Showing posts with label mama stuff. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mama stuff. Show all posts


tasty tuesday!

its not really what tasty tuesday is ment for, BUT its something i found on the internets and its makes a lot of sense out of the who vaccinations are evil and make your kids loopy bit. does science tuesday and his research today was in the link between MMR and autism. every word that man says strikes me at the core. i know there are people out there not vac'ing for there own personal reasons, but i really hope that this MMRvaccination and austism "link" isnt the case for too much longer. in his post, he tracks down the rumor of the "link" down to the day, a single press release, where a greedy doctor makes unsubstantiated claims that there was a link. his research was totally a bust and a large majority of the doctors involved completely pulled themselves out of the picture in this study.

bottom line, a little more research never hurts and our boy chris does a good job at doing it for us. go read it mamas!


a shiney new interutarine contraceptive.

so today was the big day. i went to my OB/GYN this morning and had the mirena IUC "installed" (i like using that word. i dont know really how else to explain it, but there is something i like about subjectifying myself like a car stereo.)

so, the installation was flat out uncomfortable not unbearable though and went really quick. i've been cramping pretty bad since, but that is supposidly temporary and i'm now baby free for 5 years! or 2 years! or whatever the hubby and i decide that our baby free time should be! YAY!

i do have a check up in 6 weeks so my OB/GYN can take another peak and make sure everything stayed in its place. no big deal though.

oh! and even better news from the dr.'s office, i've officially dropped 20 lbs! 21.2 to be exact! and the blood pressure is looking pretty dang good these days. 122/80 (i think.) fyi: for almost as long as i can remember, my blood pressure has always been on the "high side of normal." nothing to worry about according to my docs, but i'm glad its decided to just be normal. yay!!!


zipping and zooming!

babies! my cousin found out she's having a little boy in feb. she already has an absolutely adorable little girl (lilybug) and i'm so happy for them. i know her hubby's family was hoping for a boy and now they have their legacy baby. ooo! and Erican is FINALLY going to the doc on oct.1st. she's like 20ish+ weeks already. i cant imagine not seeing a doc before then! but with insurance being lame and $$$ being an issue at a lot of the offices the contacted, oct. 1st it is. i'm not sure but i hope she gets a sonogram that day as well! i'm tore about hosting a baby nshower for her. to be honest, i should be the one to do it. i've been her best friend since she was like 10! but i want to stick to my "no bending over backwards" policy. if i host it, i know i will bend over backwards. there really isnt anyone she's "friends" with that i can count on. i do have contact info for her other good girlfriends (the bridesmaids), but, as nice of people as they are, they were pretty useless for the wedding and i have a gut feeling that it would be the same for a shower. not to mention it means traveling for the boogerbear and i. oh and both babies need things made for them, so my sewing machine needs to make its way back out of the cabinet! i have a lot of craftiness in my system atm, i need to work that stuff out.

phentermine. so i started doing two things. 1) taking phentermine. 2) tracking my diet and exercise on weight watchers. i'm not a big fan of pills as a general rule, but being 80lbs over my ideal weight is no longer acceptable. actually, make that 72lbs. i started both the pills and weight watchers a week ago. i have a ton more energy, feel good about the lifestyle changes i have made (ones i can actually keep up with when the pills go away), and can already see that i'm a bit less bloated around my midsection. so the pills are only around for 3 months. they severly reduce my appitite, thats why i started weight watchers. in order to loose weight in a healthy manner, i know i need to eat, so tracking it via weight watchers is keeping me from starving myself. we've been doing stroller walks everyday (except today, its raining and i dont feel like driving to a mall) and lots of yoga. not to mention i've cleaned the house top to bottom (minus the boogerbear's room, i'm still organizing. its actually clean...) i did 8 loads of laundry sunday!!! no we dont have that many dirty clothes, but i did all the towels (clean, but stale thanks to my prior absence) and winter bed linens. its getting cold here. seriously, those pills make me zip and zoom. it definately pleases my detail oriented side, everything gets done in just the right way! hooray!

