The Legend of Jelly Bean and the Unbreakable Egg:
A Holiday Hill Farm Book by Joe Trolano, illustrated by Susan Banta
I received this book from a friend and teaching colleague and I knew right away that it would be the perfect seasonal book for young children.
Here's a Peek Into the Story:
Five fluffy chicks peck, poke, and whack a friend who is not ready to hatch! Much to their dismay, the unbreakable egg is collected by the farmer. The chicks follow the farmer to rescue Chick Six, but not before falling into the Easter egg dye. Finally, these colorful chicks receive a colorful surprise when the sixth chick Jelly Bean makes an appearance.
Five fluffy chicks peck, poke, and whack a friend who is not ready to hatch! Much to their dismay, the unbreakable egg is collected by the farmer. The chicks follow the farmer to rescue Chick Six, but not before falling into the Easter egg dye. Finally, these colorful chicks receive a colorful surprise when the sixth chick Jelly Bean makes an appearance.
Teamwork and kindness are the messages received from this great seasonal story!
My Preschoolers loved this story! Here's a Look At What We Did:
Colorful Shape Inspired Egg Hunt
Prior to the start of the lesson, I hid many plastic eggs. The children found the eggs and opened each egg to reveal a small shape cut-out. The children were asked to identify and sort these shapes and to place the egg in the colored buckets.
Jelly Bean Sorting With Our Very Own Jelly Bean Chicks
Jelly Bean Sorting With Our Very Own Jelly Bean Chicks
Each child received these cute plastic chick eggs full of jelly beans to sort and to eat!
Jelly Bean Chick Art
These colorful chicks were made from coffee filters.
Ask K-2 students to write about their own unbreakable egg, complete a written retelling of the story, identify and explain their favorite part of the book, and make connections to self, text, or the real world.
Click on the chick to download the writing paper and the math mind map.
Enjoy the download and have a great night!