I have been doing many home renovations to update curb appeal and bring beauty to our outdoor space this summer. The culminating feature was to fix the eye sore of a front porch made from pitted concrete. My dad helped out big time on this project with measuring and cutting the tiles. Together we were able to transform an ugly eyesore to a beautiful center piece that I am proud to show off. Here is a before picture. Notice the silver railings, ugly door mat, and of course, horrible concrete that had been painted over to try to hide it but the paint start falling off after one season. I used two different types of tile here, one for the risers and one for the landing and steps. The landing tile is a light gray color with a wood grain to it. I also put an edge on the sides with the riser tile. I purchased these tiles at big box stores and was able to return the extras I didn't need. I also used a dark, pewter colored grout. I spray painted the railings black, and bough a new doorm