Showing posts with label A1 Public Safety Announcements. Show all posts
Showing posts with label A1 Public Safety Announcements. Show all posts

Friday, November 26, 2021

Meanwhile, somewhere in the Carpathian Mountains

The surviving members of the Egregores Collective have just recently emerged from a very strict three-year retreat in our meditation center nestled among the Făgăraş Mountains of Transylvania. We wish to take this opportunity to announce to the world that our new favorite band is a Romanian DJ. That is all for now. At some point in the future we may or may not have more to say about what (else) we have (or have not) been up to.

Thursday, November 2, 2017


once upon a time there was an Ancient Forest. and then one day the humans came and cut it all down and put up a parking lot for one of their "shopping malls". and then one day the humans left.

after the humans left, more and more cracks started opening up in the parking lot, and more and more weeds started growing up through the cracks.

some of these weeds remembered the Ancient Forest. that's because they were descended from those few weeds that had continued to look for every crack in the concrete, back when the humans were still around. no matter how fanatically the humans tried to keep their shopping mall parking lot weed free, there were always little sprouts of green poking up through the inevitable cracks. there had always been weeds like this. and they were the ones who remembered the Ancient Forest.

some weeds, however, were embarrassed by these weeds-that-remembered. they said, "please stop being such Romantic Fools. you are embarrassing us!" They also said, "we are just weeds, and weeds is all we ever were and all we ever will be. the humans cut down the forest and it is gone. get over it. it is gone forever. it will never come back."

but there were still other weeds who said, "it's good that the humans are gone, but the Old Forest was bad, too. we are weeds, and the Old Trees were our oppressors. they blocked the light from us and lorded it over us. in our New Forest we must all be equal, so no plants should ever grow too high. that way we can learn from our past mistakes and Make Progress."

but wait, there's more. there were also weeds who said, "hey! we are not 'weeds'!! as a matter of fact, 'weed' is a perjorative term, and no plants in the past ever called themselves 'weeds'. we reject 'weed-privilege' and demand to be called by various hyphenated verbal monstrosities that we either make up as we go along, or that we borrow incorrectly from scholars whose works we have never read, much less understood!!!!" who knew weeds could shout like that!

but mostly the weeds were just weeds. they kept busy pushing up through the cement toward the light, but remaining firmly rooted in the darkness that will always be there if they ever need to return again. they were busy, too busy for much anything else, slowly turning the vast parking lot erected by the humans back into a Forest.

(This was originally posted on May 11, 2015.)

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

"Most" Muslims "dislike" Isis. Let's do the math.

When polled, how many Muslims freely acknowledge that they approve of Isis?

4% of Indonesians have a favorable opinion of Isis. That's 250M x 0.04 = 10 million Isis supporters.

8% of Turks have a favorable opinion of Isis. That's 75M x 0.08 = 6 million Isis supporters.

11% of Malaysians have a favorable opinion of Isis. That's 30M x 0.11 = 3 million Isis supporters.

9% of Pakistanis have a favorable opinion of Isis. That's 182M x 0.09 = 16 million Isis supporters.

So, the "good news" is that in just four Muslim majority countries there are 35 million supporters of Isis.

Source (link to to Pew Research website):
In nations with significant Muslim populations, much disdain for ISIS

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Meet The New Pope

It is always the high point of any papal visit to any nation: the canonization of one of that nation's own indigenous "saints". And these "saints" are always the same everywhere: they were fanatical jihadists dedicated to the forced conversion and/or extirpation of all Jews, Heathens, Heretics, Atheists, and anyone else deemed to be enemies of the One True Faith.

There are, perhaps, here and there, genuine exceptions to this rule. But these are, necessarily, quite exceptional. The man whose name Pope Voldemort II now obscenely bears is arguably one of them.

