Showing posts with label Confrontation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Confrontation. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Eternal Champions: Path to Glory

As a devoted disciple of the Dark Gawds you all know how I love Eternal Champions.  Also you may remember all the way back here I painted some Chaos Warriors for Zhu and he came up with these amazing rules and campaign hooks.  
Then JB and Cheetor's Quickening game latched on to my mind and never let go.  The ideas twisting and flowing thru my brain as a warp storm.  I started consolidating my ideas and the works of others till this began to form into a more solid campaign plan.  Which you will see below because in the end...

Friday, June 18, 2021

Les Edwards White Dwarf Scavvies

 After finishing the Les Edwards Space Marine I also received a set of the Scavvies to fight him.   


Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Les Edwards White Dwarf Cover Marine

The Les Edwards Space Marine is an iconic cover painting for White Dwarf 137...and I was thankfully gifted this fan sculpt for my birthday.