another step in my weightloss plan is to get off the depo shot. i decided on the mirena iud. it seems the most responsible. no more babies for a while. i like having just tyler. i know that he wont be my only child, but he can be older when we decide to have our next. the 1st iud lasts 5 years (it can be removed before then if we change our minds) and is has a very low dosage of hormone. it claims not to add weight or hinder weghtloss. come oct.19th we'll see...

i've decided that i like ugly betty. i wasnt so sure about it, but i dvr'd the season premere last night asn watched while the boogerbear napped and i did dishes. it was a bit confusing at first, but interesting enough for me to netflix the 1st season. now i just have to get the hubby to watch the movies (Romper Stomper, 300, & the Hulk) he's had for, oh, i dont know, THREE WEEKS!!! i think i'll just send them back and add them to the bottome of the queue. i always threaten to do that, but never do. i'm a sucker.

so, in a couple weeks ben leaves for korea and then taiwan for 4weeks. poop. my grandma is going to visit for one of those weeks and i was thinking of going back to houston with her, but i'm not too sure how possible that is. i not only have the baby, but the poodle too. getting there with the two of them and moomoo's help isnt impossible, but getting home seems a little out or reach. oh well i have a little time to think about it. anyone want to fly back with me from houston? maybe have a little visit? i know of a really good san franscico tour...

so, thats been my week in a nutshell. the boogerbear is waking so no time to add links or photos. maybe later. maybe not. xoxo! zooooooooooom!


ok, i'm back. i think. i hope. i dont even know where to start. when did i even blog last???

from a frantic memory (today proablly isnt the best day for this,) here goes some highlights from the past couple months:

tyler started walking!!! and can say "crack-ah!" like, he carries around an empty box of crackers and says it. apparently that means he wants crackers. if he's just hungry he says "mamamamamamamama." i see where his loyalties are.
mom had a good visit. she's relatively sane as of late. her divorce is final. she's offically miss kaluza again. she's also back to teaching. it seems that this batch of kiddies are a little better. and she called me at 1am (my time, 3am her's) to tell me she had a party and made out with an old highschool boyfriend. the only thing i could ask was "is he married?" no, thank goodness. but she's a wild one. i wonder if i should give her a cerfew? make her call me? check in, ya know?
computers died. thus the neglect to my lovely blog and stress outlet. husband finally got them back up and running. well the desktop. my laptop is totally gone. but the hubby did get the data off it. yay hubby!
my "bestfriend" came for a visit. the same best friend that i was so mad at for not even thanking me for her bridal shower/bachelorette party and everything else i pulled together for her wedding. she's pregnant. its going well so far. i feel better about our relationship after her visit. i alluded to not enjoying the company of people who didnt appreciate my efforts and i think she kinda got it. i also made a deal with myself not to bend over backwards for her. i'm here for her, but im not laying all my effort and emotion out for her to take.
the dreaded BIL's girlfriend is banned from the family. i dont know if she gets it, but it sure is nice not dealing with her face to face. sounds mean, but i'm so beyond pretending on that front. oh yea, she didnt show up for the boogerbear's 1st bday party. thinking back on it, we're way glad they weren't there, but its um only RUDE! so thats what finally finished her in my book. so much for building strong family bonds huh? (i'm sure this will be something i elaborate on later)
i freaking hate the stupid depo shot! its making me nuts. any recommendations on a good, effective BC? please! i'm desperate! i've been on the shot a year and each month when i'm supposed to bleed (ew) i'm nuttier than squirrel poo... seriously. i have a well woman exam coming up in a week. i'm definately going to talk to my ob/gyn about it then. we're not ready for another baby, but i cant stand another hormone high beginging of the month!!!
the boogerbear and i are heading to houston for my mom's bday and a cousin's wedding in a couple weeks. im looking forward to the trip just not the traveling. any recommendations on a good, effective baby sedative??? please! i'm desperate!!!

