When you have old bananas-make banana bread
Labels: africa, baking, banana bread, betty crocker, blog, Daughters of the Deep, family, homemade, ministry, school, South Africa, Women's day
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Redirection provided by Blogger to WordPress Migration Service"Let light shine out of darkness, made His light shine in our hearts to us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ." 2 Corinthians 4:6
Labels: africa, baking, banana bread, betty crocker, blog, Daughters of the Deep, family, homemade, ministry, school, South Africa, Women's day
Labels: compassion, family, feeding, heart, jlife, Love, ministry
Well, I couldn't let Mother's Day go by without a post. I am just having a hard time starting...I don't know why exactly. My thoughts are everywhere. From my mom, me becoming a mom, what a mom looks like...so maybe these are some of the things for today's blog.
Labels: family, mother's day
Labels: africa, family, friends, Mozambique, texas girl, travel, villages
Labels: adopted, africa, blog, disciple, discipleship, family, French Africa, J-Life, jesus
Labels: africa, disciple, discipleship, ebola, family, jlife, liberia, marriage, ministry
Labels: africa, family, French Africa, J-Life, kids, ministry, missionary, togo, west africa
Recently a friend's son had to ask a missionary kid some questions. I thought they would be great to share the answer here:
Labels: family, jesus, jlife, kids, missionary, school, travel