Showing posts with label Chimeras. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chimeras. Show all posts

Mar 20, 2015

Catholic News Site Sees The Coming Of The Leathery Winged/Horned Alien Devils Of “Childhood’s End” En Route To Carry Out Their Mission Of Replacing Mankind

In Sir Arthur C. Clarke’s classic science fiction novel Childhood’s End (1953), a mysterious alien race known as the Overlords land on Earth. Swiftly establishing a benevolent dictatorship, the Overlords put an end to war and want and transform the world into a tranquil, rationalist utopia.

They do this not for the sake of mankind per se, however, but to pave the way for the next leap in human evolution—a leap which occurs years later, when human parents mysteriously beget superhuman children. With the watchful Overlords as their guardians, these children eventually abandon human form and merge into a disembodied collective supermind which roves the galaxy at the speed of thought. Meanwhile and for reasons not entirely clear, the human race loses its will to live, which is just as well since the transformation of the mutant children into a new collective life form unleashes terrible cosmic forces. Said forces destroy the Earth.

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Feb 26, 2015

The Transhumanist Scrapbook: Artificial Wombs and Motherless Births


In the insane rush of transhumanism to rob humanity of the last vestiges of...well... humanity, there's now the artificial womb (and thanks to Ms. S.S. and S.H. for finding and sharing these articles):

The Artificial Womb Is Born: Welcome To The WORLD Of The MATRIX

Artificial wombs: The coming era of motherless births

Perhaps the story here can be summed up with the opening passges of the first article:
"The artificial womb exists. In Tokyo, researchers have developed a technique called EUFI — extrauterine fetal incubation. They have taken goat fetuses, threaded catheters through the large vessels in the umbilical cord and supplied the fetuses with oxygenated blood while suspending them in incubators that contain artificial amniotic fluid heated to body temperature.
"For a moment, as you contemplate those fetal goats, it may seem a short hop to the Central Hatchery of Aldous Huxley’s imagination. In fact, in recent decades, as medicine has focused on the beginning and end stages of pregnancy, the essential time inside the woman’s body has been reduced. We are, however, still a long way from connecting those two points, from creating a completely artificial gestation. But we are at a moment when the fetus, during its obligatory time in the womb, is no longer inaccessible, no longer locked away from medical interventions.
"The future of human reproductive medicine lies along the speeding trajectories of several different technologies. There is neonatology, accomplishing its miracles at the too-abrupt end of gestation. There is fetal surgery, intervening dramatically during pregnancy to avert the anomalies that kill and cripple newborns. There is the technology of assisted reproduction, the in-vitro fertilization and gamete retrieval-and-transfer fireworks of the last 20 years. And then, inevitably, there is genetics. All these technologies are essentially new, and with them come ethical questions so potent that the very inventors of these miracles seem half-afraid of where we may be heading."
And this passages from the second article:
"Whether Haldane’s view will prove correct about the specific timing of when ectogenesis might become popular, or the numbers of children born that way, it’s certain that he was correct that tAt the same time, he was right that the societal implications are sure to be significant as the age of motherless birth approaches."
"The age of motherless birth approaches..."  That says it all.

And it is this I find so disturbing. There will doubtless be some who view the whole notion as a great boon to humanity: parents unable to have children for whatever reasons of health, a woman unable to bear children but who nevertheless wants them, might, should the arc of technological development suggested in the two articles continue, be able to do so. And of course, all of this will be "sold" to humanity as a good thing. Call me a Luddite, if you will, but I am not so sure. Far from it. Our earliest contact with other human beings occurs in our mother's womb. We hear her heartbeat and breathing and conversation. We might hear, even, distant and muffled, our father's voice. But our human development begins there and not, as some would have it, outside the womb. Our personhood begins there in that primordial ocean, surrounded by the muffled voices of a community of remote indecipherable gods from the get-go.

