Mr. Quote Man sent me this today..... to quote
"Teach me to feel another's woe, to hide the fault I see,
that mercy I to others show, that mercy show to me."
----- Alexander Pope
That's a beautiful poem, isn't it? It covers about most everything a human being would think... feel.... or do with life and people. I have to admit it that sometimes people can be quite irritating with their flaws and imperfections. Like I have good neighbors and bad neighbors. The good add to my joy and the bad just makes me pull at my hair in utter exasperation. But then again, maybe they also must be exasperated with some of my bad which I may not be aware of. That's how we are.... we think we're doing fine but if you stop and be still for a bit for some quiet retrospection, you might get to see that somebody is quite uncomfortable by what you did. But that's just it........ I have to remind myself often that people are imperfect and so am I. We're all the same in our greatness and our stupidity.
.And so it would take some good conscious learning to try to understand that on the broad spectrum of humanity, both good and bad walk side by side. That works true in every person anywhere you find yourself with on this planet. There's no perfection...... yet. What we may perceive as perfect isn't so. With the many layers enveloping an object, thing, or individual.... we only get to see a portion or one side... or several portions or sides.. but not really its entirety. The peeling off of layers is a continuing process orchestrated by Someone up there. Everything or everyone, I believe, is still work in progress... particularly human beings.
So I guess what the poem is telling us is to be magnanimous in our dealings with people, in our own inner circle of family and friends .. and outside of it with strangers near and far. Be kind..... kinder..... because somebody is going through a painful peeling off of layers. It's the same road we all are made to take towards perfection. Yes... by God's design.
Well, it's a lesson we each have to learn day after day. While there are people around us, there will always be lessons to be learned. Let's be kind to one another. It makes our journey easier.
Blessings to you and your dear ones, my good friends. Blessings!
Mr. Quote Man sent me this today..... to quote
"Teach me to feel another's woe, to hide the fault I see,
that mercy I to others show, that mercy show to me."
----- Alexander Pope
That's a beautiful poem, isn't it? It covers about most everything a human being would think... feel.... or do with life and people. I have to admit it that sometimes people can be quite irritating with their flaws and imperfections. Like I have good neighbors and bad neighbors. The good add to my joy and the bad just makes me pull at my hair in utter exasperation. But then again, maybe they also must be exasperated with some of my bad which I may not be aware of. That's how we are.... we think we're doing fine but if you stop and be still for a bit for some quiet retrospection, you might get to see that somebody is quite uncomfortable by what you did. But that's just it........ I have to remind myself often that people are imperfect and so am I. We're all the same in our greatness and our stupidity.
.And so it would take some good conscious learning to try to understand that on the broad spectrum of humanity, both good and bad walk side by side. That works true in every person anywhere you find yourself with on this planet. There's no perfection...... yet. What we may perceive as perfect isn't so. With the many layers enveloping an object, thing, or individual.... we only get to see a portion or one side... or several portions or sides.. but not really its entirety. The peeling off of layers is a continuing process orchestrated by Someone up there. Everything or everyone, I believe, is still work in progress... particularly human beings.
So I guess what the poem is telling us is to be magnanimous in our dealings with people, in our own inner circle of family and friends .. and outside of it with strangers near and far. Be kind..... kinder..... because somebody is going through a painful peeling off of layers. It's the same road we all are made to take towards perfection. Yes... by God's design.
Well, it's a lesson we each have to learn day after day. While there are people around us, there will always be lessons to be learned. Let's be kind to one another. It makes our journey easier.
Blessings to you and your dear ones, my good friends. Blessings!