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Monday, August 31, 2009

Movin' on up

JT is officially in a big boy bed. He has been in his crib minus a side for a while now, but we finally got the mattress for his real bed! We made the switch on Saturday, and I don't know if it is a fluke or something, but he has slept for 15-20 minutes longer since then....I am hoping it is a magic mattress that Ben picked up from Sam's Club! He has had fun experimenting with the endless possibilities of this new bed as you can see from the pics. Having these two big boy beds in the same room has somehow made me feel older, though. It is wierd that something so seemingly insignificant can have such a profound impression on your view of yourself. I distinctly remember using these beds when I shared a room with my sister, and my parents were old then (to my 8 year old brain)......what does that make me now? Seriously. I have 2 big boys, a lawn mower, a big ole chest freezer (Ben's dream come true) a mortgage payment.....Am I old? Just a grown up? An old grown up? How does that happen!!

DB was out of school on Thursday and Friday due to a sickness, and he really enjoyed the long weekend of hanging out with the fam. I had a tough time getting him to school today. I asked him why he didn't want to go to school since I did my best to make his time at home as full of naps and rest as possible, and he just said that he likes to be home with me. I didn't know if I should be irritated or start crying over my sweet boy. He's had a fever since Wednesday night, but thankfully it resolved Sunday morning so I could send him to school today. He went with a cough and runny nose, but no fever....and his teacher kept him, so apparently the residual stuff is okay. Part of the hazards of being a teacher, I guess.

This week's spelling words: crib, that, trip, grab, crab, win, trap, grass, good, hit

Oh, funny story about the freezer box. After I had finished cutting out the front windows and door, the boys were playing in it while Ben got the actual freezer all situated in our garage. I told the boys we were going to take the box inside so we could get out the crayons and decorate it. We could draw trees and flowers outside the windows......and Ben stopped me there. He told me that in no way was this a cute country cottage. This was a fierce man fort to be used for protection from the bad guys. The rest of the windows were to be wide and thin, only to have enough space to peek out of and slide your gun barrel through. He supervised the rest of the construction of this "man fort" very closely as I had proven myself untrustworthy of such an important venture in our son's lives. Thank heaven for Dads! We still decorated the box later, but with an American flag out front, and threatening signs like "Bad guys beware" lest any tea toting princesses happen along the way.


Jarom said...

Lol! I love reading your posts, Amanda! I can't believe you've got JT in a big bed now! I've considered taking down the crib and letting Caden have the bottom twin bunk but I'm just not ready...even if he may be.

I love the box! The chest freezer may be colder, but the fort is definitely cooler!

Robert and Sandy Kidd said...

Oh I just love the pics. Jarom has it all figured out. The head board is for sleeping and sitting. Great picture. The fort is awesome!

Emily and Jake Shoff said...

That is SO funny about the "man fort". I laughed out loud on that one. SO cute. I can't believe Jarom is in a big boy bed. He is so CUTE. Can you believe that pink will be a part of your household now?? A little girl is exactly what these big burly men need~ :)

calmrapids said...

Love the fort story! Funny Ben! Soon that little girl will be here and then you can make that cute country cottage.

Josh and Michele said...

Love the pics. We are trying to get Kate into her big girl bed...and its not going so well. Miss you guys.

Are you on Facebook?
I need you as a friend.

If not...log on baby!

Tyson and Angela said...

Oh sad...I miss those beds!! Good times there sista!! I am sure that does seem weird! Nah...don't feel old! Just feel wiser!? :D
Love ya!

ps. With your cute little girl, you can make your cute country cottage!

The Steele Family said... are brave, LOL. Of course, your baby has been sleeping all night much longer than Marshae (who still wakes up at least 3 or 4 nights a week). I wouldn't dare put her in a big girl bed...I can just see it now. She would be out of the bed and playing in the room the second I walked out! Then it would REALLY be a long night! Must be nice day. How is the pregnancy going?

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