But now our technology threatens to take away even this most primordial humanizing experience, and, if one read between the lines a bit, it is a profoundly anti-feminine, anti-female agenda that it portends; it is a kind of technological rendering of superfluousness of the feminine and the female that I find so disquieting about this, for our first human interactions, whether we are male or female, is in the womb, with our mothers.  We can imagine, of course, the kind of totally "technotronic era" envisioned by twisted minds, where everything is plotted and planned by the great corporate state: this seminal sample will be matched with that egg sample, be born in an Ehrlenmeyer flask, and nurtured in a test-tube tank with the appropriate "nutrients" monitored by cold and remote technicians until the "time of birthing," when it will all be disconnected and, perhaps like Neo, flushed out of the system, or handed over to pre-selected "parents" to raise "it."  Of course, the scientismists will object that they can play pre-recorded conversations of the selected parents in the artificial "womb" and thus head off all possibility of whatever dehumanizing might occur. And this, of course, is the reduction. And we can envision more horrors of the reductionist kind as well, for "as the age of motherless birth approaches," so too, the age of fatherless conception must lie not far behind. And once the scientismists bring us there, with fatherless conceptions and motherless wombs and births, one can imagine the inevitable psychological impact.

And it will all continue until some bright(or really, just common sensical) psychologist notices that "something tends to be wrong" with the portion of the population "birthed" (or even "conceived") in this way, because the bottom line, folks, in spite of all attempts to reduce it to merely material processes or chemical reactions or statistics, is that love is not a material quantizable phenomenon, and anyone who tells you otherwise, is lying, and knows he (or she) is lying.

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Feb 18, 2015

From Manhattan Project to A.I.: The Coming Synthetic Rewrite of Nature

The genetic rewrite and manipulation, predicted long ago by H.G. Wells.
The genetic rewrite and manipulation, predicted long ago by H.G. Wells.

By: Jay

It is not by accident or organic, “grassroots” trend that numerous films are coming focused on artificial intelligence and the transhumanist takeover.  From H.G. Wells’ tales of genetic chimaeras in The Island of Dr. Moreau to Sixth Day with Schwarzenegger, to coming A.I. films like Chappie, the predictive programming preparations are rolling out.   My recent research has focused on the Manhattan, and like the MK ULTRA programs, Manhattan had a much wider application than is commonly known.

In fact, MK ULTRA and Manhattan are related through the connect of biometrics and bio-warfare.  As MK ULTRA faded away, the program was renamed MK SEARCH and transferred to Fort Detrick, one of the U.S. Military’s biological weapons-focused bases.  And with both MK SEARCH and Manhattan, we find an overarching ideology of transhumanism that has its origins much earlier in the alchemists of the ancient world.

The Manhattan Project was publicly known as the secret operation spanning several years devoted to developing the atomic bomb, yet the truth is much deeper and darker.  The Manhattan Project was actually a vast program concerned with radiation, human exposure and the grand telos – engineering resistant, synthetic humanoids.  The inklings that we can gather about this overall, long-term project appear to be geared towards biologically engineering humans to withstand the coming onslaught of various alterations in the entire biosphere.

In order to transition to the synthetic overlay that will integrate SmartCities, the “Internet of Things,” human bio-engineering, cloning, biometrics, genetic programming and environmental engineering is now an open plan in numerous transhumanist lectures and publications.   Yet in order to reach this phase, experimentation is necessary, and what better means to that end than experimenting on populations en masse.  We have already seen in my discussions and analysis the technocratic establishment has no qualms about testing on unwitting subjects, so covert experimentation on mass populations is not without precedent.  From MK ULTRA to covert spraying, the U.S. government sprayed St. Louis, for example, in a radiation experiment under the guise of prepping for a Russian attack.

