Showing posts with label protein. Show all posts
Showing posts with label protein. Show all posts

Monday, May 13, 2013

Product Review

Eco-Styler Protein Gel

The wash n go’s has been my go-to style for the past few months and up until now, I have been loving it. After trying a few different gels such as World of Curls, I finally got my hands on the infamous Eco-Styler. I was looking, in particular, for the Olive Oil version but, in my desperate state (World of Curls was just not doing it for me), I bought the only one I could find which was the clear version.  This version definitely lived up to its name as it kept my curls defined for up to five days. Whereas with other gels, I’d have to do wash n go’s every two days to maintain a similar look. Needless to say, I was glad to have found a product that would save me some time in the mornings.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Can You Trust Food Labels? Part II

So  we learned that even though some labels say products are low fat or fat free, they make still contribute to a considerable amount of fat when the servings are added up and they may contain a lot more sugar than the full-fat versions. “Hydrogenated” oil equals trans fat no matter what the labels say. This installment of the Nutrition Files, I’ll be addressing the biggest craze since low carb: Gluten-Free

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Understanding Food Exchange List

I often get questions from clients regarding the use of food exchange lists. Many seem to not understand how to use them in order to achieve their weight loss goals. But its really quite simple to use, once you understand that its just a matter of substitution. If you, like many others, have ever found food exchange list difficult to use or understand, please continue reading.