Showing posts with label Heroquest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heroquest. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Oldhammer Weekend USA: More Heroquest

I got to run two more quest on Sunday, a couple players had never played.  So it was pretty cool introducing them to the epicness of the game.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Heroquest Wrestlemania!!!

So got a game in on the new heroquest board...finally.  With a bit of help from JB Asslessman, and Bulldoglopez I give you my version of Oldhammer Wrestlemania.  Everyone seemed to really have a fun time, and it always helps when the dastardly fellow Black Vasken can win.  Boo Hiss, he rigged it!!! 

Saturday, January 17, 2015

The New Heroquest Board

So I got my new Heroquest board today!  The old board was good, but I really wanted a change up.  I love how it turned out.  I got all the images from various sources across the internet.  I then did a rough cut and paste jobs, then reskinned it with a comic book wash.  It turned out perfect, can't wait to get some games in on this.  

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Grim Shadows-Homebrew Heroquest Campaign

Here is the start of my very own questline "Grim Shadows"  based off the Trial.  Enjoy!

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Heroquest Inspiration: The Trial

I don't know what it is, but I am always coming back to the first quest in the book the Trial.  For me out of all the quest's ever made for the game including the expansions this is by far my favorite.

Partly I think it comes down to the names....I mean come on Verag, and Fellmarg those are pretty sweet!  Then we have the right recipe for a quest a foul character in Verag has taken over and defiled the tomb of Fellmarg. Or has he?

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Halloween Quest

I wanted a zombie game for Halloween, and came up with this.  Enjoy!

If you run this let me know how it goes.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Heroquest for Adults: Going Solo

I have titled this Heroquest for Adults in a tip of the hat to Gaj over at Warhammer for Adults.

If you are into war gaming at all you should take the time to give this article a read, and check out his blog.

What follows is a slightly long winded view of my new gaming direction and what it holds for my future projects. As I try to lead a real life and find time to game with enthusiasm.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Vollrath goes questing

Got a chance to play another game this weekend. Have been extremely lucky to get this many games in.
Also I want to say Lvl 15 trolls are awesome!!! When they aren't standing there drooling all over themselves.
If anyone has scenario suggestions or wants me to try something different next game let me know.
I am very open to suggestions and you guys are the ones reading this dribble. :D