That this particular experiment (among numerous) involved radiation was no coincidence.  The 20th Century appears to have been the “radiation century,” suggesting the hypothesis by researchers like Sofia Smallstorm to be correct (see lecture at the bottom of this article).  Smallstorm argues the goal of the 20th century’s experiments were precisely to overwrite the existing biosphere with a new, synthetic overlay, or humanity 2.0.  Humanity Plus, the new homo evolutis, would be an androgynous being capable of technocratic control beneath the all-seeing Eye of panoptic surveillance.  Children will be grown in test tubes, according to the Brave New World plans of Huxley, and sex would become meaningless.  Offspring allowed to subsist will be genderless automatons, made for slave-like subjugation and toil.  Wells described this in his Time Machine, with the Morlocks and Eloi.
From Bertrand Russell to Dr. Edward Teller, the plan that is blossoming in our day is showing itself to be a unified one – a plan that spans the last century in particular as the century of the “final revolution” (in Russell’s words), where scientific process would reveal the secrets to technological imperialism.  Teller himself, as I have written, was not only a key figure in the development of the hydrogen bomb and the Manhattan Project, but also the father of aerosol spraying and atmospheric geoengineering.  This period is thus concurrent with the alchemical atomic and nuclear tests done igniting bombs in the atmosphere, beginning at the Trinity Site in New Mexico.  The history site ABomb1 explains:

“From 1945 to 1963 the U.S.A. conducted an extensive campaign of atmospheric nuclear tests, grouped into roughly 20 test “series.” After 1963 when the Limited Test Ban Treaty was signed testing for the U.S., Soviet Union, and Great Britain moved underground. France continued atmospheric testing until 1974 and China did so until 1980. This page focuses mainly on U.S. testing because those documents are most readily available.”
Masonic obelisk marking the Trinity detonation site.
Masonic obelisk marking the Trinity detonation site.
Researcher Michael A. Hoffman opines on the alchemical significance of these tests at the “Trinity” site and its scientistic underpinnings:

“The reason science is a bad master and a dangerous servant and ought not to be worshipped, is that science is not objective.  Science is fundamentally about the uses of measurement.  What does not fit the yardstick of the scientist is discarded.  Scientific determinism has repeatedly excluded some data from its measurement and fudged other data, such as Piltdown Man, in order to support the self-fulfilling nature of its own agenda be it Darwinism, or “cut, burn and poison” methods of cancer “treatment….
This process is observed in the Renaissance, which was informed by a secret gnosis whose core dogma was momentous change in man’s attitude toward nature: the alleged “perfection’ of a “flawed” Creation by the invention of the “omnipotent” human brain.  Thus it was the Renaissance magical tradition that gave birth to the monstrous world of machines, industrial pollution, ugliness and the modern way of death we have come to term the “rat race.” (Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare, pg. 49)

Feb 12, 2015

Plan to Sequence the Genome of Millions Gets Boost from Obama Administration - Are They Looking for Descendants of the Nephilim?

I'll let the article flesh out the speculation, but the altered headline says it quite nicely...


The article concerns recent decisions of the Obama administration to fund a massive human genome sequencing project to gather DNA samples from millions of people, and then to archive these in a database:

U.S. to Develop DNA Study of One Million People An Obama initiative seeks to channel a torrent of gene information into treatments for cancer, other diseases.

