Showing posts with label self. Show all posts
Showing posts with label self. Show all posts

Thursday, February 19, 2015


A friend once said that the one thing that we should learn is .. 'to mind our own business'.
Really? That made me think. You see, there were those times I remember very well when I needed a helping hand... a kind word... some bit of inspiration or encouragement... someone to be there ----  but nobody bothered to be there because they were simply minding their own business like it was the best and proper thing to do - to leave me to my misery. Can you imagine if somebody just forgot about being scared and took that brave step to get in there and ask if I was okay? That would have made the big difference.
What's to be scared of? Getting involved in other people's lives? That it might make a dent into your resources, time, energy, or take you out of your nice comfort zones? That by giving more of you -- that you become less and less? That you are not good enough or rich enough or influential enough to make a difference?
But I have learned that the trouble lies in this simple fact that we are too tied up with the self. That after we have slaved ourselves to where we are whatever it is we take pride in, we now consider everything else as a possible threat to that. And that, to our mind, will hurt our tiny world and we don't want that.
And here comes a cry for help... but we look the other way.
Mind our own business.  Do you think that it is correct? Of course, we should be respecters of men and women. But it does not have to mean that we isolate ourselves from one another. That's taking it too far.  That's not why we are here.  If I can't count on you.. and can't count on me ---- who will and would??
No man is an island;  we all stand connected. You feel, I feel;  you hurt, I hurt;  you're happy, I am happy;  you grieve, I grieve. You are no better or lesser than me ... nor  I better or lesser than you.  I am you and you are me.  We keep forgetting that simple truth.  All by God's design.
So, my dear friend, if perchance you need a prayer - and prayer is what I can give you with all my heart --- let me know!  God bless you.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


None that I saw this week or this month could better what this quote says here..... (many thanks to Mr. Quote Man)

" Life is like a camera...
Focus on what's important,
Capture the good times
Develop from the negatives,
And if things don't work out
Take another shot."

(Author Unknown)

Focus.  That seems quite easy to do. Yes, if one has learned to sift through the bits and pieces of a crazy day or life. Otherwise we usually get derailed or loose our sails, too find it hard to get back on track again. So then recharge, regroup strengths, realign, reset focus once more. And hope it does the trick and the picture comes out right.

Capture.  Admittedly times when something passes our attention and we realize it too late that it was something good... really good. This always happens when we are just too much into ourselves. That nothing ever matters except the I, Me, My, Mine of things. So we don't often notice the landscape of our lives. There are far more interesting things and experiences other than who we think we are. Yes, because this big wide world isn't all about the singular me....  but also all about the wonderful diversity which God made sure we should have.

Develop.  Yes, that's what we're supposed to do and be doing with our lives. Learn well new things. Learn even so much more when bad comes... which is said to be there for our learning and betterment. Unfortunately we don't always hit the mark with this one. Human nature, I guess, which tends to enjoy a little bit of misery or is it just a weak call for attention. But haven't we been told that we are wired to succeed whatever the challenge? Or survive as our personal histories testify, if we take time to look back at it. Admit that somewhere there was a bit of positivity which propelled us to move forward strongly and has taken us to where we are at this point in time.

Take another shot.  This runs parallel to the one above in terms of not giving up. Truth of the matter is, there is no other option nor choice. Because in whatever circumstance we find ourselves..  we are always required by some unseen hand to 'take another shot' at it when the first time had us failed. We do take another shot at... life, relationships, education, jobs, applications, business, dreams, governance, goals, or simply in wanting to be pretty, and whatever else humans are designed to go through in life. We take another shot because we have tied our dreams, hopes, or the whole of our lives to it. Nobody need tell us that, I think, because we do it everyday. It's second nature, like breathing. It's life; it's what we do. Thank God!

We must be good...  we are God's work.
Yet glory to God. He wired us for good things.
Blessings, everyone!

Friday, November 23, 2012


Saw this on my news feed this morning and it is good......

Sudhir Krishnan ---

"The quality of your earthly experience has less to do with outside circumstances, and more to do with your own level of consciousness. It's like each one of us shine our own inner light on to the external world. The brighter our inner light, the brighter the world appears, and vice-versa. Our primary work then, is not to change the world, but to be that change, to brighten our "inner light" that will go out and naturally brighten the world."


Simply stated -- change your self, change the world. Other similar sayings....'be the change you want to see in the world'  -  'change begins with self'  -  'you want to change the world, begin with you'  -  'the world will change when you change'.

So then there is no escaping this simple truth.... that we create our world by how we create our selves.

Blessed week to you all!

(Photo is from

Saturday, July 17, 2010


I don't think that an empty day is just what it is... empty. And I don't think that self is wasted on an empty day. Because every thought, movement, word even the tiniest of it matters. Whatever life that comes out of self resonates in time and leaves its mark on anything everything it lands on... now, tomorrow, the future. Believe it. Because you matter; it's not the day -- it's all about YOU.


