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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The End of Summer

Yay for us! We survived the summer! DB started school today! He was apprehensively excited to go to school, and all went without any problems. He has asked that he ride the bus to and from school this year (last year the bus came at 7:15 in the morning....not possible....this year it is 7:30, and thanks to our resident early bird, 7:30 is definitely workable) and that he take lunch from home this year too. The school lunches around here are just subpar according to him-"The beans/chicken/meat/corn was TOO spicy, so I didn't eat it!" As I was looking at his pic from this morning, I mentioned to Ben how much he looks like his uncle James, and we sure hope that he does more than just look like his uncle James, but have a school year like him too--James rocks! JT has done just fine today without DB, I thought he would miss him a bit more, but we took him on a walk with us this morning and then he helped me clean the house when we got home, then it was just about lunchtime and naptime, so we kept him busy today. I don't think I can keep up with that pace for long, though.

Yesterday we finally made it to the Memphis Zoo to celebrate the end of summer, and it was awesome. It has been voted as America's best zoo by a couple travel agencies, so we finally took the drive and had a great time. It is free for TN residents to enter on Tuesday afternoons, so we went in the morning, and pretty much had the place to ourselves. When I asked DB what his favorite part was, he looked at the map and slowly started listing off everything we saw. I think his favorite part was reading the map. JT apparently liked the snakes the best, as you can see in the pic with DB and the snake. He is showing us exactly how he feels! It felt like we went on the hottest and most humid day of the year, you can see in the pics that our faces are all red and flushed. I think that Ben and I lost about 30 lbs of sweat each! Who needs cleansing pills or drinks, just go to the zoo on a humid day! The boys had a great time, and JT was WIRED at the end of the day.

We stopped at my BELOVED Costco on our way home (only Sam's Club in Jackson) and got some pizza and my much craved hand dipped ice cream bar with roasted almonds. Man, I was in pregnancy nirvana. I have been craving one of those since I polished my last one off in June when I was in Utah!


Jarom said...

Yay for back to school! I know my girls are ready. One week left...

Looks like you all had a fun time at the zoo. I definitely miss our Fresno Zoo. That picture of JT is hilarious! What a silly kid!

And thanks for finally posting a pregnant pic! You look great and I can finally picture you pregnant.

Amanda said...

How fun!! It looks like you guys had a great time at the Zoo! Your boys are so handsome!!! By the way you look great pregnant!

The Isoms said...

You look great! How fun I love to go to the zoo!
I hope DB has a great time in school, I am anxious to see how Logan does.

Rachel said...

He does look like James! Wierd! I would have never thought that if you hadn't have pointed it out.

The zoo looks like a blast! I'm glad you had a great time...

Utah Summer Vacation 2009

Spring Break 2009

Our trip