Please follow our challenge blog:

Copyright details: registered & protected The cards shared by the DT on this blog are for inspiration and enjoyment. Please do not copy them for any publication, contest submissions or use them in inspirational or compilations CD's which are then sold on to other crafters. Many thanks for your understanding.
Showing posts with label Lydia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lydia. Show all posts

Wednesday 2 June 2010

Challenge #26 - "Piece that paper!"

Another week whizzes by and in the UK, it's Whitsun half term which normally means poor weather as the children are on their hols . . . however the sun has finally decided to come out to play and it looks like we could be in for better weather this end of the week! Fingers crossed !

Now the lucky winner of last weeks prize chosen by Mrs Random.Org was no:1 and that is . . . .
Shell from The Camels Hump

Many congratulations from everyone at "Fab'n'Funky" and please email Dustin from Doodle Dragon Studio to claim your prize putting Fab 'n' Funky Challenge winner in the subject line.

Now as it's the start of a brand new month, this means that this weeks sponsor is . .

"Hello everyone! my name is Elizabeth Pujalka and I´m the illustrator and designer behind Softpencil - Digital Stamps, home of Michu and his lovely friends, where you can find cute illustrations for your crafting needs.

My illustrations are a homage to the Nature and their creatures, where a sweet child, a simple flower or a fragile animal become protagonists. I invite you to know my whimsical world plenty of gorgeous characters and to enjoy creating with them!"
Now the challenge this week is one we all probably do automatically . . .

"Piece that paper"

which translated means "paper piecing", (well do try and "DO" posh here every now and then!) The DT have each used a Softpencil digi image which they have paper pieced but you could use a stamped image or another digi image. If you use a Softpencil image in your project this week, we will enter you twice into this weeks randomly chosen draw to win some more digi images from Elizabeth.

Now lets get things rolling and here is the DT's projects:

Please welcome our 2nd GDT, Lindsey who will playing along with us for all of June.






Now we can't wait to see what you"piece" together ! ! ! lol x

Please, please, please can you TURN OFF WORD VERIFICATION IF YOU WISH THE DT TO LEAVE YOU A COMMENT. The word verification is set to ON by default, so check your settings and use the comment moderation if you wish to screen your comments.

Wednesday 26 May 2010

Challenge #25 - It's a little sketchy

Boy, oh boy, oh boy you guys and girls really "rocked" last weeks challenge and it was great to visit you all. However there can only be one winner and Miss Random.Org has chosen number 28 which is . . .

Many congrats Yvonne and please email Leah at Sweey & Sassy putting Fab'n'Funky Challenge winner in the subject line and she will get your prizes over to you.

Now this week we are very proud to be sponsored by the very talented Dustin Pike of

who is offering the winner of this week challenge a digi image of their own! Remember if you pop over to Dustin's blog, you can find a freebie or two lurking around . . . !

Now the challenge this week is a sketch as we haven't done a sketch on the challenge blog for over 6 weeks ! ! Now it's an easy sketch and this has been done so that crafters from all levels can join in without feeling under pressure and we hope you love using it . .

As always, here is some inspiration from the DT . .

Sue (GDT)

Many thanks to Sue for being a superb GDT for the month of MAY and it was a pleasure to work you and we have enjoyed sharing your fab inspirational cards.




Welcome back Jilly . . you were missed and it's great to see you back

Now we have an a huge apology from Lou as she can't play along this week as she
is on a course. She has said that she will try and join in later on in the week.

We hope you all have fun with this sketch and can't wait to pop over to all your blogs to see how you have used the sketch.

Please, please, please can you TURN OFF WORD VERIFICATION IF YOU WISH THE DT TO LEAVE YOU A COMMENT. The word verification is set to ON by default, so check your settings and use the comment moderation if you wish to screen your comments.

Wednesday 19 May 2010

Challenge #24 - "Make it Yourself ! "

Yet another week has whizzed passed and June is looming on the horizon! It will soon mean that half a year, 6 months has gone already and not sure where it has decided to go to !?! We will then all begin to whisper that "C" word before you know it.