Every thought that passes through your mind could have the potential of a bright new idea, invention, creation, inspiration, knowledge which in its own time will give birth to wonder, awe, and magic. Every word spoken could in its own way inspire, encourage, strengthen, influence, or initiate a blessing. And each enlightened movement you do sends off a message to the universe to carry out the noble thought behind it.

All these even on an empty day like today.

Monday, June 21, 2010


"Know yourself. Don't accept your dog's admiration as conclusive evidence that you are wonderful." --- (Ann Landers)

Now that is something we should look into, real hard. Puny mortals that we are, we tend to have such a blown-up importance of self.

We have to learn to go past these four words: "I" "Me" "Mine" "My". It does nothing but separate us from the other person. If we walk around with those four plastered all over our face, we'd be walking a lonely road deserted by other living two-legged creatures who can't stand the weight width and height of our ego.

Truth is, the only thing which really matters is not how we see ourselves nor how people see us.... but rather how God SEES us! So perhaps the big question that follows that is ---can we stand His divine gaze or scrutiny? Because like it or not, he is looking.

Honestly, we're all still a work in progress so there really is no reason for feeling so high and mighty wrapped up in our super egos. That doesn't count, buddy, not to the Big Guy up there. He doesn't care for beauty or intelligence or brilliance or wealth or position... or if your daddy is the king of Timbuktu wherever that is. But he would pay attention if he sees what we're trying to do with it or how we're using it for the greater number and better good. What we do to ourselves and to others are those things that truly make the mark.

Know yourself. Not an easy truth to take but it won't hurt to know. No it won't. Because in its nitty-gritty revelation lies your power.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


"Our lives improve only when we take chances -- and the first and most difficult risk we can take is to be honest with ourselves." (Walter Anderson) --------

That's a good one. Yet we tend to shy away from it fearing that we might hurt ourselves in that journey. C'mon, the road less traveled is just what it is -- a challenge
, an adventure. Take a chance. Because those armed with a dream and have the courage to go that way will come to know its rewards. Will be rewarded! ----- You'll never know it until you try. :-)

Saturday, April 17, 2010


I am not what I used to be -- my old self which worried over every nitty-gritty detail of a mess-up, mine or somebody else's. I don't fret if the house is a mess, at least not anymore. But cleaning up goes on normally as it should. I save not for a special occasion because I've learned that everyday is a special occasion. So then I would buy ice cream, cakes, pretty clothes, shoes, bags and use them for no special reason. It doesn't have to be my birthday to look pretty or be happy.

Flaws, imperfections, weaknesses, or differences displayed by other people now amuse me because I have understood that we are all different and that being so does not make one person better or less than the other. It just makes us different. People's foibles are now better understood and forgiven, including mine. I draw close to people I like.. and if I don't like someone I simply stay away and forget that person. No point in having someone like that stick around to ruin my parade. I try not to go crazy when plans bomb out or when appointments are missed. Because if and when they do certainly it must be for some reason. Eventually something much better takes its place. But I try to make sure that I don't miss the good idea - thought - benefit or lesson behind it. Better to see it with a positive eye, otherwise it's bound to cause more stress in trying to figure out what happened.

I believe in miracles and blessings which certainly come plenty if one takes pains to find out or see it. I indeed seek for blessings because my mom said I should. Funny isn't it, so many things mothers tell their children and which children often forget. Glad that I remembered this one. You see mom would always tell me that there is always one when you come looking for it... and sometimes even when you aren't looking. Blessings don't always come wrapped up in gorgeous ribbons or other fancy trimmings or make a huge dramatic entrance into your life. Nope. Sometimes it's just there beside you or within you making you feel... peace calm serene joy hope strength inspiration faith... something you thought you'd never experience as the rest of your world comes tumbling down or has already.

I am happy where happiness finds me.... and if sorrow should come I'd probably cry too. Oh yes, probably hurt and ache, grieve, be miserable... but I know better now that these things are fleeting and would easily pass just like all of life. Besides things which I have no control over are no longer mine to worry about. Troubles are plenty it's true and nobody's spared of it, but we can choose how to face them. Thus if I don't have the solutions, then I leave them at the foot of the Cross for God to handle. He's better at it you know. So much better. I've learned that wonderful truth too. ---

Saturday, October 31, 2009


Do you know why quotes on some lips ring empty while on others seem like gems? Famous lines or words have travelled for ages, in different places, and through diverse people. The lines don’t grow old but in the wrong hands fail to serve its intrinsic worth.

When quoting something somebody said long ago or maybe even in the present, be wary of when or how or why you are doing the quote. You can’t simply fling it to the winds expecting a good harvest from those who may catch it. Sometimes it does, most times it does not.

Famous words originally spoken are from people of different backgrounds, point in time, issues or concerns, nuance of character. Out of these they speak their observation, insight, belief as they watch life and the world parade before their eyes. They too stand not only as spectators but are involved in its drama. They are students in the school of life and have learned well.

