The noticeboard in Gate House Garden (opposite Hand and Flower) has two posters for Ham Fair, one of the main event and one for the dog show, and I am interested in the differences between them.
I mentioned previously when discussing the banners that I thought the text for "Ham Fair" was too small and it looks as though the producer of the Dog Show poster agrees with me and while they have copied the format of the main poster they have enlarged the text and image. It is an improvement but the text is still too small for the image.
Having already dissected the banner I do not want to dwell on the posters, other than to say that I think that the main one is too busy (no one is going to go to the Fait just because it has vintage vehicle) and the Dog Show one does not shout :Dog Show" loudly enough.
All criticisms aside, it is good to see posters for the Fair in such a prominent position and they are good enough for what they are there to do.