Firstly many F'n'F thanks to everyone who joined in last weeks "metal mania" challenge. WOW, it was great to see the added metallic touches everyone used on their projects. Now the lucky winner of last weeks challenge which is a set of gorgeous Di's Digi Designs, is . . . drum roll please . . .

Jennifer from Jennifer's Designs

Please could you email Di directly with your 3 choices from her great selection of digi images and she will get them over to you. Please make sure that you also put "Fab 'n' Funky" challenge winner into the subject line. May we also say a HUGE THANK YOU to Di for kindly sponsoring us for the last 3 months . . . thanks Di.

Now this week we are very lucky to be sponsored by:

Sweet 'n Sassy Stamps is a Christian digi stamp company offering a
wide variety
of hand drawn digital stamp designs and sentiments
for the digital stamper or scrapbooker.
We started out as a clear stamp
company back in November 2007 and made the
change over to all digital
in February 2010. We have hundreds of fabulous digis to
from starting at just $.99.
Check us out at

Sweet and Sassy Stamps are kindly offering the following prize to one lucky winner . . . $10 Gift Certificate to spend in the store PLUS this fab digi image.

The DT were very lucky to be given some digi images to play with and use with this weeks challenge which is . . .

"Make your OWN embellishment(s)"

Yep, we do all have loads of bits and bobs" lurking or hiding in drawers so this week we thought NO, why use them when we can make our own embellishments! Please don't panic now as we are all talented crafters who can make anything we put our mind to: that could be a multi layered flower, a decorative pin, beaded embellishment, buckles or plaques . . . you name it, we can make it! So now it's over to you to see what yummy embellishment you will make for this weeks challenge.





Have fun everyone and also enjoy the rest of your week too,

The "Fab'n'Funky" DT

Please, please, please can you TURN OFF WORD VERIFICATION IF YOU WISH THE DT TO LEAVE YOU A COMMENT. The word verification is set to ON by default, so check your settings and use the comment moderation if you wish to screen your comments.

Wednesday 12 May 2010

Challenge #23 - Metal Mania !

Many thanks to everyone for showing us all "your fancy edges " ! It's always great to see how we each interpreted a theme in such different ways which then spurs further ideas and inspiration. This week we have decided to use the services of Mr to pick the lucky winner of the Softpencil digi images and "drum roll please" . . . .

Please could you email Elizabeth (owner & artist at Soft Pencil) directly to claim your digi image prize. Please ensure that you put "Fab 'n' Funky" challenge winner in the subject line. Well done Katie from us all at "F'n'F".

Now this week we are very lucky to be sponsored by

Here is a little about Di:

I started my digi site last year in December and now have
about 50 images on my site. The inspiration came from my daughter, her cuddly toy Kaboodle and my sons favourite cuddly toy Cookie.MY work is hand drawn then digitally enhanced and converted to download. I don’t have the best graphics tablet and software and my images are very much hand drawn with not so great straight lines but i hope this adds to their character.These digi stamps only cost $2.00 are instantly downloadable, no waiting.

Please take a peek at my site.

Di xx

So how can you win yourself some of Di's great images . . . well of course enter this weeks challenge which is . . .

"Metal Mania"

Now your touch of metal could be from a charm, paper clip, safety pin, metal embellishment or even your image painted / coloured with metallic paints or pens. Sometimes the theme titles can be a little daunting but hey, there is always an easy way round the theme!

As always the DT have been busy creating and here is their inspiration . . .






Hope everyone has a brilliant week and we can't wait to see what you use to add the "metal" touch to your card.

Added: Apologies . . Mr Linky code didn't work the first time. Mr Linky has now been added and everyone who left previous links via the comments box, has been added to this list.

Please, please, please can you TURN OFF WORD VERIFICATION IF YOU WISH THE DT TO LEAVE YOU A COMMENT. The word verification is set to ON by default, so check your settings and use the comment moderation if you wish to screen your comments.

Wednesday 28 April 2010

Challenge #21 - " No DP " !

