Showing posts with label Paris. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paris. Show all posts

FIAC 2007 Opened Last Night at the Cour Carée of the Louvre Museum

A day before nationwide strikes, the Paris International Contemporary Art Fair, 34th FIAC opened with the Minister of Culture of the right-wing Sarkozy's government, Madame Christine Albanel (picture above)....

and works by artist from all over the world...

Nicolas Sarkozy by Martin Le Chevallier presented by Maisonneuve gallery

The FIAC 2007 exposing galleries at the COUR CARRÉE DU LOUVRE are:
Martine Aboucaya Paris • Aidan Moscou • Aliceday Bruxelles • Annex14 Bern • Art : concept Paris • Atelier Cardenas Bellanger Paris • Anne Barrault Paris • Isabella Bortolozzi Berlin • ChemouldPrescott Road Mumbai • ColletPark Paris • John Connelly Presents New York • Cortex Athletico Bordeaux • Cosmic Paris • Dvir Tel-Aviv • Frank Elbaz Paris • F A Projects Londres • Dominique Fiat Paris • Enrico Fornello Prato • Foxy Production New York • Galerie de Multiples Paris • Gb agency Paris • Frédéric Giroux Paris • Laurent Godin Paris • Marat Guelman Moscou • Alain Gutharc Paris • Eva Hober Paris • Hollybush Gardens Londres • I-20 Gallery New York • Galerie Grita Insam Vienne • In SITU Fabienne Leclerc Paris • Juliette Jongma Amsterdam • Jousse Entreprise Paris • Iris Kadel Karlsruhe • KBK Mexico • Johann König Berlin • Nicolas Krupp Bâle • La B.A.N.K Paris • La Blanchisserie Boulogne-Billancourt • Layr Wuestenhagen Contemporary Vienne • Florence Loewy Paris • Loevenbruck Paris • Lumen Travo Amsterdam • Maisonneuve Paris • Martinethibaultdelachâtre Paris • Kamel Mennour Paris • Francesca Minini Milan • Gabrielle Maubrie Paris • Motive Amsterdam • Nature Morte/Bose Pacia New Delhi/ New York • NoguerasBlanchard Barcelone • Nosbaum & Reding Luxembourg • Parker’s Box New York • Polaris Paris • ProjectSD Barcelone • Raster Varsovie • Almine Rech Paris • Michel Rein Paris • Re:voir / The Film Gallery Paris • Ronmandos Amsterdam • Schleicher+Lange Paris • Shanghart Shanghai • Nils Staerk Copenhague • Diana Stigter Amsterdam • T293 Naples • Suzanne Tarasiève Paris • The Breeder Athènes • Aline Vidal Paris • Nadja Vilenne Liège • Nicola Von Senger Zürich • Max Wigram Londres • Jocelyn Wolff Paris • Hiromi Yoshii Tokyo • Zero Milan • Zinger Presents Amsterdam • Martin van Zomeren Amsterdam
FIAC 2007 : OCTOBER 18th – OCTOBER 22th 2007

Absolutely Fabulous Paris Fashion Week Frenzy

The highest priest of French fashion TV shows from Canal + , Mademoiselle Agnès (L) and moi(R)

Entrance to the Petit Palais today, before the runway presentation by Requiem

The Fashion (same as Aquagym, for instance), seems to be an exclusive woman's religion : you should see today those worried and deadly-serious faces of young anorexic fashionistas, freelance fashion journalists and frantic garment buyers in love with their jobs, before the runway presentation by Requiem (a label by Raffaele Boriello and Julien Desselle) !
Are they gonna manage, after an hour of waiting and all that humiliation from the security guards, to finally enter the temple of the immortal frivolity and bubble consumerism ?
I was amused like being on an Absolutely Fabulous set and curious about the outcome like an atheist in a crowed of the fanatical believers.
Watch a part of an Absolutely Fabulous episode below, you will LOL :/
"You have a class of young strong men and women, and they want to give their lives to something.
Advertising has these people chasing cars and clothes they don't need.
Generations have been working in jobs they hate, just so they can buy what they don't really need.
We have to show these men and women freedom by enslaving them, and show their courage by frightening them." Chuck Palahniuk , FIGHT CLUB

The Court - Circuit Fashion, Design & Art Fair in Marais

Yesterday at Court - Circuit, "the fair of the creation" at l'Espace des Blancs Manteaux, (September 28 - 30,2007), I've found several interesting objects:

