Showing posts with label Giveway. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Giveway. Show all posts

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Check Out My Giveaway!

In Case You Missed It!

Look What Is Up For Grabs!

 front of the bag
 back of the bag

Here's What You Need To Do!

1.  Make sure you are one of my followers AND post a comment about how you would use this fun bag.
For additional entries you can . . .
2.  Blog about this giveaway and then post an additional comment with a link to your blog.
3.  Tell me about your favorite Eric Carle book and how you use it in your classroom
AND here’s your chance for yet another “EXTRA” entry….for all you techies out there…
4.  If you can offer any advice as to how to get my follower button to work in Internet Explorer, please let me know!  It has not worked since day one ~ I know it’s silly, but it drives me crazy!  I’ve tried using my Mac, my PC, my husband’s PC, removing, adding, and moving the follower button, as well as using the direct html from Google and NO LUCK!  Any suggestions are welcome!
Check back on Tuesday, April 26th to see if you are the winner!!!

The giveaway will end at 6:00 PM EST.

Click below to enter the giveaway!