Apologies for the delay in getting this week challenge up and running but I (Lou) have had unwelcome visitors staying in my computer and have had to borrow PC time from family and friends . . . mwahhhhhh to those who have let me take over their PC's! Fingers crossed, things will be sorted by the end of this week.

WOW . . . we were all blown away by the number of entries to last week challenge. Many thanks to everyone who entered, however it did make us all chuckle at the amount of stuff we simply "had to have" but then never use ! ! ! What are we all like ? Maybe we shouldn't answer that question . . . . . Now the lucky winner of the fabby Polka Doodles CD (chosen by Miss Randon.Org this week) is. . .

Well done Deb and if you could email Lou, putting "Fab 'n' Funky" challenge winner in the subject line, Lou will get the CD out to you.

Now this week, we have decided that we would like to challenge ourselves a little bit more and have very bravely (or stupidly some of you might say), decided that we will abondon our designer papers when making our projects, so this weeks theme is . . .

" No to DP " !

Now this isn't as hard as it sounds . . . we promise! Use your embossing folders to create your background: maybe further enhance them with ink or chalk. Alternatively emboss using a stencil and embossing tool. Now for the stampers out there . . create your own backgrounds with your stamps or why not try using your promarkers (or other pens) and doodle your own background. See, there are loads of different ways to create backgrounds without your designer papers (DP) and no doubt you creative crafters know even more imaginative ways . . . ooohhhh, we can't wait to see what they are now!

Ohhhhhh, just realised that doesn't mean we have to neglect or not use any images from our fab sponsor of this week . . .

A randomly chosen winner from this weeks challenge will be able to choose one of Dustin's fab images all for themselves. OK, to kick things off, here is the DT's interpretation of this weeks challenge . . .




Many thanks to everyone for their continued support and please bear with the DT as we are still making our way through all of last weeks entries . . we are determined to leave you all a message.

Happy crafting from everyone at "Fab 'n' Funky" Challenges.

Wednesday 21 April 2010

Challenge #20 - "Get it all Out" !

WOW what a real blast last week was and it was great to see that we are all guilty of having neglected stamps tucked away in drawers. We hope the challenge made you find other hidden treasures that you can use on your future projects.

As always, Mrs Random.Org has chosen the lucky winner and this week it is . . .

Joyce from Peach Crate

Please can you email Elizabeth from Soft Pencil to claim your prize putting "Fab 'n' Funky" challenge winner in the subject line.

This week we have anew sponsor to the challenge blog and we were pleased when Nikky from Polka Doodles agreed to sponsor this weeks challenge.

The lucky winner of this weeks challenge will receive the wonderful "Love & Cherish" CD which is jam packed and incredibly versatile.

Now to win this fab prize, you need to know what this weeks challenge is . . .

"Get it all out"

. . . well it was brilliant that we all dusted off an old stamp(s), so we thought it only fair that we all now dust off our neglected stash. This could be a paper pack; 12"x12" papers we bought but they were too good to cut (!); embellishments that are still in their packets . . you name it . . we all have that guilty stash secret and to start you off, the DT are going to share their guilty secret(s) with you ! !




So what will you discover when you look through your neglected stash? We can't wait to find out!

"Fab 'n' Funky" DT

Wednesday 14 April 2010

Challenge #19 - "No longer neglected" !

Happy Wednesday everyone. We all hope you are well and enjoying the unexpected sunshine we have been receiving in the UK recently . . . now that was a complete surprise ! Yippee, Spring is finally here and it's great to actually get the lawn mower out and cut the grass.

Many thanks to everyone who entered our "ice-cream" themed challenge last week. It was great visiting you all to see how you had used the colours in your project. Unfortunately there can only be one winner and Mrs.Random.Org has chosen . . . .

Tracey (Laklygirl) from My Creative Place

Please could you email Elizabeth (owner & artisit at Soft Pencil) directly to claim your digi image prize. Please ensure that you put "Fab 'n' Funky" challenge winner in the subject line. Well done Tracey from us all at "F'n'F".

Now we are very lucky to be sponsored again by

I started my digi site last year in December and now have about 50 images on my site.

