking a place.

The seventh Duchamp Award designed by modern art collectors association, ADIAF (Association for Intl. Distribution of French Art), in partnership with the Pompidou Center and the FIAC, has been dedicated to Tatiana Trouvé, born on 1968 in Italy and living in Paris (represented by Galerie Almine Rech).

The awards include 35,000 euros, publication of a catalog by the Pompidou Center and privilege to expose her works for two months in L'Espace 315 in the Beaubourg on Spring 2008.

The Ricard Company Foundation Award is dedicated by a collectors panel to two artists from Marseille, Christophe Berdaguer (born on 1968) and Mary Péjus (born on 1969) (represented by Galerie Martine Aboucaya) for their installation Dreamland / Disappear Here (2007).

Purchased for 15,000 euros, it will be offered to the Pompidou Center, which will exhibit this sculpture in its permanent collection. Until November 17, 2007, this piece will be exposed at the Foundation Ricard, 12, rue Boissy d'Anglas as part of the exhibition "Drift" (designed by Mathieu Mercier).

FIAC 2007 Opened Last Night at the Cour Carée of the Louvre Museum

A day before nationwide strikes, the Paris International Contemporary Art Fair, 34th FIAC opened with the Minister of Culture of the right-wing Sarkozy's government, Madame Christine Albanel (picture above)....

and works by artist from all over the world...

Nicolas Sarkozy by Martin Le Chevallier presented by Maisonneuve gallery

The FIAC 2007 exposing galleries at the COUR CARRÉE DU LOUVRE are:
Martine Aboucaya Paris • Aidan Moscou • Aliceday Bruxelles • Annex14 Bern • Art : concept Paris • Atelier Cardenas Bellanger Paris • Anne Barrault Paris • Isabella Bortolozzi Berlin • ChemouldPrescott Road Mumbai • ColletPark Paris • John Connelly Presents New York • Cortex Athletico Bordeaux • Cosmic Paris • Dvir Tel-Aviv • Frank Elbaz Paris • F A Projects Londres • Dominique Fiat Paris • Enrico Fornello Prato • Foxy Production New York • Galerie de Multiples Paris • Gb agency Paris • Frédéric Giroux Paris • Laurent Godin Paris • Marat Guelman Moscou • Alain Gutharc Paris • Eva Hober Paris • Hollybush Gardens Londres • I-20 Gallery New York • Galerie Grita Insam Vienne • In SITU Fabienne Leclerc Paris • Juliette Jongma Amsterdam • Jousse Entreprise Paris • Iris Kadel Karlsruhe • KBK Mexico • Johann König Berlin • Nicolas Krupp Bâle • La B.A.N.K Paris • La Blanchisserie Boulogne-Billancourt • Layr Wuestenhagen Contemporary Vienne • Florence Loewy Paris • Loevenbruck Paris • Lumen Travo Amsterdam • Maisonneuve Paris • Martinethibaultdelachâtre Paris • Kamel Mennour Paris • Francesca Minini Milan • Gabrielle Maubrie Paris • Motive Amsterdam • Nature Morte/Bose Pacia New Delhi/ New York • NoguerasBlanchard Barcelone • Nosbaum & Reding Luxembourg • Parker’s Box New York • Polaris Paris • ProjectSD Barcelone • Raster Varsovie • Almine Rech Paris • Michel Rein Paris • Re:voir / The Film Gallery Paris • Ronmandos Amsterdam • Schleicher+Lange Paris • Shanghart Shanghai • Nils Staerk Copenhague • Diana Stigter Amsterdam • T293 Naples • Suzanne Tarasiève Paris • The Breeder Athènes • Aline Vidal Paris • Nadja Vilenne Liège • Nicola Von Senger Zürich • Max Wigram Londres • Jocelyn Wolff Paris • Hiromi Yoshii Tokyo • Zero Milan • Zinger Presents Amsterdam • Martin van Zomeren Amsterdam
FIAC 2007 : OCTOBER 18th – OCTOBER 22th 2007

Pierre René-Worms photo exhibit tribute to Ian Curtis tomorrow at Agnes B. stores

Just few weeks before the long awaited Paris release of Ian Curtis biopic Control by Anton Corbijn (watch the video trailer below), Agnés B. launches tomorrow (September, 12) the Joy Division photo exhibit at her store in the Les Halles district where the pictures were actually taken 28 years ago by Pierre René-Worms (see the invitation above).

This was on December 18, 1979, the day of the Joy Division concert in the Bains-Douches (CD of this concert was released on 2001) which was performed in almost empty auditorium.
It was Ian Curtis' first and last visit to Paris. Five months later, on May 18, 1980, at age 24, he committed suicide.

Joy Division photo exhibit at Agnes B. store, 3 and 6 rue du Jour 75001 Paris, Metro: Les Halles until October 6, 2007.
See these exposed pictures by Pierre René-Worms at

video: Ian Curtis biopic Control by Anton Corbijn (trailer)