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Even Family Adventure

"Let light shine out of darkness, made His light shine in our hearts to us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ." 2 Corinthians 4:6

Thursday, July 28, 2016

With a confused heart

Hello my friends and supporters of all kinds.  The last couple of weeks have been difficult at the school I "volunteer" at.  The deal was I volunteer and the kids get scholarships. Well, last week I was called in and told there had been changes to SARS (South African Revenue Service) ie...tax man. And it's no longer legal for me to volunteer and my kids still remain getting scholarships. So we waited and waited and waited.

Today, I met with on the head HR guys at our school corporation and our head bursar. And, tomorrow is my last day at Waterstone College. It is with a heavy heart because I will miss all the relationships I have built over the last 4.5 years and miss the kids. One the other side, I am quite excited to see what the Lord has planned for the next stage of my missionary life.  The kids will continue to get scholarships this year and Matthew was offered one for his final year next year. Grace will need to apply or we are considering homeschooling.  Please be in prayer as we transition.

Romans 6:33-34 What you should want most is God's kingdom and doing what He wants you to do. Then he will give you all these other things you need. So don't worry about tomorrow. Each day has enough trouble of its own. 


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Friday, July 22, 2016

With a broken heart

Two weeks ago on Thursday, the kids and I got to go to a feeding program that is run by a friend of ours. We often go to the one on Wednesday, but this was the first time we went on Thursday. It is a smaller group and meets in a hall. The program is run by a pastor. Three of our J-Life six week interns spoke and gave their story. Then I was asked to explain about what J-Life did and what we were about. For those that don’t know, we are about make disciples through the local church by training the pastor or mainly youth worker in the church. We train them in how to do ministry like Jesus. We work on relationships, growing and multiplying.
We then got up and made a line of the food that had been donated. It is all fresh food like carrots, potatoes, lettuce, etc…As I watched these beautiful people that I had been worshipping with go through the line, my heart broke. There by the grace go I. I want to be found faithful in what I spend, what I give away and what LOVE and COMPASSION I show to further the kingdom.

Pics aren’t for our glory, just to show you what it’s like. 

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