Hi there! I'm Nicole and it's a pleasure to meet you. I currently live in the beautiful state of Oregon with my husband Kevin, and our four beautiful blessings (ranging in age from pre-teen to baby). I believe in compassion and empathy and feel they will save our world and make it a better place (for babies!). I am quite a people loving, introverted, unorganized mess and don't try to hide it. Thankfully, knitting and other soothing crafts calm my nerves. Many of the moments I share on here are ones I want to remember, like when things actually do go right and then a lot of them are shared in spite of their failures.
I grew up with my family in upstate New York but started traveling and moving around as soon as I graduated high school. I have since lived all around America as well as overseas - California, South Korea and Georgia to name a few. My desire to settle down is becoming stronger but I still have this gypsy side that longs to see the world. My daughters and I hope to make it to Rome one day to see the Vatican (inspired by my joining the Catholic church in 2013).
I have always had animals in my life and cannot imagine what it would be like to not have at least one around. We currently have five cats that we rescued from various places as well and four dogs. Our female German shepherd is our only fur baby that wasn't a rescue.
We dream of having our own little farmhouse in the woods with lots of land. Even though our family is ever growing we would love a small, cozy home.
We are a homeschooling, nature loving, garden harvesting, simple living, organic powered family just trying to remember the beauty of the simple things every day.
You can find a little bit about why I blog here and here.
I love hearing from you, it really makes my day. You can contact me here or find me over on Instagram, my new happy place. I look forward to getting to know you!
Cooking and cleaning can wait till tomorrow,
For babies grow up, we've learned to our sorrow.
So settle down cobwebs, dust go to sleep,
I'm nursing my baby and babies don't keep.