Showing posts with label omega-3 fatty acids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label omega-3 fatty acids. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Can You Trust Food Labels? (Part I)

I, like so many others, have been trying to find new ways to be healthier. That means exercising more, making healthier and cleaner food choices – cutting down on processed foods - and eating in smaller portions. To the untrained eye, though, it can be so easy to get fooled by all the gimmicks and misleading advertising that are so common in the supermarket or grocery store.  We may look out for “whole grain” or “low fat” products thinking we’re making healthy choices. We may even get carried away into thinking that we can get away with more serving because it won’t budge our waistlines. But just because something says “whole grain” or “low fat” doesn’t necessarily mean its completely harmless.  So how do I avoid these deceptive traps? Read on to find out more!