The inspiration came from my daughter, her cuddly toy Kaboodle and my sons favourite cuddly toy Cookie. MY work is hand drawn then digitally enhanced and converted to download. I don’t have the best graphics tablet and software and my images are very much hand drawn with not so great straight lines but i hope this adds to their character.

These digi stamps only cost $2.00 are instantly downloadable, no waiting.

Please take a peek at my site.

Di xx

Now this weeks theme is probably something we have all experienced or should we say "guilty of" and we at "Fab 'n' Funky" think we should all "confess our sins" at the same time. So what are we all guilty of (and also this weeks theme) . . . .

"use a neglected stamp"

I know the DT when they looked throught their stamps, could probably nominate quite a few stamps that fell into this weeks theme and it was a great exercise getting out our "old favourites" and letting them see the "light". Now this could be a previous old favourite image, background, animal or sentiment stamp(s) . . . come on share with us your "guilty secret" . . . we promise we won't hold it against you! To start the "ball rolling" here is the DT's take on this weeks theme :



Now we better let you go and have a rummage through your stamps. We can't wait to see what you discover!

The "Fab 'n' Funky" DT

Wednesday 7 April 2010

Challenge #18 - "Neopolitan Icecream" !

Now, own up . . . how much chocolate did you gorge over the weekend? Well it has to be done by us adults so that we can fully understand what the children are talking about . . . hee, hee, hee! So in line with Easter weekend, this weeks theme as a "foodie" feel to it but more of that later.
Firstly we would like to thank everyone who took part in lasts weeks challenge and as always, the projects were outstanding - well done to you all however there can only be one winner and Mr Random.Org has chosen . . .

Creative Moments with Sandy

Please could you email Lou directly putting "Fab 'n' Funky" #17 challenge winner into the subject line. Please also be patient about receiving a reply as Lou is suffering poor internet connections at the moment.

Now before we share this weeks theme, many, many, many THANKS to everyone who entered our "GDT" spot . . wow, we were truely blown away with your talent and the number of entries. A post will appear on this blog on Friday, so pop back over again then.

Now as it's the start of a brand new month, this means that this weeks sponsor is . .

"Hello everyone! my name is Elizabeth Pujalka and I´m the illustrator and designer behind Softpencil - Digital Stamps, home of Michu and his lovely friends, where you can find cute illustrations for your crafting needs.

My illustrations are a homage to the Nature and their creatures, where a sweet child, a simple flower or a fragile animal become protagonists. I invite you to know my whimsical world plenty of gorgeous characters and to enjoy creating with them!"

To win the prize from our generous sponsor, just follow this weeks theme which is . . .
"Neapolitan Icecream

Can you guess what we mean? This weeks theme is a colour combo of "Pink, Chocolate & Vanilla" and be interpretated anyway you wish as long as we can see the colours above. To start you off, here is the DT's "icecream" treats:



Have a great week and looking forward to seeing all your yummy projects,

"Fab 'n' Funky" DT

Wednesday 31 March 2010

Challenge #17 - "Spring is in the Air"

Oh my, oh my, oh my . . . what a busy week we had looking at all your fab techniques. We all thoroughly enjoyed visiting all of you and were amazed as to how many different techniques there were out there or how we all adapt a technique to suite our style.

Well the month of March is drawing to a close and that can only mean one thing . . .

are kindly sponsoring us again and the lucky winner of this weeks challenge will win some fab digi images. Why not check out the shop to get a "taste" of the designs Dustin produces.

Now this weeks theme is quite a simple one . . .

"Spring is in the Air"

This could a project featuring Spring animals or flowers; colours you associate with Spring . . . again, please interpretate the theme in a way that suits your project(s) but when we visit, we can still understand where you have used our theme.
Now as an added bonus, we would like to look for several Guest DT members to join us for up and coming challenges. If you would be interested, please put "GDT" by your name when adding your details in Mr Linky and who knows, it could be you !

Well to start this weeks challenge off, here is the DT's interpretation of this weeks theme:


Have a great week everyone,

The "Fab'n'Funky" DT