Showing posts with label Buddhism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Buddhism. Show all posts

Lots of Tibetan Events This Weekend

Today, Sunday, 23 September 2007, is the second day of 8th Tibet Culture Festival
at Grande Pagode du Bois de Vincennes, 40 route circulaire du Lac Daumesnil 75012 Paris , Metro Porte Dorée See the map and complete schedule here

Out of this festival, on Friday I was on the concert of sublime Tibetan singer Namgyal Lhamo at l'Archipel (my video from this concert is coming soon) and on the same evening on 8th Tibet Culture Festival , another great Tibetan artist, Loten Namling was performing on the other side of the town, at Grande Pagode du Bois de Vincennes. Here is one of his recent videos:

To stay updated with Tibetan events in Paris and help Tibetan people go to France Tibet Association and Tibet Info

Buddhism and Quantum Physics

"I try to show the common ground between Buddhist philosophy and quantum physics. There is a surprising parallelism between the philosophical concept of reality articulated by Nagarjuna and the physical concept of reality implied by quantum physics.

***Photo by courtesy of Christian Thomas Kohl (Nagarjuna statue at Samye Ling Monastery)***

For neither is there a fundamental core to reality; rather, reality consists of systems of interacting objects. Such concepts of reality cannot be reconciled with the substantial, subjective, holistic or instrumentalistic concepts of reality that underlie modern modes of thought. " Read more in English : Buddhism and Quantum Physics: A Strange Parallelism of Two Concepts of Reality by Christian Thomas Kohl (Published in: Contemporary Buddhism, Volume 8, Issue 1 May 2007)

" Il y a un parallélisme surprenant entre le concept philosophique de la réalité de Nagarjuna et le concept physique de la réalité de la physique quantique.
Pour les deux la réalité fondamentale ne repose pas sur un noyau dur mais sur des systèmes d’éléments mutuels et interdépendants.
Ces concepts de réalité sont incompatibles avec les concepts substantiels, subjectifs, holistes et instrumentalistes qui sont le fondement des manières de pensée du monde moderne. " Lire article complete en français : Bouddhisme et Physique quantique, Un étrange parallélisme entre deux concepts de la réalité par Christian Thomas Kohl

Video: Quantum Mechanics for Dummies