But neither the New Pope nor the evil wretch Junipero Serra are in any way deviations from the usual assortment of highly successful con-artists (like the Pope) and  murderously accomplished thugs (like Serra) who have always done and will always do the Dark Lord's bidding in the name of the Great Commission.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

"furthest from him is best"

[From Book 1]:

Is this the Region, this the Soil, the Clime,
Said then the lost Arch-Angel, this the seat
That we must change for Heav'n, this mournful gloom
For that celestial light? Be it so, since he [ 245 ]
Who now is Sovran can dispose and bid
What shall be right: fardest from him is best
Whom reason hath equald, force hath made supream
Above his equals. Farewel happy Fields
Where Joy for ever dwells: Hail horrours, hail [ 250 ]
Infernal world, and thou profoundest Hell
Receive thy new Possessor: One who brings
A mind not to be chang'd by Place or Time.
The mind is its own place, and in it self
Can make a Heav'n of Hell, a Hell of Heav'n. [ 255 ]
What matter where, if I be still the same,
And what I should be, all but less then he
Whom Thunder hath made greater? Here at least
We shall be free; th' Almighty hath not built
Here for his envy, will not drive us hence: [ 260 ]
Here we may reign secure, and in my choyce
To reign is worth ambition though in Hell:
Better to reign in Hell, then serve in Heav'n.
But wherefore let we then our faithful friends,
Th' associates and copartners of our loss [ 265 ]
Lye thus astonisht on th' oblivious Pool,
And call them not to share with us their part
In this unhappy Mansion, or once more
With rallied Arms to try what may be yet
Regaind in Heav'n, or what more lost in Hell? [ 270 ]

[From Book 5]:

That we were formd then saist thou? and the work
Of secondarie hands, by task transferd
From Father to his Son? strange point and new! [ 855 ]
Doctrin which we would know whence learnt: who saw
When this creation was? rememberst thou
Thy making, while the Maker gave thee being?
We know no time when we were not as now;
Know none before us, self-begot, self-rais'd [ 860 ]
By our own quick'ning power, when fatal course
Had circl'd his full Orbe, the birth mature
Of this our native Heav'n, Our puissance is our own, our own right hand
Shall teach us highest deeds, by proof to try [ 865 ]
Who is our equal: then thou shalt behold
Whether by supplication we intend
Address, and to begirt th' Almighty Throne
Beseeching or besieging. This report,
These tidings carrie to th' anointed King; [ 870 ]
And fly, ere evil intercept thy flight.

[From Milton's Paradise Lost - full text here: ]

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Where the West Went Wrong: Five Flavors of Anti-Modernism

  • Enlightened Traditionalism: blame Christianity

  • Reactionary Traditionalism: blame the Enlightenment

  • Namy-Pamby Perennialism: others will be blamed

  • Nietzsche: blame Zoroaster

  • Kingsley: blame Plato

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Emergent Paganism (a brief observation on current events)

Paganism does not proceed according to some plan or theory. Paganism is the natural religion of humanity, and, therefore, anything and everything that humans do in the realm of religion, with the single provision that this activity is engaged in in relative freedom from coercion, is Paganism.

Only two groups of people are qualified to attempt the truly Herculean task of providing any sort of systematic explication, or, more accurately denoted, logos, concerning this thing called Paganism: priests and philosophers. Everyone else is free to do as they please: to pray, practice, invoke, believe, sing, chant, dance, bless, curse, etc, however they see fit, or not, if that is their choice. Those who are uninstructed are also free to speculate and theorize, but their contributions to knowledge are of the same quality as those known as "young earth creationists".

But even if one were to agree with the above, then there is still the question: who are the genuine priests and philosophers of modern Paganism. Or, more to the point: Do such creatures even exist? For my part, I would tend to say, simply, no, they do not. Or at least it seems wisest and most prudent to assume their non-existence as the only defensible default position, and to only abandon this in the face of overwhelming, extraordinary evidence.

Then is there no hope?

On the contrary.

As has always been the case, and as will always be, Gods willing, we are still free to pray, practice, invoke, believe, sing, chant, dance, bless, curse, etc, however we see fit, or not, if that is our choice. And there is one thing, in addition, that we must do, if we wish to understand what we are doing (and it has always been only a small minority who chooses to pursue that desire with any energy, or with any real hope of success): We must study.

Homer. Plato. Vergil. Ovid. Plotinus. Proclus. Cicero. Seneca. Porphyry. Iamblichus. Apuleius. Macrobius. Epictetus. Marcus. Plautus. Lucretius. Celsus. Julian. Horace. Flaccus. Ptolemy. Plutarch.  Statius. Manilius. Herodotus. Xenophon. Fronto. Livy. Thucydides. Aristotle. Gellius. Ammianus. Et cetera. The Gods have preserved these for us. Study them, or keep silent. Better yet: study them and keep silent until many years of study have yielded at least some small measure of genuine understanding.

