Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts


God's Hands

Today is in God's hands and so are you.

His hands are strong and will uphold you;
His hands are great and will enfold you;
His hands are gentle and will embrace you;
His hands are protective and will cover you;
His hands are reassuring and will quiet you;
His hands are powerful and will defend you;
His hands are parental and will train you;
His hands are masterful and will conform you;
His hands are compassionate and will care for you;
His hands are healing and will renew you;
His hands are calming and will comfort you;
His hands are giving and will bless you.
The hands that hold you will never let you down.

-Roy Lessin, DaySpring co-founder and writer


It's God's Timing!

While taking a break from a rather interesting and unexpected {and not in a good way} day of work,
I found this on Pinterest.

What a great reminder it is to me, especially with the timing of what occurred at work today.

Life happens according to God's timing, not my own. 

And I need to rest in His promises.

The blog where the picture originated from is called 'Tis So Sweet.

Without even realizing it, I start singing 'Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus in my head {since I am kid wrangling 7 kids overnight}

Yup.  I have faith in God's timing.

{Even if it might be hard.}


Celebrate Life!

My words can't do justice for this Celebration of Life for little Benaiah Darwin.  Enjoy a few of the pictures.

Benaiah's dad is the taller man holding the red balloon. 
The peace you see on Brad's face comes from the true source of life....Jesus Christ. 
Is He in you?
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