Showing posts with label make a difference. Show all posts
Showing posts with label make a difference. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 30, 2017


Good morning, world 😄
"Sometimes the simple is the most difficult."  That's a line I've read in my favorite book 'Good Morning... God'. I would have moved on to the rest of the book but it struck me right there. I mean the words got me rooted right there.
Because many times through the years the simple got me stuck with issues I'd rather be free of but couldn't. Just because I couldn't get myself to do one tiny simple thing.

Have you been through something like that yourself?

There's no rocket science attached to it. It's just a pure tiny simple task or thought or idea which nags at you but which you chose to ignore. 

Despite the underlying knowledge that it could and might lead to the solution you desire.

It's something like..... making that important call although you are not feeling up to it -- writing that important letter thought the words won't come -- talking to that person who is a legit jerk but who holds the key to the project -- saying 'yes' or saying 'no' to a proposal -- turning down a plate of lechon (cos your cholesterol is skyrocketing high) no matter how much you crave for it -- and many more. Things which common sense or wisdom dictates but which you opt to avoid. Because. Period.

And the reasons why are many. It all seems to be attached to the ego.... the feelings... some sentimentality... perhaps a bit of anger... or maybe fear... or some sense of inadequacy -- or trust is wanting -- or the absence of faith -- or something else in your heart which holds you back from making that move.

Things become difficult when you struggle with yourself. It becomes a battle, big or small, but a battle just the same. And sometimes is left unresolved or pushed aside because you can't seem to raise the courage to act on it. Then eventually becomes forgotten in time.

A simple thought, idea, act left undone but which could make the difference in your life. You won't know it ... until you try.

Sometimes the simple is the most difficult. Because it takes you out of your comfort zone. But certainly great potential is in the simple, too.

Have a great day, folks! God bless you.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017


"Do not let yourselves be discouraged or embittered by the smallness of the success you are likely to achieve in trying to make life better. You certainly would not be able, in a single generation, to create an earthly paradise. Who could expect that? But, if you make life ever so little better, you will have done splendidly, and your lives will have been worthwhile." ------ Arnold Toynbee
That's a good piece of wisdom there!

Just because you can only do things small or you think yourself too small to do great things, is not reason enough not to do anything at all. Because you can make a difference just being yourself right there where God has planted you. He meant for you to grow and flourish right there with who you are, flawed and imperfect, but with the unique talent which He wisely poured into your life for a definite reason.
So if you have a lovely singing voice... Sing! If you can paint... Paint! If you love to write... Write! Or be kind... gentle... be a good listener to other people's woes..... be a ready helping hand to those in need..... be a visible inspiration to others..... be blessed with wisdom to share..... be a compassionate heart that can understand another person's pain...... etc. All these and more are the gifts from above given you to make your life better and those it must serve.

Each one may be considered tiny probably insignificant compared to what the bigger world outside adores -- the grand and grander gesture of achievement ... but .... and but you have made a difference still. And this God can see and will be very pleased by it. Seeing that you have not put to waste your gifts and instead have nurtured and harnessed it to serve His plan for your life. He will use you even more for greater and bigger things. Because if you can be trusted with so little.... then surely you can be trusted with even more .... so much much.

Be your own kind of beautiful, by God's design.
Blessings to you and your loved ones!!

Sunday, April 15, 2012


"I think the purpose of life is
to be useful, to be responsible, to be honorable, to be compassionate.
It is, after all, to matter:
--- to count, to stand for something,
to have made some difference that you lived at all."
(Leo C. Rosten, American Writer)

This is how life should be, how we should conduct ourselves in the business of living as best as we can. Because we can't simply coast along enjoying the view or enjoying our privileges (God-given lest we forget) which we actually do. But I think there should be something more added to that. You see, He gave us our free will and I think with it we can work our proper response to the gift of life.

It may or may not be something of a grand or grander scale although some of us could with whatever resources available to them. What I'm looking at is just where we are at. Right there where God has planted us. In the small measure we can manage or afford to do. There's much that can be done there, significant much. These things cropping up i.e. --- environment protection, global warming, planting trees, protecting endangered species, recycling, intelligent disposal of garbage, anti-bullying online and offline, anti-graft and corruption in government, anti-poverty, anti-crime, energy and water saving, etc. --- they matter. But by itself or by a small number of people alone this do not stand a chance of moving forward. This is where we come in and do our part. It's the greater and collective number that pushes -- projects.... programs.... issues.... concerns.... beliefs.... campaigns.... and drives the bad eggs off the charts. This greater and collective number is composed of unique individuals each in his or her own turf who care.

Nobody is insignificant; no effort least important. Neither do we need a stage or applause or eyes to see it ..... because just knowing that what we do is true, good, and right is its own reward. The test of character is when nobody is watching.

As it has been said for the ____th time -- "Let's be the change we want to see in the world". Let's do this for ourselves..... and for our children.... and for the generations coming after us.... and take it even further for Mother Earth, the country, and the world. For what we do today will define the kind of future that will come.

Give it a thought.
Blessings to you and your loved ones.

Sunday, December 19, 2010


"We move through places every day that would never have been if not for those who came before us. .." (Mitch Albom)

Consider the roads & bridges we travel which people have built, the food on our table which people have grown, our families & homes put together by generations before us. Everything passes through different minds hearts & hands who toiled at it before we came. And now.. it's our turn to make a difference too.

There is much to do still as life-the world-people continue to evolve. And everyone is to contribute to that with who we are and what we may know. We cannot simply sit by and watch it roll out and not be taken along or not get involved. We too must work at it just as others do.

As we now are enjoying the works of those who came before us, so must we work at life so that others in the future may enjoy that life too. We are given our talents, minds, hearts, and able bodies not solely for personal gain.. it's for so much more. And that so much more is to make a big difference. And if you ask me what that is... I'll say it's being the best of who and what you are.

Thursday, January 31, 2008


(Last of short series)

I’ve got a hero in my neighborhood. He is one of the early residents of our subdivision. His house is just across the street from our place. We moved in here about 20 years ago when the girls where then kids -- Small place in a quiet neighborhood.

He is special. When we would knock on his door because the car won’t start or the washing machine got stuck or we had a short circuit… he would waste no time coming to the rescue.

Recently my family and I had the good fortune of meeting this lady doctor who looked after my husband during his illness last November. She’s remarkable -- a fine model of her profession -- The epitome of professionalism with a heart.

And too have met this kind gentleman and doctor who is also a celebrity on the side, I call him the singing doctor -- Lols Sweet person, intelligent, and with a heart of gold. If the lady doctor is remarkable, this wonderful human being is incredible in such a magnificent way.

I have this close friend who is so sweet, simple, intelligent, and compassionate. She would rally to your side when you need someone close and would even part with her last dollar in her purse if you need it. She’s a treasured friend.

There are others more working back in the past years of my life. They are all appreciated but sadly most of them have moved on somewhere and we have lost touch. Life took them to other journeys I suppose.

In the present time, more have revealed their extraordinary qualities in small or big measure. They're lovely people. These I have mentioned here I treasure dearly in my heart. Not just because they shared their intrinsic goodness with me and my family but more so for their genuine value as individuals – as persons who were not afraid to be different and stood 10 feet tall in our life.

“I am only one, but still I am one;
I cannot do everything, but still I can do something;
And because I cannot do everything,
I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.”

--- Edward Everett Hale

These outstanding people have spoken well… not necessarily with words but with their deeds. Everything that they do are signed and sealed with their beautiful hearts. They're my heroes. May God bless them all!