Interactive Lightning Wall Pictures a.k.a. Creadocs by Made In HL

Various accessories by ChinArt

B/W photographies and printed In Dog We Trust dollars by Egor All

Lamps made from computer chips by Alain Vilatou (AVLumen)

The coat by unknown designer (forgot to ask her name)

Lots of Tibetan Events This Weekend

Today, Sunday, 23 September 2007, is the second day of 8th Tibet Culture Festival
at Grande Pagode du Bois de Vincennes, 40 route circulaire du Lac Daumesnil 75012 Paris , Metro Porte Dorée See the map and complete schedule here

Out of this festival, on Friday I was on the concert of sublime Tibetan singer Namgyal Lhamo at l'Archipel (my video from this concert is coming soon) and on the same evening on 8th Tibet Culture Festival , another great Tibetan artist, Loten Namling was performing on the other side of the town, at Grande Pagode du Bois de Vincennes. Here is one of his recent videos:

To stay updated with Tibetan events in Paris and help Tibetan people go to France Tibet Association and Tibet Info


If you speak French and missed yesterday my favorite daily talk show on France 3 TV, "Ce soir ou jamais" (Tonight Or Never) hosted by Frederic Tadei with a topic "What does it mean to be a boss?" (hint on the ubiquitous new French president) with a rare and precious appearance of the philosopher Regis Debray, don't forget to watch whole show on line here: (video above is a part of this talk show).

Read the article from Le Monde (also in French) about the new book by Regis Debray "The Democratic Obscenity".

Take a look at Régis Debray's website and subscribe to his quarterly magazine MEDIUM which is a part of the MEDIOLOGIE

Video Interview with Armand Hadida

Video: My interview with Armand Hadida in the bar of his newest L'Eclaireur at 8-10 rue Boissy d’Anglas, 75008 Paris.

More at:

Pierre René-Worms photo exhibit tribute to Ian Curtis tomorrow at Agnes B. stores

Just few weeks before the long awaited Paris release of Ian Curtis biopic Control by Anton Corbijn (watch the video trailer below), Agnés B. launches tomorrow (September, 12) the Joy Division photo exhibit at her store in the Les Halles district where the pictures were actually taken 28 years ago by Pierre René-Worms (see the invitation above).

This was on December 18, 1979, the day of the Joy Division concert in the Bains-Douches (CD of this concert was released on 2001) which was performed in almost empty auditorium.
It was Ian Curtis' first and last visit to Paris. Five months later, on May 18, 1980, at age 24, he committed suicide.

Joy Division photo exhibit at Agnes B. store, 3 and 6 rue du Jour 75001 Paris, Metro: Les Halles until October 6, 2007.
See these exposed pictures by Pierre René-Worms at

video: Ian Curtis biopic Control by Anton Corbijn (trailer)

Visiting New l'Eclaireur's 600 m2 space in the 8ème yesterday

I took this photo of the l'Eclaireur's black van with printed Fornasetti patterns, yesterday in the front of the super sharp and sophisticated store, bar and restaurant L'Eclaireur at 8-10 rue Boissy d’Anglas (next door to the Buddha Bar).

Go to the Rue Boissy d’Anglas and have a dinner in this brand new Fornasetti temple owned by Armand & Martine Hadida, you won't regret it - everything here is breathtaking and so ultra holychic. The only other time I had this feeling was in Venice.
Soon: Video-interview with Mr. Hadida at

New Hotel by Lacroix: Hôtel le Bellechasse

Upside: Ultra cool artsy ambiance. Finally a new Parisian hot-spot de luxe which is not designed with 90's minimalistic codes or by smothered "Plastic-Surgeon-From-16ème" flat decoration mold. Lacroix is here so over the top that you might find yourself searching for a White Rabbit after visiting the third room of the hotel.

Downside: Some rooms are so small. Lack of daylight. Does an old-fashioned bathtub in the middle of the tiny room with a low ceiling represent the playful imagination of the couturier or it's just prosaic result of space lacking? Read more at:

Hôtel le Bellechasse

Opening date: July 25, 2007

Watch the Video of the Hotel Bellechasse with the coments in French

by VG

Paris In a Bike Frenzy

What? Living in Paris and still don't have your own bike?! Then take a ride on Velib, catch the Urban Cab bicycle, watch the Tour de France or go to see the exhibit Joy Ride at & watch more at

Photo: by Denis T