I didn’t have time to plant these Purslane into festive pots so I placed each pot into a ceramic pepper meant for dips. Worked out just fine in a pinch. Purslane is an herb that contains Omega-3 fatty acids so it would be helpful to get to know this plant. You can find lots of recipes online and it’s super easy to grow.
Next, I chose Masterpiece disposable plates (www.wna.biz) that look like china. They are pretty and strong enough to handle outdoor fare. I also used silver colored cutlery from Reflections which provided something a little fancier than picnic paper goods. (I got them both at Costco.)
Setting out pillows, cushions, umbrellas and lighting citronella candles and torches help to keep things cozy and comfortable. We also set up some electric fans to help cool off our guests and help keep the smoke from the grill out of everyone’s eyes.
We first start out the meal with grilled fry bread. So delicious. (You can find the recipe at http://www.barbecuebible.com/featured/bbqu/bbq_u_grilled_fry_bread.php. by Steven Raichlen, a BBQ genius.) We serve this with hummus, soft spreadable cheeses and a brie. This is always a hit and not too difficult to make. You can make this ahead of time but be sure to cover each one with damp paper towels and plastic wrap so it stays moist until it is time to grill.
Next, we use the rosemary from our garden to make a Tuscan rosemary and garlic chicken. My husband discovered this recipe as a child while on a trip to Italy with his family when their tour bus broke down and they took refuge at a monastery on a hill.
We also grilled some flank steaks marinated in Italian dressing.
It is always good to serve all the summer salads you can while the picking is good. If guests ask “what can we bring?”, then ask them to bring their favorite salads. People won’t ask it they don’t want to help. My motto is “Always take help when offered!” Of course one of my favorite salads can be found on this blog dated August 23, 2011. Check it out.
Also, corn is especially good when you split the husk, pull it down but not completely off the ear, take out the silk, pull the husk back over the corn, soak it in water for half an hour and then grill. Once it’s cooked (turning often only a few minutes) pull the husk back off and coat with lime juice and sprinkle with chili powder.
Lastly, I made some Red, White and Blue Dessert Squares (a recipe I found on Cooks.com) which incorporates raspberries and blueberries and tastes old fashioned according to my daughter. I think she liked them.
We served lemonade, sweet tea, cucumber and mint infused water, beer and wine (which most of the guests happily provided).
A Garden Party is a special time with special people. It’s a chance to hide away from our daily struggles and venture back into a simpler time. Try having just one in your yard this summer and create an experience to remember.