Showing posts with label fighting the scale. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fighting the scale. Show all posts


so mcuh to do. so little motivation.

our sleep schedules have been so out of whack lately and i'm really starting to pay for it. i guess i do have the motivation, just not the energy.

one thing i havent been slacking off on is this really lame work out video called: 10 minute solution. dance it off. its really horrible and cheesy, but i'm getting tired of taking walks and this at least amuses me even if its only to laugh at the instructor (or myself). its still a laugh.

i think i'm going to work on getting that boy to bed and dance it off again today...


winter layers and strollers

well, the hubs will be off again. not to dresden as expected, but to freakin minnesota! its actually not that bad though. he'll be leaving monday morning and get back friday. i think the boogerbear and i can handle that. minnesota is freakin cold! its like TEN degrees there!!! i need to buy ben some more winter layers when i'm out today!

so things are busy around here. i'm working hard to keep the hubby and i on a "weight watchers" friendly meal plan. as for an update on the weight loss, i havent lost any weight and i didnt gain any until i went to houston for a week and came back 3lbs heavier. (hey the 8lb poodle thats laying in bed with me gained a whole pound, so in ratio me gaining 3lbs isnt too shabby!) so, i stopped taking the diet pills for a little over a month due to confusion between my doctor, her nurses, and the pharmacy techs at the local drug store. with that cleared up, i'm back on the meth... i mean phentermine pills and loosing wieght again. down to 222 (a shocking number i know, but i'm being honest here!) so that makes a whole 23.5lbs down! (ah! i cant believe i posted that!!!)

with weight loss in mind, i've been trying to go on fairly serious walks/hikes with a graco jogging stroller that i got off our baby registry before i knew anything about strollers. the boogerbear, a buddy of mine and her baby are all going to right start today in palo alto to pick up a new stroller for the boogerbear and i. now that i've learned about and actually in need of a good outdoor stroller i've decided to go with the bob revolution in orange no less. this is my second stroller purchase in the past year, the 1st being a combi cosmo that i'm starting to have a few issues with (the boogerbear can put his feet on the front wheels! that sucks while i'm trying to push it. 1. it can hurt his little tootsies and 2. it p*sses me the heck off!) while the cosmo was great at the beginging, i wanted something compact when folded (check), something compact when unfolded (check), and something very light weight thats easy to carry (double check). but now the stroller seems a little flimsy and the handle bar while perfect height for me at 5'5" is very not perfect for anyone taller, i.e. anyone else in my family. oh well, i think with today's purchase i'm finally going to get babygear that will be long lasting. i'm sure in time i will decide to buy another lightweight stroller as well. i've been looking at the maclarens and a couple from peg perego. too many choices... too many features...

ok, time to get going. more posting later today. have a good day ladies!


not a lot going on...

in fact, the past few days have been pretty boring. the boogerbear has chilled out from the self-destruct mode he was in last week and i've come to realize i'm a very clean and frugal person when DH isnt around. weird. he's such a laid back person that he makes me do lazy things too, for instance: sitting on the couch watching tv instead of doing laundry or dishes, sitting on the couch watching tv instead of going for a walk, sitting on the couch watching tv instead of making dinner. but since he's been gone i've quite naturally drifted into the non-lazy actions. hum. figures. even with out the diet pills, the "diet" has been going well with out the husband's influences. i've been eating: fruit for breakfast or sometimes oatmeal, because thats what tyler eats, a sammich for dinner, fruit leather for snacks, and kashi cereal for dinner. its just easier that way. i have made a can of tortilla soup with some spanish rice and i never neglect taco tuesday, but for the most i've been eating like a bachelor and it works (not to mention cheap!) i dont think i can get away eating like this much longer unless i make & freeze more food for the boogerbear. my stockpile of babysized meals is almost depleated. (fyi: when i make soups, pastas, chicken and rice, ect... i stash a couple little glad containers for days i dont cook for the baby. i like to know whats going in him no matter what i'm putting in me)oh, well. it looks like DH might come home as early as wednesday so i think i can hold out on the food front, but i'm so looking forward to him coming home. i seem to be able to handle the day to day of the boogerbear, but the uncharted waters of toddlerhood are pretty dang scary... but, DH has been gone long enough and it looks like the tool they're installing is ahead of schedule so there is very little foreseeable (?) reason for him to stick around those extra couple days. YAY!!! *does little victory dance* who knew that life could be so functional but so vacant with out him? i'de rather gain 5lbs than not have him back at home... tehehe.

anywho, sorry to be so dull, but thats life. anywho, i'm off to start organizing our packing for the upcoming houston trip (we depart this saturday and dont return for a bit over a week). sounds like fun.

oh yea, and keep an eye on my twitter because i plan to do updates via my cell phone while i'm away from the interweb!!?@!#@


3 weeks later and down 14lbs.

so yea, still tracking my eating with weight watchers, which is turning out to be the smartest thing i could have done. its way too easy to just not eat with the pills. they certianly do what they advertise. regardless, i'm happy with those lbs. off. i already feel lighter and more active.

