... When a fireman plunges into a flaming building despite its dangers and saves a person.... when a miserable dog is rescued from its cruel owners by a stranger unmindful of the risk of harm to himself.... when persons, friend and strangers alike, persevere in saving lives in the great flood regardless of the danger it poses to their own.... and many other unselfish acts done by amazing people --- one can't help but be downright touched and immeasurably impressed by such show of courage and selflessness.
When desert flowers thrive despite its dry and harsh environment.... when trees hold up their faces defiantly against the strong stormy winds.... when waters roll down towards the shore and then retreats back to the ocean.... when the sun rises in the morning with its glorious light... and sets quietly at sundown yet promising to return in the morn... when the skies fill up with gentle clouds in the day.... and fill up with brilliant stars at night... when Mother Nature weaves her magic around us reflecting and deflecting both good and bad --- one simply stands in awe over such precision and order.
Then one begins to think..... and thank
--- the person or persons who gave of themselves so that others (animals included) may continue to enjoy the gift of life. Thank them for their unselfish sharing of their talent, energies, resources, brilliance of mind, strength of heart, and goodness of spirit.
---the One GOD who sets down all of creation and their limits but weaves them altogether into a magnificent masterpiece.
But above all, thank this same GOD --- the creator of all things visible and invisible who makes life and people sooooo beautiful!!! Man's basic good is a gift from God. Mother Earth's bounty is God's blessing beyond compare. Everything works together, directly or indirectly BY GOD'S DESIGN.
Which reminds me of this wonderful line spoken by a good person and friend here in Fb....... "Thank Him always but also give credit to where it is due." Thank you, Maria. Keep shining with your light.
May the blessings of the Holy Week observance renew your lives and spirit. In Christ. Be blessed and stay blessed.