The aim here, ostensibly, is to develop a new paradigm of medicine, one that abandons the current paradigm of "one size fits all," and that taylors new genetically-based therapies directly to the individual:
"Precision medicine refers to treatments tailored to a person’s genetic profile, an idea already transforming how doctors fight cancer and some rare diseases.
"The Obama plan, including support for studies of cancer and rare disease, is part of a shift away from “one-size-fits-all” medicine, Jo Handelsman, associate director for the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, said in a briefing yesterday. She called precision medicine “a game changer that holds the potential to revolutionize how we approach health in this country and around the world.”
"The White House said the largest part of the money, $130 million, would go to the National Institutes of Health in order to create a population-scale study of how peoples’ genes, environment, and lifestyle affect their health."(Emphasis added)
As we've pointed out here many times, the new medical technologies - from genetically based therapies to nanotechnologies - do have the potential to change the basic paradigm of medicine very dramatically. But the technology has another implication, one hinted at the very end of the article:
"David Goldstein, director of a new institute for genome medicine at Columbia University, called the Obama plan part of an irreversible drive toward obtaining more and more complete genetic information on people as part of routine medicine. 'The writing is on the wall,' Goldstein said. 'We are all going to be sequenced; the question is just who does it and what is done with it. The challenge will be to do good things with the data.'” (Emphasis added)
Indeed, again, note the push here: We are all going to be sequenced. There is no debate, no ifs ands or buts. In the light of our blog about the chipping being done in Sweden at a Swedish firm, the portent and implications here are obvious: imagine those chips being made to interact on an individual basis. Or worse: Imagine one's genetic date being used not to create individual-specific or individually-target therapies, but rather, as Goldstein hints,being used to create a kind of "genetic bullet" specific to one individual, or even a particular family, targetable perhaps to "x" members of the wider family.
But then there occurs this intriguing bit of commentary:
"Officials indicated that patients might have more access to data generated about them than is usually the case in research studies. That is partly because scientists will need the ability to re-contact them, should their genes prove interesting." (Emphases added)
"Interesting" is a word that can do all sorts of duty in this context, and I suspect, in my high-octane speculation of the day, that my old intuition that I've long held with respect to genetics research is true, namely,  that under the cloak and cover of "genetic research" for "medicinal purposes", or even under the guise of covert genetic research for "bio-weapons research purposes", something very different may ultimately lie at the core of the elite's push to gather a large human DNA database. That something would be, via the techniques of mapping humanity's genetic history, the elites are looking for something, for the confirmations - if any - of those old stories of the gods coming down from heaven and siring chimerical human offspring, and perhaps even looking for confirmation of their own families' ties to those stories. To fill in those stories with any sort of reliable genetic confirmation would have to drastically expand the database on which current genetic histories of humanity's various haplogroups are reconstructed. Those studies have been based on narrow samplings of populations around the world. But add millions of samples from around the world, and those histories could not only be expanded, but given a great deal of detail. If this speculation is anywhere close to the truth (and it's a mighty big if), then one should expect that similar studies of miilions of people will be undertaken, not just in the USA, but around the world. If, suddenly, say, the Japanese government decides to do the same with millions of Japanese, and Indonesia and India and Russia the same, then, perhaps, we'll have a little more of an indicator that the high octane speculation might actually be the case.

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Man, Satan's Next PC: Portals, Holograms, Microsoft, Science Fiction = Now Science "Fact"

Jan 29, 2015

Russ Dizdar DNA Mutation: What Do The Luciferians Want ?

Many News Reports Lately Discussing How Our DNA Is Being Altered By Various Means. Russ Dizdar Gives Us Excellent Insight As To Why. Hope You All Enjoy This Video. It Took Several Hours To Make. http://www.kevinrichardsonministries....

Sep 25, 2014

The Transhumanist Scrapbook: The Sleepless Self-Healing Super-Soldier


Yesterday I blogged about the plans of some mad scientists and equally insane corporate backers to create “micro humans” to grow and harvest organs and for “test subjects”, a project that I find so vile and anathema I scarcely have the words to describe the depth of my disgust. But there’s a military agenda too, and while my co-author of Transhumanism: A Grimoire of Alchemical Agendas, Dr. Scott D. deHart and I outlined these in that book, it is worth pointing out that this military agenda is very much a part of the transhumanist technological agenda:

