Showing posts with label Butterfly Bush. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Butterfly Bush. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

A visit to past blog posts - Astilbe, Butterfly Bush, Gladiola, Red Shrimp Plant, Coleus

Look what just started blooming at Setters Run. My butterfly bush! It has really gotten big and will attract lots of bees and butterflies. I wrote about my butterfly garden on this blog site dated 7/9/11. I’m very happy with the way this garden turned out.

I posted a blog on 10/16/11 about the Astilbes that I had planted. Well, they have finally started to show some color. It took a while. They looked pretty weak last year but now they are getting bigger and brighter. I hope they will continue on this path of lovely beauty. Great shade plant by the way.

On April 16 of this year I talked about volunteering at Smith Gilbert Gardens on my Facebook page. We were planting Coleus that day and after work we were able to bring some of the extras home. Here is where I planted mine. This is Grandmother Worleys old wash tub. We set it in the front of the house by the tree swing. I think it looks great.

Remember when I posted photos of the Golden Shrimp Plant on my 7/26/11 blog? I knew the plant wouldn’t last through the winter but I loved it anyway. They don’t like the temperature to get below 55 degrees in the winter and that’s more like South Florida weather where my sister lives. I found some Red Shrimp Plants and added them to my butterfly garden in 2012. Low and behold, they came back this year! Boy, was I surprised.

I also found a bag of 6 coral Gladiola bulbs at Big Lots for a dollar and really never expected much out of them. I am so happy I planted them where I did. The coral flowers match the Encore Azalea bushes we planted in the front. They are beautiful flowers.

How do you make a black wire gate look better? Put some planter boxes on them and fill them with flowers. I used wire to hang the baskets on the gate and they seem to be happy there.

It’s too nice to be inside any longer. I’ll visit with you again soon but for now there's planting, trimming and weeding to do.