Missionary Monday 4
This week's Missionary Monday is about a new country to J-Life, Sierra Leone. We are so excited to have Nelson Coulson from Sierra Leone come and train with us for the first 6 weeks of this year. We are so thankful for the Lord who puts connections and people together for the furthering of His kingdom.
Nelson's story of how he came to know about J-life is only one that God can orchestrate. He was walking along the road one day feeling very down and despondent. His walk with the Lord was not where he wanted it to be. A big wind came up and this flyer flew into his body. So he grabbed it and put it in his pocket. Later that evening, he reached in his pocket to find this flyer that spoke of youth ministry and discipleship. The flyer was about GYI (Global Youth Initiative) which J-Life is a part of this organization. So he contacted the name on the flyer and they said there is a man in Ghana that you can speak to about discipleship and youth ministry in Africa. This was Palgrave, our country leader. Because of the ebola break out, they were delayed in meeting, But the Lord used this flyer about GYI to connect Nelson to J-Life. I think of all the testimony flyers we have handed out over the years on mission trips with Grant and think that God uses those pieces of paper.
- Pray for Nelson and his wife Juliana
- Pray for the ministry to spread throughout Sierra Leone
- Pray for Nelson to implement what he learned in the 6 weeks in South Africa
- Pray for Palgrave as he continues to journey with Nelson
Labels: africa, blog, disciple, discipleship, ebola, J-Life, jesus, marriage, ministry, mission trip