US Army: ‘Super Soldier’ Genetically Modified Humans Won’t Need Food, Sleep

There’s an important admission in this article, or rather, an important suggestion, that invites my high octane speculation of the day, and I cite this suggestion, which occurs in the at the end of the third opening paragraph, in the context of the opening paragraphs of the article:
“The next frontier of genetic modification is not centered around a certain fruit or vegetable, but humans. More specifically, military personnel. Genetically modified humans is the next venture for biotechnology companies working with the United States military, with the admitted goal of producing a ‘super soldier’ that does not require food or sleep to perform Olympic-style physical feats.
“The genetically modified humans, or ‘super soldiers’, will even be able to regrow limbs that were destroyed by enemy fire and live off of their fat stores for extreme lengths of time.
Backed by $2 billion a year in funding, the Pentagon’s Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) recently unleashed the news after years of secret experimentation and study. The organization did not say whether or not genetically modified humans currently exist to such an extent, however it is known based on previous reports that human chimeras have already been created outside of the public spotlight. Such scientific experiments have drawn fire from scientists and activists alike, who are demanding for laws to forbid the creation of ‘monsters’.” (Bold and italicized emphasis added)
There’s the rub: billions of dollars + several years + secret research = x… The problem is, what is the “x”? For those who have followed the indications of a secret history of physics and advanced technologies, the story is a familiar one: some time after World War Two, a hidden system of finance was established to sustain a decades’ long “Manhattan Project” style research project into the secrets of antigravity; sometime in the mid-1950s the subject suddenly disappeared from the public radar, while every now and then the odd story of an inventor here or a leaked statement there –  Ben Rich of the Lockhead Skunk works, and his reputed statements about finding an “error in the equations” and “now we can take ET home” come to mind – have all the indicates of a prima facie case that an off-the-books physics and technology has been developed that might far exceed the capabilities of the public culture and society we live in.
So why not in genetics and biology? If you’re like me, and I suspect many of you are, then when you read such public admissions, you suspect that the real technology is much further along than is being publicly admitted. Indeed, yesterday’s blog about the enegineering of “micro-humans” for “organ harvesting” and “human subject testing” would seem to be exactly the indicator that the possibility that such “super-soldiers” might already exist in some “Mark I” version.
The real question is, why – really – would one need such super-soldiers? Obviously, sleepless foodless self-healing soldiers would be a huge “force multiplier” in any conventional conflict with, say, the People’s Liberation Army of China. But… the Chinese soldiers aren’t sleepless or foodless or self-healing. And there would seem to be other technologies that would offset any Chinese conventional numerical superiority. So again, why – really – would we need sleepless, foodless, self-healing soldiers.
And then the thought, and the high octane speculation, hit me: such a “super-soldier” would more more ideally suited to the logistical problems associated with sustaining military operations not even on this planet, against a foe that perhaps has some rather peculiar abilities.

Sep 5, 2014

The Transhumanist Scrapbook: MIT and Selective Gene Repair: Explicit Benefits, and Implicit Dangers


There’s been another important development in the “quadrangle” of GRIN technologies(genetics, robotics, information processing, and nanotechnology) that form the Tranhumanist movement’s vision of the “singularity”, and this time it’s in the world of genetics:

Editing the genome with high precision

There are some key paragraphs here:
“The new system is much more user-friendly, Zhang says. Making use of naturally occurring bacterial protein-RNA systems that recognize and snip viral DNA, the researchers can create DNA-editing complexes that include a nuclease called Cas9 bound to short RNA sequences. These sequences are designed to target specific locations in the genome; when they encounter a match, Cas9 cuts the DNA.
This approach can be used either to disrupt the function of a gene or to replace it with a new one. To replace the gene, the researchers must also add a DNA template for the new gene, which would be copied into the genome after the DNA is cut.
Each of the RNA segments can target a different sequence. “That’s the beauty of this — you can easily program a nuclease to target one or more positions in the genome,” Zhang says.
The method is also very precise — if there is a single base-pair difference between the RNA targeting sequence and the genome sequence, Cas9 is not activated. This is not the case for zinc fingers or TALEN. The new system also appears to be more efficient than TALEN, and much less expensive.”(Emphasis added)
You’ll note that while previous genetic splicing and dicing was a more hit-and-miss affair, this new technique allows the targeting of a specific gene, and that this targeting can be used either to alter a specific gene’s function, or replace it with an entirely new one.

