Please follow our challenge blog:

Copyright details: registered & protected The cards shared by the DT on this blog are for inspiration and enjoyment. Please do not copy them for any publication, contest submissions or use them in inspirational or compilations CD's which are then sold on to other crafters. Many thanks for your understanding.
Showing posts with label Di's Digi Designs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Di's Digi Designs. Show all posts

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Challenge #148 - 3rd Birthday

Hello crafters, Vicky here to let you know we are celebrating here at Fab 'n' Funky, it's our

3rd Birthday

Happy Birthday to us
Happy Birthday to us
Happy Birthday Fab'n'Funky 
Happy Birthday to us!!

Whooo-hooo time for a party!!!  We have organised a two week celebration for you, with loads of fabulous sponsors with fantastic prizes!!!

This weeks sponsors are

Who are giving a prize of seven digi stamps to one lucky  winner

Who are Giving the lucky winner 3 digi stamps of their choice from the shop at Di's Digi Downloads

Who is giving the winner 5 stamps of the winners choice
from her shop over at Whimsey stamps

We also have a fabulous new sponsor

Cult Pens
Cult Pens

who will be offering a very special prize to end our challenge next week - be sure to come back to Fab'n'Funky challenges next week to see what this fabulous prize is!!

In the meantime Cult Pens are offering a discount of 10% in their store
to all you Fab'n'Funky fans - just use the code


  So without further ado - to be in with a chance of winning a prize from one of our brilliant sponsors, you have to take part!  This week the challenge theme is 

Birthdays and Three

Your creation must be for a birthday and have the number 3 or 3 of something on it.  Here are a few creations from our DT to inspire you.

(Using a Di's Digi Stamp)

Using little bear (personalised) birthday princess
from Stampart design by Kathryne

Using Bagaboo Birthday Penguin Balloon

Pat K
(Using Filled with Love from stampart by Kathryne)

(Using Bugaboo - Clyde's Birthday)

using Teddy's Surprise Package (polka dot wrap)
from Stampart by Kathryne

Using a Bugaboo digi ~ Birthday Monkey-Cake

Using Bugaboo Dotty

(Using a Di's Digi Stamp)

Using Stitched With Love by StampArt Design by Kathryne

(using JJ wrapped up and firemen call)

And from me using 'Raggedy Girl' by Stampart

We will be giving you even more inspiration on Saturday, so come back to see what we have created.

This challenge will run until Tuesday evening, then the second of our birthday party challenges will start next Wednesday

We can't wait to see what you create, love 'n' hugs Vicky & the Fab'n'Funky team xxx

Wednesday 12 May 2010

Challenge #23 - Metal Mania !

Many thanks to everyone for showing us all "your fancy edges " ! It's always great to see how we each interpreted a theme in such different ways which then spurs further ideas and inspiration. This week we have decided to use the services of Mr to pick the lucky winner of the Softpencil digi images and "drum roll please" . . . .

Please could you email Elizabeth (owner & artist at Soft Pencil) directly to claim your digi image prize. Please ensure that you put "Fab 'n' Funky" challenge winner in the subject line. Well done Katie from us all at "F'n'F".

Now this week we are very lucky to be sponsored by

Here is a little about Di:

I started my digi site last year in December and now have
about 50 images on my site. The inspiration came from my daughter, her cuddly toy Kaboodle and my sons favourite cuddly toy Cookie.MY work is hand drawn then digitally enhanced and converted to download. I don’t have the best graphics tablet and software and my images are very much hand drawn with not so great straight lines but i hope this adds to their character.These digi stamps only cost $2.00 are instantly downloadable, no waiting.

Please take a peek at my site.

Di xx

So how can you win yourself some of Di's great images . . . well of course enter this weeks challenge which is . . .

"Metal Mania"

Now your touch of metal could be from a charm, paper clip, safety pin, metal embellishment or even your image painted / coloured with metallic paints or pens. Sometimes the theme titles can be a little daunting but hey, there is always an easy way round the theme!

As always the DT have been busy creating and here is their inspiration . . .






Hope everyone has a brilliant week and we can't wait to see what you use to add the "metal" touch to your card.

Added: Apologies . . Mr Linky code didn't work the first time. Mr Linky has now been added and everyone who left previous links via the comments box, has been added to this list.

Please, please, please can you TURN OFF WORD VERIFICATION IF YOU WISH THE DT TO LEAVE YOU A COMMENT. The word verification is set to ON by default, so check your settings and use the comment moderation if you wish to screen your comments.

Wednesday 14 April 2010

Challenge #19 - "No longer neglected" !