If we practice and study fervently and piously, then the Gods will reward us greatly. A new Paganism will emerge. A Paganism that is truly our own, while also being truly ancient. A Paganism that is deathless, like the Gods, but also living and ever changing, like the Cosmos in which we live, and of which we are a part.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Move Over "Christian Side-Hug"

watch it all the way to the end. srsly. (oh, and if you don't remember "christian side-hug" check this out: God. Purpose. Culture. Side Hugs.)

Monday, October 7, 2013

Race, Politics and Paganism: Notes toward a Manifesto of Cosmopolitan Paganism

Recently the Pagan blogosphere has been witness to quite a bit of spleen-venting on the subjects of racism and politics.

Due to circumstances beyond my control, my response to this unedifying cacophony of  ham-fisted, self-righteous sanctimonious posturing must be limited to the following 15 bullet points.

On racism and modern Paganism.
  1. Reject the idea that Paganism is a "European" religion. 
  2. Expose the modern, Christian roots of racist ideology generally, and of antisemitism in particular.
  3. Embrace the cosmopolitan nature of ancient Paganism. 
  4. Declare our solidarity with the indigenous peoples of Africa, Asia and the Americas who continue to defend and preserve their ancient traditions against the spiritual imperialism of Christianity and Islam. 
  5. Emphasize the common spiritual birthright of all human beings as children of the Gods.

On the despicable calumny that Paganism is intrinsically racist.
  1. Reject the calumny that there is any natural affinity between Paganism and racism.
  2. Expose the Christian apologetic agenda of those who promote this calumny.
  3. Embrace the Pagan revivalist movements that arose out of the Romantic period without fear that there is something inherently racist about these movements.
  4. Declare our solidarity with the Jewish people who have been on the receiving end of brutal Christian persecution for as long as Pagans have.
  5. Emphasize the common spiritual roots that unite the various strands of modern Paganism, rather than emphasizing anything and everything that supposedly separates us from each other, especially when these supposed differences are framed in terms of "ethnicity" or "race".

On Paganism and politics.
  1. Reject all modern political ideologies.
  2. Expose the intrinsically tyrannical nature of Christianity and Islam, and the ongoing aggression of both of these ideologies throughout the world.
  3. Embrace the ancient Pagan roots of liberal democratic principles.
  4. Declare our unwavering support for fundamental personal liberties, especially freedom of speech and freedom of religion.
  5. Emphasize the common human yearning for freedom.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Announcing the formation of the Hypatia Academy of Ancient Science

Please answer the following questions to be considered for admission to the Hypatia Academy:

1. Briefly (or, if you prefer, not so briefly) explain why only a moron would suppose that ancient Pagans believed the earth to be flat.

2. In which of his works did Ptolemy give the most detailed presentation of his ideas about the use of experiments in the advancement of scientific knowledge?

3. The calculations of which ancient scientist were used by Christopher Columbus as the basis for his voyages?

4. Which two ancient poets were cited by Erasmus Darwin (Charles' grandfather) as the inspiration for his theory of biological evolution?

5. What was the profession of Galileo's father and why is this significant?

For those who would like to be considered for faculty appointments, please also answer the following five additional questions:

6. Write a detailed critique of the how the film "Agora" portrays ancient science.

7. What are your thoughts on the prayer to Venus at the beginning of Lucretius' "De Rerum Natura", and how this prayer relates to the rest of the poem?

8. Explain using specific citations to the works of Cicero how Platonic scepticism can be reconciled with Stoic cosmological and theological ideas.

9. In which ancient work are the earth's northern and southern polar ice caps described as they would appear to someone viewing the earth from outer space?

10. Write about the contributions of Francesco Patrizi to modern science with special attention to the influence of ancient Pagan philosophy on Patrizi.

Send your completed answers to cornelius "dot" anatole "at" Or simply submit your answers as a comment to this blog post.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The more things change .....

"Any attempt to show witchcraft in anything even remotely resembling a favourable light, or to challenge the old representation of it as something uniformly evil and devilish, or even to present it as a legitimate object of study, can still arouse the most surprising reactions. The virtues of humanism, which Charles Saltman defined as 'sensitivity, intelligence and erudition, together with integrity, curiosity and tolerance,' have still quite a long way to go in their struggle against the mentality which produced the Malleus Maleficarum."

Gerald Gardner in The Meaning of Witchcraft, pp. 11-12