Showing posts with label low fat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label low fat. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

2013 Summer Diet Survival Guide

Now that summer is well underway, we’re all ready to have more fun under the sun.  The great thing about summer is that everyone is more laid-back. School is out, the traffic is lighter so we can afford to sleep a little later in the mornings. This could spell disaster for our waistline since most activities during this season are centered around eating and drinking. So what’s a fit foodie to do?

Here are a few tips I’ve come up with to help you enjoy summer without busting the belt:


Here on our sweet island, we’ve become accustomed to the "woman a yaad" taking a break from the kitchen on Fridays. So Friday is usually the day we eat out. Even so, try to resist the urge to just “let go”. No matter what your weekend is like, always remember to:
  •  Eat a healthy and satisfying breakfast.
  • Always carry a healthy snack with you. Whether it’s a bag of nuts, protein or snack bar, having healthy snacks on hand makes it less likely to give into temptations.
  • Devise a strategy. Think about your healthy options well before you’re starving and almost anything looks good to eat.
  • If you’re eating out, try to cut back on how much you eat during the day since you’re more likely to eat more when dining out.
  • Be mindful of how much you drink. While some make poor diet choices after a few drinks, alcohol can help to reduce anxiety-driven eating. Always remember, alcohol can almost double calories of carbs and protein so try to cut back when drinking on weekends.
  • Give a little more during your workout sessions. Since we may be eating a little more, its only logical to sweat a little more to compensate.

Get This Party Started!

Summer and parties go hand in hand like bread and butter or chicken and chips. Many use such occasions as an excuse to forego your diet plans.  Here’s how to avoid these party tricks:

  • Never go to a party on an empty stomach. Try a high protein snack or a small meal that loaded with protein and fibre to keep those stomach growls to a minimum. If you’re thinking of having a drink or two try to add some fat to meal, say almonds, to slow alcohol absorption to the bloodstream.
  • Rather than hoping for healthy food options, why not bring some to the family get-together?
  • Before going in the buffet line, survey and see which foods are your best bet and the select few you’d like to indulge on. This way you’ll avoid just piling things on your plate.
  • Avoid going back for seconds. If your host insist and getting rid of the food, make sure to take along with you a small container to pack away seconds for taking home. Then station yourself away from the food table. Out of sight, out of mind.
  • Never forget to fill up on water. Choose water over sugary drinks such as sodas and juice. Drinking alcohol? Alternate water a glass of water between drinks.
  • Fill two thirds of your plate with the good stuff like veggies and protein and leave half for the not-so-healthy stuff like creamy Mac & Cheese. That way, you won’t feel so deprived. And avoid the regular stuff like rolls and chips that you can eat anytime.
  • Dress to kill. The more fitted your clothing is, the more you’re conscience about what you’re putting into your mouth. So avoid the baggy, loose fitting clothes, or you won’t realize just how your waistline has expanded. 

Sunday, May 5, 2013

So How Fit Are You?

About two weeks ago, I had gone downstairs to fix myself something to eat before I got settled down to work. I had popped a bag of popcorn and picked up a medium sized Julie mango for dinner (I prefer to eat light in the evenings to avoid the almost inevitable energy dip after eating in addition to the fact that I’m just tired). I took my meal up to my bedroom but realized I forgot my bottle of water. As I was making my second trip upstairs, I decided to run upstairs as I had usually done not more than a few months ago. Needless to say, I was a bit surprised when I found that these stairs aren’t that easy to sprint up. I know my exercise routine had been on hiatus for a while but surely walking up and down these stairs everyday must have counted for something. So it got me thinking: what does it really mean to be fit? How do you even really know how fit you are? And, how can you improve fitness?

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Can You Trust Food Labels? Part II

So  we learned that even though some labels say products are low fat or fat free, they make still contribute to a considerable amount of fat when the servings are added up and they may contain a lot more sugar than the full-fat versions. “Hydrogenated” oil equals trans fat no matter what the labels say. This installment of the Nutrition Files, I’ll be addressing the biggest craze since low carb: Gluten-Free

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Can You Trust Food Labels? (Part I)

I, like so many others, have been trying to find new ways to be healthier. That means exercising more, making healthier and cleaner food choices – cutting down on processed foods - and eating in smaller portions. To the untrained eye, though, it can be so easy to get fooled by all the gimmicks and misleading advertising that are so common in the supermarket or grocery store.  We may look out for “whole grain” or “low fat” products thinking we’re making healthy choices. We may even get carried away into thinking that we can get away with more serving because it won’t budge our waistlines. But just because something says “whole grain” or “low fat” doesn’t necessarily mean its completely harmless.  So how do I avoid these deceptive traps? Read on to find out more!