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Prévia e Links:
1. A Gentle Touch; 2. Arista 2.0; 3. Cupid de Locke; 4. Zebra; 5. Always on my heart; 6. Delius Swash Caps; 7. Disko; 8. Austie Bost Kitten Klub; 9. Airplanes in the night sky; 10. elizajane; 11. Sliced Juice; 12. Stefanie Dots; 13. Singer Mears; 14. Bubblegum; 15. Candy Cane; 16. Heart Shapes; 17. Sachiko;
24. Rilakkuma 25. Janda Celebration Script; 26. Berkshire Swash (vá ao googlewebfonts, procure pela fonte, clique em add to collection e faça como disse acima ou como nesse turtorial); 27. Kaileen;
28. Beautiful Every Time 29. Fiolex Girls; 30. Sweet Pie; 31. Billo Dream; 32. Black Rose; 33. KatzCatz; 34. That's Font Folks!; 35. Bows and Boots; 36. Carrington; 37. Cheeky Rabbit; 38. Kinkee;
39. Kittyspoon; 40. Walt Disney; 41. Coneria Script; 42. Kokeshi Kawaii; 43. Rainy hearts; 44.Xiomara; 45. Little Days; 46. Monkeybutt; 47. Patchwork Letter; 48. Pinneapples don't have sleeves;
49. PixopopKawaiiGirls; 50. Kawaii eyes.
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