So why do ‘quotes’ fall flat on some and on others come out genuine? It’s simple….… they mismatch. Maybe it’s the lack of understanding of the idea presented, or the rush to prove wise, or the feeble attempt at 15 minutes of fame. I’ve seen that on TV interviews just recently (such embarrassing blooper!), unfortunately.

Quotes will come out as gems when spoken with honest conviction and true understanding of its origin and purpose and then is used in the same context and principle into the present circumstance. It can't be any other way because being genuine is 'to thine own self be true'. Truth delivered is wisdom served. That is the essence of a quote.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


An early morning walk does wonders to one's soul --- if you let it. This one morning cool and crisp brought me to usual paths and neighborhood. A familiar figure caught my attention as I walked passed by. ----

- A middle-aged housewife watering her small modest garden … Such a lovely garden kept lush and green, flowers in bloom in every nook and cranny of the small lot all cared for by her nurturing hand. She looked happy, content, serene, at peace in and with her little corner of the world. I am sure that the plant kingdom feel that way too. But who wouldn't be when touched by gentle caring nurturing hands?

Come to think of it, isn’t that quite so much what a human being needs– this kind of nurturing of body, mind, and soul?

A human being can’t always cope fully alone by himself in this world of continuing change and challenge. Can you imagine just how and what a well-meaning word of encouragement, hope, faith, care, inspiration, stimulation, motivation can do to another person weak in his own resources, power, and strength? It can take so little to create miracles. Believe this. The power is in you to do just that.

People need nurturing too and other things besides– homes, family, children, old folks, friends, relationships, ambition and dreams, business, projects, organizations, companies, towns, countries, pets, environment, etc and etc. Life and all that it affects undoubtedly need nurturing and constant care no matter what.

How can there be continuity in our lives if everything is allowed to wither away and die alone all by itself? Continuity or life is sealed with a huge hunk of nurturing. And I'll say it again --- the power is in you, me, us --- to do just that.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009



Maria (that’s not her real name, of course) only 5’ tall, weighs about 119 lbs, short black hair, black eyes, worry-wart, perfectionist, stubborn, outspoken, multi-talented, conservative, analytical, and reflective. Her life story is quite dotted with disappointments and unhappiness but she’s got spunk which I admire. She lives an hour away from me in another part of the city but we call each other up if meeting up isn’t possible.Ralph is married, in his early fifties, doesn’t have a regular job, gets by with special projects much to the consternation of his wife, has excellent pr with friends and colleagues but isn’t quite successful in the home and with family.

They are just two of countless other people in my social circle -- Same as with yours and too with theirs. Now why should I even mention these? I’m trying to drive home a point – an essential one.

We see zillions of people around us with distinct features and characteristics. Well, in our close circle we can only count about tens or hundreds, if you're lucky. But in the world outside there are zillions of them. Zillions! We’ve been told that no two persons are alike although they seem to be similar but still not the same. So then you, I, and they are distinctly different and separate in our own selves and persona.

I like that thought. It makes me feel very special. Don’t you too?

When you see me do the things I do, talk the way I do, think the way I do, walk the way I do ---- that’s me --- intrinsically genuinely me…Unless I put up a façade, but what for? Why pretend what I am not when being real is a lot more fun and interesting, at least to my point of view. It has nothing to do with being smug or proud or snooty liking oneself --- Although some people may take it to extremes and that’s where the problem begins. The idea of appreciating who I am and what I am makes life simpler and less stressful in a huge measure for myself and for others who move in and out of my turf or vice versa. No masks, no pretenses, no facades.

When I see myself as who I am --- the whole package of traits and flaws – and understand what makes me tick and still be comfortable with that I think am right on track with good sense. So then I can too appreciate others who may display other traits possibly quite unfamiliar to me and yet which I know do genuinely reflect their own distinct personality --who they are. I begin to learn to allow leeway for unpleasantness or idiosyncrasies of character because that too understandably is also in my own physical make-up. Understanding then takes place and then sets the correct mode in my relationships or in dealing with others.

I’m not going to dwell on the idea of changing where change should be, with reference to unpleasantness of character. Let’s leave that for another blog post.

The whole point of this exercise is to highlight how special you are as a person, an individual, a human being, creature, and character. Let nobody tell you otherwise. They have no permission to say that you are not. Neither do they have license to heap words of abuse on your character and person. Defend yourself and stand up for who you are. You are special, particularly in God’s eyes.

Oh yes, you are special, you are one and there is nobody else alive like you. They may copy you or seem to be like you but still they are not you. Get my point? Who else would heap canapés on his sandwich or walk in the park bare foot or look through a magazine back to front? Who else would dive straight into the pool in pajamas or eat dessert before and not after a meal or wear leather jackets in summer? Others may share your taste or preferences but you alone possess your own particular trademark as Mary, John, Peter, Lee, Pedro, Raj, Diwa. There is so much more of who you are that makes you quite unique and special. That was God's agenda when he created you. So like who you are and as you go along with that thought.. also do take time to see where you can improve on 'you' for an even better self.

Dr. Seuss says…..

(Wrote this some time ago. Taking this here now for a friend. Hope this works its purpose.)