Showing posts with label Math. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Math. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

A Blast From The Past

Previous Posts That You Might Like

Two Years Old and Still One of My Favorite Art Projects

 Inspired Art

Math Fun With Eggs

 Word Work for -ed endings

Be sure to check out these linked posts for the free downloads!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Grab Your Game Boards!

Small Group Instruction Made Easy
Review and Practice 
Ready for Fun Friday!
Just add your own math flashcards, word cards, and/or review questions.

Meet the Needs of Your Students

Happy Teaching!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Holiday Hopscotch

Do you have extra gift boxes from the Dollar Store?   Do your little ones need to burn off excess holiday energy?   

Here’s A Fun Solution!
 Make and Play  
Holiday Hopscotch

Design the hopscotch path using the tops and bottoms of the gift boxes.  Secure the edges of the boxes together with clear packing tape.   
(Before playing, secure the board to the floor with tape.  Painters tape works well.)

 If you do not have shapes available, allow the kids to decorate the plain boxes with holiday drawings and use a maker to number the boxes.

Add a holiday-shaped skipping stone.
 We are using a snowman wall hanger from the dollar store.

Remember to play holiday hopscotch several ways. Use two skipping stones and have the kids add, subtract, or multiply the marked numbers.   

For holiday skipping stones, check out your (plastic) decorations for ideas.

Happy December! 

Friday, October 19, 2012

Go Away Big Monster!


Making Connections

What does this book make you think about?

Make a connection and design a monster.   

Of course, this story lends itself to several 
text-to-self connections!

Monster Math Fun

 Read Monster Musical Chairs by Stuart Murphy for some monster math subtraction fun.

Grab a copy by clicking on the picture above. 

Use the monsters to write and illustrate math stories for addition and subtraction.  Make sets or review ordinal position.

Move Like A Monster 
 Add a little movement to the day with these cute books by Josie Bissett.

These books are new to my collection!
 (The tickle monster mitts are too much fun!)
 Keep on Wiggling and Giggling!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Roll, Cover, Tally


Roll two dice and add the numbers
Cover the corresponding ten frame.
Read the corresponding number word.
Use a pencil and tally the total in the box.

Great for Morning Work, Stations, and Intervention.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Fishing For Facts

Time to Review

"Let's Go Fishing" reviews basic addition and subtraction facts.

"Fishing For Facts" game board ~ one per student
Math Flash Cards
2-sided counters

To take a turn, a player chooses a math flash card.  He either adds or subtracts the number sentence.  If the answer given is correct, he covers a fish on the “Fishing for Facts” math game board and the turn is over.  If the answer given is incorrect, he does not cover a fish and the turn is over.  Players take turns until time is up or until one player marks all his fish.  The player who marks all fish wins. 
