Showing posts with label Burns. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Burns. Show all posts

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Essential Oils and Burns

My husband Robert and I were making dinner in the kitchen. I had my back turned when he pulled the steak out of the 450 degree oven and placed it on the center eye of the stove. I filled my pan with the vegetables I had cut up and turned to place it on the stove. I saw the cast iron pan sitting on the stove and without thinking I grabbed it with my left hand to move it over to the side.

I screamed and started crying. My whole hand was burnt and I knew what was coming next. Blisters, swelling and skin damage. Robert saw what had happened and told me he was taking me to the emergency room.

No, I didn't want to sit there for hours and hours with no treatment or relief. My friend had gone there recently and had to wait 8 hours to be seen. I wasn’t doing that. But I knew I had to act fast.
I quickly opened my essential oils reference book. It’s a contemporary guide to the therapeutic use of essential oils. I happened to have it on the kitchen table that day.

I could hardly see through my tears but I turned the pages until I found the information that would help me.

Lavender, Melaleuca, Peppermint, Geranium, Helichrysum and Roman Chamomile. I asked Robert to call my friend Kelly who lives down the street to see if she had Lavender, Helichrysum, Roman Chamomile and Geranium. I had just run out of Lavender but had Melaleuca and Peppermint.

I started treating my hand with the two oils that I had while Robert ran down the street for the others. Kelly didn't have Roman Chamomile either but that was okay. She did have Lavender, Geranium and Helichrysum. It’s always good to have a neighbor who uses essential oils just in case!

Robert came back quickly with the other oils and I started rubbing all 5 onto my hand. Two drops each every 20 minutes for 5 applications total.

The discomfort dulled but didn’t go away. My hand was red but hadn’t started to blister yet. We waited. I went to bed that night still being conscious of my burnt left hand.

When I woke the next morning the skin on my hand was tight. I just knew I’d have blisters on my fingers and the middle of my palm but no.

My hand was red but had no apparent skin damage. The skin on my hand was tight and very dry but that’s it.

I applied the salve that Kelly had made for me a couple of weeks before. (I’ll post that on my next entry.) I did that all day long. My hand didn’t look burnt at all. I had a little skin damage on my finger tips and when I put my hand on my cheek my hand felt hot.

photo credit: CK Worley

The next day my hand was back to normal.
Would I recommend not seeing a doctor for a bad burn? No. You never know and you don’t want to take a chance but I decided against it.
I was glad for Robert who believed enough in me and in the oils - allowing me to use my intuition instead of insisting on going to the ER. I am grateful for Kelly who had the oils I didn’t and who made the salve that I used all through the next day. I’m happy that I had my essential oils and the presence of mind to use them.

“People who are unfamiliar with essential oils might see them as voodoo or quackery because there’s not much scientific validation yet. The research is coming slowly gaining momentum as our Western society realizes the value of natural products.” Nicole Stevens is a member of a Scientific Advisory Board.

Want to learn more? Please contact me at for information on how you can get these essential oils for 25% off retail price.