The process appears already to have been utilized to correct a liver disorder in laboratory mice by correcting a mutated gene causing the disorder:

Erasing a genetic mutation

This is all, so far as it goes, good news, and especially for people suffering liver disorders which could presumably be corrected by altering the function of a mutated gene, or simply removing it and replacing it with a gene causing healthy liver function. One can imagine more extensions of this technology to, say, the pancreas and the problem of diabetes which many have long suspected to have some genetic correlation, or perhaps even deadly pancreatic cancer.

As with all emerging technologies, however, there are implicit dangers as well, and we’ve seen some of them already evident with the GMO issue: what are the long-term intergenerational effects of such technologies? Will their development enhance, or ultimately inhibit, natural evolutionary processes, the very processes which have, for example, built up immune systems? If genetic therapies are widely practiced on a generation for various chronic illnesses, what, if any, will be the effect on their offspring’s natural ability to ward off disease through the immune system? It is a cautionary lesson that the GMO issue has only all too starkly reminded us of: falling crop yields, and a growing concern in the literature that the GMO foods are causing various health problems, including, if you’ll recall, declining litters in a Danish pig farmer’s pigs when fed a steady diet of GMOs.

And as you’ll have guessed, there are also greater possibilities available in the creation of chimeras, blends of DNA from one species with that of another, for now specific areas and genes can be targeted and their functions modified or simply be replaced.

Of course, these are the concerns of an amateur, of a non-scientist and non-geneticist. But it is the essence of science at any given moment to be proven wrong over time, and with that lesson in mind, before jumping on any confident medical assurances – after all, the medical and drug industry is always truthful, right? – we need to insist that technologies affecting the very processes of all life be subject to the most rigorous inter-generational testing possible, and that any human volunteers for tests of new therapies be fully apprised of the implicit possibilities.

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May 22, 2014

The Era Of Chimeras: Scientists Fearlessly Create Bizarre Human/Animal Hybrids

For those who wonder about the "terrible ones", read Joel chapter 2 for a brief reminder.  Seems like someone out there is following the plan perfectly.

By Michael Snyder
Human/Animal HybridsDid you know that scientists are creating cow/human hybrids, pig/human hybrids and even mouse/human hybrids?  This is happening every single day in labs all over the western world, but most people have never even heard about it.  So would you drink milk from a cow/human hybrid that produces milk that is almost identical to human breast milk?

  And how would you interact with a mouse that has a brain that is almost entirely human?  These are the kinds of questions that we will have to start to address as a society as scientists create increasingly bizarre human/animal hybrids.  Thanks to dramatic advances in genetic technology, we have gotten to the point where it is literally possible for college students to create new hybrid lifeforms in their basements.   Of course our laws have not kept pace with these advances, and now that Pandora’s Box has been opened, it is going to be nearly impossible to shut it.

Scientists try to justify the creation of human/animal hybrids by telling us that it will help “cure disease” and help “end world hunger”, but what if scientists discover that combining human DNA with animal DNA can give us incredible new abilities or greatly extended lifespans?  Will humanity really have the restraint to keep from going down that road?

In my previous article entitled “Transhumanists: Superhuman Powers And Life Extension Technologies Will Allow Us To Become Like God“, I explored the obsession that transhumanists have with human enhancement.  The temptation to “take control of our own evolution” will surely be too great for many scientists to resist.  And even if some nations outlaw the complete merging of humans and animals, that does not mean that everyone else in the world will.

And once animal DNA gets into our breeding pool, how will we ever put the genie back into the bottle?  As the DNA of the human race becomes corrupted, it is easy to imagine a future where there are very few “pure humans” remaining.

Sadly, most of the scientists working in this field express very little concern for these types of considerations.  In fact, one very prominent U.S. geneticist says that we should not even worry about hybridization because he believes that humans were originally pig/chimpanzee hybrids anyway…
The human species began as the hybrid offspring of a male pig and a female chimpanzee, an American geneticist has suggested.
The startling claim has been made by Eugene McCarthy, who is also one of the world’s leading authorities on hybridisation in animals.
He points out that while humans have many features in common with chimps, we also have a large number of distinguishing characteristics not found in any other primates.
So if we are just hybrid creatures ourselves, why should we be scared of making more hybrids?
From their point of view, it all makes perfect sense.

