I have to laugh a little when I title this 'race report'. The Santa Shuffle is a non timed event to raise money for the Salvation Army. It is not really a race at all...unless you are me and my Dad. We started the race at the front of the pack so that we didn't get slowed down by all the strollers and walkers. After a 3, 2, 1 countdown followed by Santa jingling his sleigh bells, we were off. The first mile I felt great but knew I was going a little faster than I should. About 15 minutes in to the run we did a quick stop at the water station for quick sip of water. This short stop also let my HR drop enough to feel like I wasn't going to throw up. We did another quick walk break just before the lighthouse and then there was no stopping us. Once we were around the corner on the seawall we could see the white tents of the finish line. With around 200m to go we both sprinted to the end and I really did beat my Dad by about 1 second. This would be the first time tha...
Adventure | Creativity | Self Care