Showing posts with label girl. Show all posts
Showing posts with label girl. Show all posts

Thursday, December 30, 2010

December Updates!

nampaknya dura sekarang ni  update blog sebulan sekali saja.
sangat sibuk
sungguh tak tipu
tapi orang lain pun sibuk juga. mungkin saya yang tak pandai nak bahagikan masa kot..
walaubagaimanapun, tetap sempat menjahit dalam dok sibuk sibuk tu..hihi..

ni semua dress untuk anak sedara dan anak sendiri untuk dipakai di majlis perkahwinan my feveret cousin. permintaan si bride mintak jahit yang tak dapat nak ditolak.


yg omel ada, yang omot pun ada hehe ;)

 thorn among roses ;)

 yang ni my favourite model. omel sungguh.. tayang gigi pulak dia.
~ senyum mahal suri :)

dalam sibuk sibuk dok makan nasik tomato paling sedap di dunia,
serious lupa nak snap gambar pengantin baru.
pengantin lama pun boleh lah ye. ini loving couple yang dah 41 tahun bersama 
love u ayah & mama!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

What's up November?

i know..i know... i've been neglegting this blog for sooo long..
thousand apologies to my dear friends and readers. I have been terribly busy in the office (still in the same company, but i'm moving to a new strategic business unit that requires me to work harder) and at home (yeahh..still at the same old home) .yet,  i won't let November passes with no blog entry from me :)

the workload in the office is getting more, and at the same time I am not willing to let my sewing just slipped from my fingers! so, here are dressess that i managed to complete for my customers. thanks for your support

the dresses

above two dressess are for kak salina's 6 months old baby dhia.

amd these dresses are for feena's bundle of joy. fabrics given by feena.

the matching panties

baby sundress and sunhat from extra fabrics of feena's

again.. thanks for all your support, friends :)


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