I am pleased to announce that our search for an apartment is now over. We have a place to go, and it's even early enough that we can still go to Washington for Christmas. I have to say it's amazing how the Lord works. About 2 minutes after I prayed this morning and asked for help in finding an apartment soon, I got the call saying we had been approved, all we needed to do was get the deposit to her. I called my parents afterwards and she told me that all week she had been praying, asking that we would find an apartment this week. This morning when she prayed, she told the Lord "Today is Saturday, the last day of the week!" A few minutes later is when I got the call. About an hour after I signed the contract, I got another call from a girl in our ward who is managing an apartment complex and told me she had an available apartment that she wanted to give to me before posting it online. I told her thanks but that we'd already signed somewhere else. I just think it