I thought I would use up some of the leftover yarn from Baby L's summer cardigan by knitting up some cute snowflake socks using this free pattern. Nothing could be more fitting for my baby born in the wintertime, wouldn't you agree? Yes, I am a bit nutty about seasonal things for my children, ahem, moving along now...
This pattern uses an afterthought heel,(hence the random dark green scrap yarn stitch visible in the photos) something I haven't tried before. We'll see how it goes. I am wishing that I chose slightly more contrasting colors to show the pattern better, but I hope to make another pair for him but in red and white for Advent time this year. That color combo should show off the pattern nicely.
I am rather regretting allowing the girls to see Baby L's socks as I work on them. They would have made a great gift for him from St. Nicholas this year. I am having a hard time figuring out what to do for Baby L's gift from St. Nicholas. It's always something small, for instance - the girls receive honey sticks, a clementine and something else tiny. This year they will be getting Nativity sticker books
I am also finishing up C's Halloween costume. The pattern uses the berry stitch, something else new to me. I couldn't find instructions for that stitch anywhere online but instructions for the trinity stitch kept coming up in my searches.Looking at the patterns, they appear to be the same stitch. I love the name 'trinity stitch', too so I went with that one. It's a lot easier than I was making it out to be. I have to say I was a bit confused though when I was about halfway through with the first part of the costume. My stitches looked like that of a first grader (see photo above).
Then I looked at the inside of my project (It's knit in the round) and voila! there was the trinity pattern. Phew, it was working out after all.
Now off to try to finish that costume up, just in case K decides she wants one, too.
Oh, and you might have seen in Monday's post - I finished up my three little pumpkin heads. I hope to get pictures of all three of them in their hats soon.
What are you working on? Happy creating!