And right now, extremely weird human/animal hybrids are being grown all over the United States.
For example, just check out the following excerpt from an NBC News article about what is going on in Nevada…
On a farm about six miles outside this gambling town, Jason Chamberlain looks over a flock of about 50 smelly sheep, many of them possessing partially human livers, hearts, brains and other organs.
The University of Nevada-Reno researcher talks matter-of-factly about his plans to euthanize one of the pregnant sheep in a nearby lab. He can’t wait to examine the effects of the human cells he had injected into the fetus’ brain about two months ago.
“It’s mice on a large scale,” Chamberlain says with a shrug.
When this article came across my desk recently, I noted that it was almost ten years old.

Over the past decade, things have gotten much, much stranger.

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Feb 12, 2014

DNA Results For The Nephilim Skulls In Peru Are In

The "Nephilim" reference here is to the giants of Genesis 6:4 which exited before that flood of Noah's day and then again after the flood.  The important distinction being made here is that skulls can be forced into other shapes by binding them during infancy.  However, bound skulls should not carry any more mass or volume than a regular skull.  How they decide volume shouldn't change when the skull shape changes makes no sense to me, but that it would not cause the skull to pick up greater mass makes perfect sense.  Interesting stuff.

Michael SnyderThe Truth Wins

How can we explain elongated skulls that are thousands of years old that contain genetic material “unknown in any human, primate or animal known so far”?  For months, many of us have been eagerly awaiting the results of the first DNA tests to ever be performed on the famous Paracas skulls.
Image: Elongated Skull.
The results for one of the skulls are now in, and the scientist that did the testing is declaring that this skull represents a “new human-like creature” unlike anything that has ever been discovered before.  So are these actually Nephilim skulls?  Do they come from a time when the world more closely resembled “the Lord of the Rings” than most people living today would ever dare to imagine?  There are those who believe that extremely bizarre hybrid races once roamed the planet.
With each passing year, the scientific evidence continues to pile up on the side of those that are convinced that the Nephilim actually lived among us.  As the knowledge of this evidence becomes more widespread, what is that going to do to the commonly accepted version of history that all of us have been taught?
If you are not familiar with the Paracas skulls, the following is a pretty good summary from a recent article by April Holloway
Paracas is a desert peninsula located within the Pisco Province in the Inca Region, on the south coast of Peru.  It is here were Peruvian archaeologist, Julio Tello, made an amazing discovery in 1928 – a massive and elaborate graveyard containing tombs filled with the remains of individuals with the largest elongated skulls found anywhere in the world. These have come to be known as the ‘Paracas skulls’. In total, Tello found more than 300 of these elongated skulls, which are believed to date back around 3,000 years. A DNA analysis has now been conducted on one of the skulls and expert Brien Foerster has released preliminary information regarding these enigmatic skulls.
As Holloway noted, it is researcher Brien Foerster that has been leading the charge in reviving interest in these elongated skulls.  Now that the DNA results are in, interest in these skulls is almost certainly going to skyrocket.  The following quote from the geneticist that conducted the DNA analysis comes from Brien Foerster’s Facebook page.  Please keep in mind that this geneticist was not told the history of these skulls in advance.  So he was able to examine them without any preconceived notions.  What he found was absolutely shocking…
Whatever the sample labeled 3A has came from – it had mtDNA with mutations unknown in any human, primate or animal known so far. The data is very sketchy though and a LOT of sequencing still needs to be done to recover the complete mtDNA sequence. But a few fragments I was able to sequence from this sample 3A indicate that if these mutations will hold we are dealing with a new human-like creature, very distant from Homo sapiens, Neanderthals and Denisovans.