i think thats the big things. i have a lovely story for today. so tyler is yet again battling his infamous diaper rash. its pretty bad today and i had to start using the steroid (poop) cream last night. (we had been using the diaper ointment by burt's bee's. that stuff worked wonders where nothing else would work at all. i highly recommend for the ultrasensitive baby butts) well, to continue the story, he pooped (for the 4th time today. ugh!) and i changed him. i had plans of drawing a cool bath for him so i put a diaper on him so i could get the bath ready. well, before i could pick him up off the couch (where i changed him, so luckily the area was well covered) a gusher of puke launched into the air. and down again. what do you know? gravity works... before i can get him out of it he rolls around in it a little. well, at that point i just picked him up and ran to the bathroom. on the way he puked (a lot) again on the wool run and toy box. i finally get him in the bathtub where he pukes a little more and finally starts to calm down. right about the time i was washing the puke out of his hair, i start puking. i have a really weak gag reflex. lame. oh well, all is well now. he's sleeping and i'm showered. now all i have to do is to figure out how to get the curtled milk smell out of the rug. ARGH!!!


gross, random, yummy, cute and interesting

Ugh. Bad day. I feel like my uterus is about to fall out. Ok. I know. TMI. Anywho, here are my recent thoughts in a somewhat organized fashion:

Garden Gnomes. They’re everywhere. I no longer feel unique having the peculiar little fellows randomly around our house. Not that I love them any less. I just never envisioned garden gnomes to become a hot item again.

(random gnomes found at target!)

Dinner. I made it. It was yummy. Cioppino Pasta sauce with steamed clams and capellini.

here are our clams hanging out in a brine solution. one even stuck its tongue out at me!

mmm... cioppino.


Earings. I made some. Quick. Easy. Something I can actually wear with out threat of Tyler ripping my ear lobes. Here are some photos.

Tyler’s wiener. He found it! I know it’s a kind of pervie thing to discuss, but it is definitely in my top 5 of hilarious parenting moments. He was in the bath. He wouldn’t let the thing go. I even had enough time to get the video camera and get a good minute or two of it on film. SCORE! That’s future blackmail material if I ever saw it!


to pump or not to pump, that is the question.

So, I’m torn. I’ve been breast pumping for the past seven and a half months. For those of you who don’t know my story, my son never latched on. In fact, he never wanted anything to do with my boob, at all. I wanted so badly to breastfeed, it seemed so easy and convenient. Well, not for mister tyler. I started pumping thanks to extremely painful engorgement and continued trying to get him to latch on for 6 weeks. In hopes Tyler would actually latch on, I didn’t think investing in a better pump was worth it. I was using an Avent manual pump. That was my first mistake. After the stress of traveling to Houston and back, my milk supply was well on its way to hardly anything. By the time Tyler was 2 months old, we were supplementing with formula. By the time he was 6 months old, he was mostly formula fed. So now that Tyler is getting close to 8 months old, I’m wondering if its worth the effort to squeeze out a bottle’s worth of BM a day, if I’m lucky. I’ve tried every way, shape, and form of tincture, tea, or routine to increase my supply and it wont budge. So, is it worth it? I don’t know. I was hoping to keep supplying some form of breast milk for a year until he can hopefully move onto cow’s milk. I want to do what is best for the little man. Being formula fed doesn’t seem to have affected his growth or intelligence. Oh well, I’ll keep pumping for today.

In other news, I’m working on my own pattern for a pouch to include in my “mama bag”. My original plan was for a 3 zippered pouch that kinda looked mod. Now, its turning out a little more funky. I need to go by different length zippers though. I thought I would have 3 compartments all the same length with the height being different, now they’re all different sizes. I’m liking where its going so far. I am also working on a felt photo album cover for my grandmother for mother’s day. I wanted her to photograph her quilts. I think it will be a super keepsake for me when she * gasp * is no longer on this planet. So I’m going to buy her some disposable cameras and make her a cute album. My plan so far is quilt some very simple felt blocks together and maybe scrap a front page honoring her masterpieces that will be documented inside. I’m excited. I feel quite creative lately.

Speaking of sewing, my patterns and fabric from are coming tomorrow. I’m so excited!!!! Hum. Go figure. I get excited about fabric now. That’s interesting. Oh well, from scrapbooking to painting, I’ve always enjoyed “crafting”. This is just my newest obsession. I finally got to a place in my other hobbies where I can put them on the back burner and dedicate my spare (HA!) time to sewing. Fun. Fun. Fun.


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