Showcasing nearly every jungle cliché in
existence, the ’70s version of Trader
Horn is the epitome of Hollywood fakery. Set in Africa but shot in Los
Angeles, complete with a finale set at the same location used for the exterior
of the Batcave in the ’60s Batman TV
series, the picture expresses such dubious themes as the white savior, the
shrewish woman who needs taming by a man, and the nobility of a maverick who
makes his own rules. Decoding this film, one would assume that the path to
world peace involves letting self-possessed white men make decisions for
everyone. To say the film’s politics were behind the times when Trader Horn was released in 1973 is an
understatement. Therefore it’s no surprise to learn that a previous biopic was made about the same real-life historical figure way back in
1931, when demeaning attitudes toward gender and race were even more
commonplace in Hollywood. The historical figure in question is Alfred Aloysius
“Trader” Horn (1861–1931), a white man who lived in Africa and made his living
off ivory but also helped local citizens escape slavery. A complicated
portrayal of his life would be fascinating. The 1973 version of Trader Horn is not. Rod Taylor, all
macho posturing, plays Horn as a principled rascal who leads hunting
parties but rages whenever animals or natives are needlessly endangered. As the
story is set in the World War I era, Horn finds himself caught between British
and German concerns while helping a party
search for an elusive platinum mine and, eventually, aiding revolutionaries.
Aside from the peculiar vignette of Taylor riding a zebra, there’s nothing here
people haven’t seen in a zillion Tarzan pictures, and apparently the best
location footage was repurposed from the 1931 version and juiced with color
effects. Trader Horn zips along at a
fast pace, so it’s not boring—but it’s so derivative and unevolved that it leaves an unpleasant aftertaste.
Horn: LAME