Happy Wednesday everyone. We all hope you are well and enjoying the unexpected sunshine we have been receiving in the UK recently . . . now that was a complete surprise ! Yippee, Spring is finally here and it's great to actually get the lawn mower out and cut the grass.

Many thanks to everyone who entered our "ice-cream" themed challenge last week. It was great visiting you all to see how you had used the colours in your project. Unfortunately there can only be one winner and Mrs.Random.Org has chosen . . . .

Tracey (Laklygirl) from My Creative Place

Please could you email Elizabeth (owner & artisit at Soft Pencil) directly to claim your digi image prize. Please ensure that you put "Fab 'n' Funky" challenge winner in the subject line. Well done Tracey from us all at "F'n'F".

Now we are very lucky to be sponsored again by

I started my digi site last year in December and now have about 50 images on my site.

The inspiration came from my daughter, her cuddly toy Kaboodle and my sons favourite cuddly toy Cookie. MY work is hand drawn then digitally enhanced and converted to download. I don’t have the best graphics tablet and software and my images are very much hand drawn with not so great straight lines but i hope this adds to their character.

These digi stamps only cost $2.00 are instantly downloadable, no waiting.

Please take a peek at my site.

Di xx

Now this weeks theme is probably something we have all experienced or should we say "guilty of" and we at "Fab 'n' Funky" think we should all "confess our sins" at the same time. So what are we all guilty of (and also this weeks theme) . . . .

"use a neglected stamp"

I know the DT when they looked throught their stamps, could probably nominate quite a few stamps that fell into this weeks theme and it was a great exercise getting out our "old favourites" and letting them see the "light". Now this could be a previous old favourite image, background, animal or sentiment stamp(s) . . . come on share with us your "guilty secret" . . . we promise we won't hold it against you! To start the "ball rolling" here is the DT's take on this weeks theme :



Now we better let you go and have a rummage through your stamps. We can't wait to see what you discover!

The "Fab 'n' Funky" DT

Wednesday 24 March 2010

Challenge #16 - "It's all in the technique"

WOOZERS . . . what a fab number of entries. We were all chuffed to bits to see so many of you entering last week and please do bare with us as the DT are slowly making away around all the entries to leave comments. Many thanks for sharing your crafty eye candy with us all at "Fab 'n' Funky" challenges.
We must also say a big thank you to Di's Digi Designs for sponsoring us last week and Mr Random.Org has been busy this week and has chosen No. 62 as the lucky winner, so well done to . . .

Please could you email Di directly with your 3 choices from her great selection of digi images and she will get them over to you. Please make sure that you also put "Fab 'n' Funky" challenge winner into the subject line.

Now this weeks challenge theme is a little different. . .

"It's all in the technique"

We all have our favourite "thing" when it comes to creating and we would like you to share your favourite technique with us. This could be paper piecing, embossing, stitching, distressing, making our own embellishments . . . so on and so on and so on . . . We can be creatures of habit and like to favour one technique over another, so this week we would like you to celebrate this un-sung technique. You never know, your favourite technique maybe one someone else has yet to try and when they see your project it might just spur them on to give it a go! To start the ball rolling, here is the DT's take on this weeks challenges:

AndreaTechnique: paper piecing

Technique: paper piecing


Technique: Distressing and paper pricking

GinnyTechnique: paper piecing

Technique: paper piecing

We can't wait to see what yor favourite technique is now . . . ooohhhhh, how exciting !

"Fab 'n' Funky" DT

Wednesday 17 March 2010

Challenge #15 - "It's all NEW!"

Hi everyone and we all hope you had a great Mother's Day on Sunday . . . and of course you did send a handcrafted card to your Mother's now didn't you . . no sneaking off to any well known shops we hope!

Now this week we are very lucky to be sponsored by

"Di's Digi Downloads" :
Here is a little about Di:

I started my digi site last year in December and now have
about 50 images on my site. The inspiration came from my daughter, her cuddly toy Kaboodle and my sons favourite cuddly toy Cookie.MY work is hand drawn then digitally enhanced and converted to download. I don’t have the best graphics tablet and software and my images are very much hand drawn with not so great straight lines but i hope this adds to their character.These digi stamps only cost $2.00 are instantly downloadable, no waiting.

Please take a peek at my site.

Di xx
Now the theme this week is . . . .

"to use something NEW"

on your project. This could be a new stamp, digi image, tool . . . you get what we mean and to kick you all off here is some inspiration from the DT, who were spoilt by Di this week as she sent us all an image to play with:






Have a great week everyone and we all look forward to seeing your gorgeous work,

The "Fab 'n' Funky" DT