
Grand Cayman, Part II

A few shots of the kids just hanging around the house and beach.
Macaroni for lunch on the patio.

My knees at the beach.

The boys in a great shade tent that we brought along.

Audrey shelling.

Miles napping.

Audrey and Miles at the Kaibo Beach Bar, a few minutes up the road. Audrey and Neal wore contacts for the whole trip, which was exciting!

One of our favorite activities of the trip was the kayak tour we took of Bioluminescent Bay. We met Tom, our guide at Rum Pointe one night at 10:45 and joined up with a few other brave souls to kayak into the dark ocean. We rowed around the bend to the north and ended up in Bio Bay. Once we put our hands in the water, we understood why this place was so special. It was impossible to capture on our cameras, unfortunately, so you'll have to take our word for it (or google image search bio bay; there are a few okay pics on there). Miles rode in a kayak with Neal and me, and Audrey and Parker kayaked on their own! They were towed for a bit by Tom's boat, but once we were in the bay, they were in control and did a great job. We were all completely amazed by the bioluminescence, and loved every minute of this tour. We kayaked back to the beach, admiring the shooting stars and calm seas. We arrived home late, of course, and had a nice lazy morning the next day.

The kids shared a bed the whole time. As they always do.

Neal contemplating a move to the Caribbean.

Eating at Tukka, a yummy Australian-Asian fusion restaurant on the East End.

Down below the restaurant.

Cute Audrey at the Blowholes, a neat spot where the waves crash into rock coves and the spray shoots straight up like it's coming out of a whale!

The best shot we could get!


Natalie said...

so glad you guys went to the bioluminescent bay -- we did that in puerto rico! it's not for everyone but i've never heard of anyone who has gone who didn't love it. i agree the ocean at night is such a dark place -- and what a shame that photos don't turn out because it's indescribable, right? love that your kids share a bed. love audrey's shelling boy position -- so her.

joojierose said...

bioluminscence sounds amazing! seriously so so cool. i love all the super horn-fam pics in this: auda in her classic reading pose, the necessary tent to provide shade from your pasty skin! hehe ;) love you guys.