Do you have extra gift boxes from the Dollar Store? Do your little ones need to burn off
excess holiday energy?
Here’s A Fun Solution!
Make and Play
Holiday Hopscotch
Design the hopscotch path using the tops and bottoms of the gift boxes. Secure the edges of the boxes
together with clear packing tape.
(Before playing, secure the board to the floor with tape. Painters tape works well.)
If you do not have shapes available, allow the kids to decorate the
plain boxes with holiday drawings and use a maker to number the
Add a holiday-shaped skipping stone.
We are using a snowman wall hanger from the dollar store.
Remember to play holiday hopscotch several ways. Use two skipping stones and have the kids add, subtract, or
multiply the marked numbers.
For holiday
skipping stones, check out your (plastic) decorations for ideas.
Happy December!