"Other things may change us, but we start and end with family."
--Anthony Brandt--

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Showing posts with label School. Show all posts
Showing posts with label School. Show all posts

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Kaiden's Winter Program

Kaiden had a 3rd grade winter program back in, ummmmmm.....I think January or February. And it has taken me this long to get it up on the blog. I'm terrible!!!!

There was a lot of waiting time before it began......

Then finally it was time to sing......

And then more waiting time.....

He looks like he's getting punched!  Haha!!

Here is one of the songs that they sang.  As soon as it started, memories flooded in for me.  I remember singing this song in Elementary school.  I remember loving it and singing it all the time in my room.  Because when I grew up I was going to be a singer like Whitney Huston and sing this song.  Because, this is just the type of song that Whitney would sing....right??  

Hehem!! Uh, never mind!  Forget I said anything!!  

Now on with the show!

Some of the kids participated in the instrumental part of the program.  Kaiden asked if he could play the piano.  The teacher agreed and told him that he could play with Ky (who was already assigned to play the piano)  Kaiden worked really hard to learn his part and was soooooo very nervous about playing in front of everyone.  I think he did a pretty darn good job!!!

This last song, Kaiden begged me to record!  He said that it was his favorite song of all and I LOVED it too.  And I have to admit that I had a mom moment while watching it back.  My little boy is growing up!!  He's growing up way too fast!  When did he get so big? And so darn cute?  Seriously?  Not that I haven't thought that he has always been cute, but now he's cute in a grown up boy kind of way instead of a little boy kind of way and it just really hit me that he isn't going to be little for much longer.  *Sigh*  Not sure I'm ready for that!!

Love you buddy!! You did such a good job and to me you will always be my little boy!!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

~First Day of School~

As I said in my previous post, school started after Labor Day which I loved and disliked all at the same time. I love having the kids home. I LOVE summertime, sleeping in, no schedules, sunny days, relaxing. But at the same time when it is time to go back to school I get very excited. It is good to get back to some sort of routine. And I have to admit that I have enjoyed being home with Kelsey. She is such a little busy body and she has definitely kept me on my toes.

So Keira started 1st grade this year. She LOVES her teacher and does really well. So far reading is her strong point. She loves to read and does it often. I am loving it. It is such a change from Kaiden in 1st grade. Keira loves school. She loves to learn new things and wants to be involved in everything. She is the type that comes home and tells me all about her day. Even down to exactly how much of her Chili she ate at lunch time. I can't get hardly anything out of Kaiden other than maybe who he played with at recess. They are both so very different.

Here is Keira on Back to School night.

Kaiden is in 3rd grade this year. It honestly gives me chills just thinking about it. I have no idea how he got to 3rd grade so soon. I think he is should still be in 1st. Maybe he could go back and do 1st and 2nd all over again. I sure wouldn't mind but I bet he would. Kaiden has an awesome teacher this year and Kaiden really likes him. Kaiden's strongest subject is math. But he does well in all subject. He is really coming out of his reading slump (can I say). He has been reading a ton lately. He read all the way to Pocatello one day just because he wanted to.....Crazy. And then last night he couldn't sleep so he read and then today when I had to go to Super Saturday at the church he decided that he would read. WOW!! Not sure what has changed but something is up. And I am just fine with it.

And here is Kaiden on Back to School night.

Here are both of them on the first day of school.
(They are blue because I had a setting messed up on my camera and didn't know it)

And then just like I do every year. Here are their height comparisons for all their school years.


1st Grade

2nd Grade

3rd Grade

I think it is going to be a great year!!!

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