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Sep 9, 2013

Human Animal Hybrids Exist! | Tom Horn | It's Supernatural with Sid Roth

This interview is clipped poorly, with some answers cut off.  Also, Sid seems to interrupt a number of the answers, but you can get the foundational ideas from the interview.  The research that Tom Horn has done is excellent, and of extreme importance at this late hour of history.


Jul 25, 2012

Artificial jellyfish made from rat heart

I'm sure the fine folks creating lifeforms in the labs will only make good creatures, beneficial to all mankind.  If they are doing this, can you imagine what they have already done in engineering new or genetically altered humans?

A team led by researchers at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) and Harvard University have built this remarkable display of modern bioengineering – a completely engineered jellyfish that blends both living and non-living parts, masterfully fitted together. Called the medusoid, this cyborg jellyfish was created using silicone and muscle cells from a rat’s heart, and surprisingly, it can move and behave exactly like its living, biological counterpart, as seen in the video above.
“Morphologically, we’ve built a jellyfish. Functionally, we’ve built a jellyfish. Genetically, this thing is a rat,” says Kit Parker, a biophysicist at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, who led the work.
MedusoidJellyfish are believed to be the oldest multi-organ animals in the world, possibly existing on Earth for the past 500 million years. They can swim with rhythmical contractions of the bell (muscles) that propel it with the force of the water pushed from inside the bell, sort of like jet propelling does with air jets, the action creates an equal and opposite reaction. This is very similar to how the human heart functions at a principle level, making it a viable candidate to model and analyze for tissue engineering purposes.
And Parker along with colleagues from the lab, where they work on creating artificial models of human heart tissues for regenerating organs and testing drugs, didn’t waste one moment after recognizing the jellyfish’s potential.
“It occurred to me in 2007 that we might have failed to understand the fundamental laws of muscular pumps,” says Kevin Kit Parker, Tarr Family Professor of Bioengineering and Applied Physics at Harvard and a coauthor of the study. “I started looking at marine organisms that pump to survive. Then I saw a jellyfish at the New England Aquarium, and I immediately noted both similarities and differences between how the jellyfish pumps and the human heart. The similarities help reveal what you need to do to design a bio-inspired pump.”
The scientists enlisted Caltech biotechnology researcher Janna Nawroth for their jellyfish-emulating cause. Nawroth performed most of the experiments, including the mapping of every cell in the bodies of juvenile moon jellies (Aurelia aurita), indispensable to understanding the animal’s propulsion system.
The team looked at an array of possible materials they could use to fashion their synthetic jellyfish; eventually they settled for a silicone polymer that makes up the body of the Medusoid into a thin membrane that resembles a small jellyfish, with eight arm-like appendage. The scientists then grew and applied a single layer of rat heart muscle on the patterned sheet of silicone.
The swimming behaviour of the Medusoid closely mimics that of the real thing
The swimming behaviour of the Medusoid closely mimics that of the real thing
The medusoid was inserted in an electrically conducting container of fluid and placed between two electrodes. The current was oscillated from zero volts to five volts, and the medusoid began to swim with synchronized contractions that mimic those of real jellyfish.
“I was surprised that with relatively few components—a silicone base and cells that we arranged—we were able to reproduce some pretty complex swimming and feeding behaviors that you see in biological jellyfish,” says John Dabiri, a bioengineer who studies biological propulsion at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in Pasadena. “I’m pleasantly surprised at how close we are getting to matching the natural biological performance, but also that we’re seeing ways in which we can probably improve on that natural performance. The process of evolution missed a lot of good solutions.”
Parker says his team is taking synthetic biology to a new level. “Usually when we talk about synthetic life forms, somebody will take a living cell and put new genes in. We built an animal. It’s not just about genes, but about morphology and function.”
The team’s next goal is to design a completely self-contained system that is able to sense and actuate on its own using internal signals, as human hearts do. “You’ve got a heart drug?” says Parker. “You let me put it on my jellyfish, and I’ll tell you if it can improve the pumping.”
The findings were reported in the journal Nature Biotechnology.