Please follow our challenge blog:

Copyright details: registered & protected The cards shared by the DT on this blog are for inspiration and enjoyment. Please do not copy them for any publication, contest submissions or use them in inspirational or compilations CD's which are then sold on to other crafters. Many thanks for your understanding.
Showing posts with label #winners. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #winners. Show all posts

Wednesday 6 December 2023

Top 3 - challenges #584 All Blue Hues


Good morning one and all, 
Buffy here to announce the Top 3 picks of our previous challenge  
All Blue Hues
Thank you for all your wonderful entries - choosing a Top 3 is never an easy task, but without further ado here they are:-

21. Julie Reed

24. Niki1

31. Miss Mudge

 Congratulations, please take our top three banner to display proudly on your blog.
Remember you still have a week  left to join in with our current challenge, which is #585 Snowmen, here

Buffy and the Fab'n'Funky Girls xx

Thursday 5 November 2020

500th Challenge Winners Post

 Hello Everyone,

Well that was an exciting challenge. All your lovely entries and the wonderful comments for all our DT, absolutely fabulous.

Our DT have had a hard job trying to pick winners from all the gorgeous entries.

So without further ado - in no particular order

our winners are ......

8. Aunty Sue

20. Ma Mi

15. Debi B

21. Nick

9. Inny

24. Glennis F

16. Angela F


12. Liz Cavill

Congratulations to all our lucky winners, to claim your prize leave a comment below and email your details to us. (email in sidebar)
(please note: due to lockdown delivery of your prize bundle may take a little longer than normal post)

A HUGE thank you to everyone who took part. We thoroughly enjoy seeing all your creations. 

The Fab'n'Funky Girls xx

Our current challenge/mini DT call can be found HERE