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Random Thoughts and Observations

As a news update, Jarom and I have finally been released as Sunday School teachers. We are now members of the activity committee. It's actually quite funny to me that this is what our new calling is. I will tell you why. Last year when we didn't have any calling yet, Jarom said to me "I bet we will be called to be Sunday School teachers." Why is that? "Because that's the calling I don't want the most right now. As you have guessed, we then got called to be sunday school teachers. This year, when we found out we were going to be released soon, Jarom said to me, "I bet we are going to be activities committee members." Why is that? "Because I've already been a sunday school teacher, so I know I won't get that calling, and activities committe is my next least favorite that I don't want to have." Well guess what? My husband is cursed. Or, the Lord truly does have a sense of humor! Actually, I have another story that proves