Showing posts with label forbes_house. Show all posts
Showing posts with label forbes_house. Show all posts

25 February 2021

Blackout lifted

Like it or loath it there is no denying that Forbes House is one of the most prominent buildings on Ham Common. In 2014 the then owners his the house behind ugly black panels which I do not think anyone liked the look of. 

The new owners (presumably, it was on the market) have different views and have removed the panels making the impressive facade of the house visible again.

11 December 2016

Dragon through the trees

I have walked along Ham Common and past Forbes House countless times and still I was surprised to see this dragon today. It is on the outhouse to the right of the main house.

It may be that the metal structure that it is on has some practicable purpose and the dragon is there to add decoration but this is not clear as there are flaws with both options, the structure has no obvious purpose and whimsical design is out of keeping with the rest of the fairly austere house.

This view is only available at this time of the year when the many trees around it are devoid of leaves.

I walked a little along the road to get a view without the trees in the way and the only one is this from almost dead in front which is very different as it hides the majesty of the wings.

4 July 2014

Blackout at Forbes House

The owners of Forbes House, the faux mansion on Ham Common, take their privacy seriously, as I discovered when I visited their garden last year. They have now made it even more private by blacking out the front gates.

6 June 2013

Forbes House on Ham Common

I suspect that this is the garden that most people were most interested in seeing in Ham Open Gardens 2013 so it is a shame that photography was politely banned and that a few burly men with earpieces were there to see the rules enforced. I was asked to stop taking photos after taking this one but I was not asked to delete it (that has happened to me in theatres) so I argue that it is reasonable to share it.

The garden was ordered geometrically with  lawns, borders, paths and ponds dividing the garden up in to sections each with its own purpose and beauty.

2 January 2013

Christmas Penguins

I have not paid much attention to Christmas decorations this year because of the combination of almost constant rain and a bout of flu but these magnificent penguin could not go unnoticed or unreported.

Anyone walking along the south-side of Ham Common cannot have failed to see them standing proudly at the entrance to Forbes House.

20 February 2009

Forbes House

Forbes House is hardly my favourite building on Ham Common because it is too fake and too brash for its surroundings but its position, size and grandeur means that it warrants a closer look. Shown here out of context it looks respectable.

And it is worth taking an even closer look at the porch to reveal the sumptuous decoration of the pillars, door and roof.

11 April 2008

Forbes House

Forbes House was, until recently, the newest addition to the grand houses on Ham Common but now it has been upstaged in newness and appearance by its next door neighbour.

Forbes House is impressive in scale but it does not look right for its setting, the brick is much lighter than its comparable neighbours and it is also a little too fussy. Neighbours Langham House and Gordon House are both much more attractive.

8 April 2008

New trees at Forbes House

While the new trees that are being planted in Great South Avenue are fairly modest in size those that have just arrived at Forbes House are so big that it took a fork-lift truck to get them out of the lorry and Craig Road had to be completely closed while the delivery took place.