Showing posts with label gzg. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gzg. Show all posts

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Some Random Fantasy

Some rather old fantasy miniatures today, one old Heroquest skeleton (still got a few of these to paint up), and a Red Sonja-like chain-mail bikini wearing barbarian from Ground Zero Games sculpted by (I believe) Kev White long before he started Hasslefree.

Thursday, 7 August 2014

Post Apoc Gangers

Two raider gangers for my post apoc project, this time supplied by Ground Zero Games (the girl) and em4 (the fella).

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Pirate Fleet

 Two Cruisers and three Destroyers from Ground Zero Games, Ravagers faction for Full Thrust, painted in a menacing red, with blue solar panels  as they would need to operate for long periods without refueling awaiting prey....At least that makes the most sense to me fluff wise.
Scale comparison for the ships I have. The Star Destroyer is possibly classed as a Battleship, while the USS Intrepid would be classed as a Destroyer (or a large Frigate). EDIT: The StarDestroyer comes from DeAgostini, and Intrepid comes from Heroclix.

Thursday, 20 February 2014

Brat Gang

I finally got around to finishing off another group of kids with weapons, which has only took me around 2 years to get around to it. The girl at the back is from Ground Zero Games, the lad with the chainsaw is from Hasslefree, and the little kid with the snake toy is a Super J charity figure which can be found here, though as this was released back in 2012 you will need to ask if its still available, but its for a good cause!

The current mob as it stands.

Friday, 16 August 2013

Nuns with GUNS!!!

Ground Zero Games Nuns with guns range, 25mm so rather on the short side and kinda dated in the sculpting department nowadays, still, not like there's many alternatives for armed Nuns.

Sunday, 7 June 2009

Deunan Knute and Briareos Hecatonchires.

Deunan and Briareos (Deunan is the one on the shoulder) from Appleseed and probably the best miniature GZG have, Im now tempted to buy the seperate mini's. I tried to stay as close to the colours of the cover for the first manga addition I have sat in my loft.