speaking of, i've been trying to beef up my workouts too. daily stroller walks, a 30min yoga dvd 3 times a week, oh, and running after my insane child nonstop! that kid never sits still i swear. i have to force him to keep even a flexible schedule. heck, i have to force him to sleep. his bucket-o-energy is bottomless! anywho, back on topic, i'm also thinking of joining a gym. yea, i know. what was the point in buying that eliptical machine 8months ago? heck if i know. but i would have joined a gym back then too, but i didnt think a gym existed where they would watch your child while you worked out unless the child in question was potty trained. wrong! the gym my SIL attends will look after children 6mo plus. they just come and find you for any serious diaper or feeding situations. my SIL really likes the classes at this place and if i can go during the day with out interupting ben's fleeting evenings at home, then i win!

so i got lucky for one more week. dh will not be leaving for korea for at least another week if at all. then there is another tool for him to work on in taiwan, but we arent sure which of the motley crew he works with will be heading there if the korea thing falls through. then all i have to really worry about is him being shipped to germany around christmas. hum.

so, the other night we had a date night. we went out to dinner sans boogerbear and his work was the hot topic of the evening, mostly because he had a stressful day. so i humored him and asked questions. 2 cosmos and half a bottle of wine later he finished telling me a shortened version of what he did. my god. vaccums, and guns, but laser guns, and lights, but heavy duty xray type lights, and nitrogen, and turdburglers, and semiconductors, and fabs, and samsung, and 11x-qe, and samples, and particles, and yea.... so, thats why my husband has to leave the country for work...


zipping and zooming!

babies! my cousin found out she's having a little boy in feb. she already has an absolutely adorable little girl (lilybug) and i'm so happy for them. i know her hubby's family was hoping for a boy and now they have their legacy baby. ooo! and Erican is FINALLY going to the doc on oct.1st. she's like 20ish+ weeks already. i cant imagine not seeing a doc before then! but with insurance being lame and $$$ being an issue at a lot of the offices the contacted, oct. 1st it is. i'm not sure but i hope she gets a sonogram that day as well! i'm tore about hosting a baby nshower for her. to be honest, i should be the one to do it. i've been her best friend since she was like 10! but i want to stick to my "no bending over backwards" policy. if i host it, i know i will bend over backwards. there really isnt anyone she's "friends" with that i can count on. i do have contact info for her other good girlfriends (the bridesmaids), but, as nice of people as they are, they were pretty useless for the wedding and i have a gut feeling that it would be the same for a shower. not to mention it means traveling for the boogerbear and i. oh and both babies need things made for them, so my sewing machine needs to make its way back out of the cabinet! i have a lot of craftiness in my system atm, i need to work that stuff out.

phentermine. so i started doing two things. 1) taking phentermine. 2) tracking my diet and exercise on weight watchers. i'm not a big fan of pills as a general rule, but being 80lbs over my ideal weight is no longer acceptable. actually, make that 72lbs. i started both the pills and weight watchers a week ago. i have a ton more energy, feel good about the lifestyle changes i have made (ones i can actually keep up with when the pills go away), and can already see that i'm a bit less bloated around my midsection. so the pills are only around for 3 months. they severly reduce my appitite, thats why i started weight watchers. in order to loose weight in a healthy manner, i know i need to eat, so tracking it via weight watchers is keeping me from starving myself. we've been doing stroller walks everyday (except today, its raining and i dont feel like driving to a mall) and lots of yoga. not to mention i've cleaned the house top to bottom (minus the boogerbear's room, i'm still organizing. its actually clean...) i did 8 loads of laundry sunday!!! no we dont have that many dirty clothes, but i did all the towels (clean, but stale thanks to my prior absence) and winter bed linens. its getting cold here. seriously, those pills make me zip and zoom. it definately pleases my detail oriented side, everything gets done in just the right way! hooray!

another step in my weightloss plan is to get off the depo shot. i decided on the mirena iud. it seems the most responsible. no more babies for a while. i like having just tyler. i know that he wont be my only child, but he can be older when we decide to have our next. the 1st iud lasts 5 years (it can be removed before then if we change our minds) and is has a very low dosage of hormone. it claims not to add weight or hinder weghtloss. come oct.19th we'll see...

i've decided that i like ugly betty. i wasnt so sure about it, but i dvr'd the season premere last night asn watched while the boogerbear napped and i did dishes. it was a bit confusing at first, but interesting enough for me to netflix the 1st season. now i just have to get the hubby to watch the movies (Romper Stomper, 300, & the Hulk) he's had for, oh, i dont know, THREE WEEKS!!! i think i'll just send them back and add them to the bottome of the queue. i always threaten to do that, but never do. i'm a sucker.

so, in a couple weeks ben leaves for korea and then taiwan for 4weeks. poop. my grandma is going to visit for one of those weeks and i was thinking of going back to houston with her, but i'm not too sure how possible that is. i not only have the baby, but the poodle too. getting there with the two of them and moomoo's help isnt impossible, but getting home seems a little out or reach. oh well i have a little time to think about it. anyone want to fly back with me from houston? maybe have a little visit? i know of a really good san franscico tour...

so, thats been my week in a nutshell. the boogerbear is waking so no time to add links or photos. maybe later. maybe not. xoxo! zooooooooooom!


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