Showing posts with label dress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dress. Show all posts

Thursday, December 30, 2010

December Updates!

nampaknya dura sekarang ni  update blog sebulan sekali saja.
sangat sibuk
sungguh tak tipu
tapi orang lain pun sibuk juga. mungkin saya yang tak pandai nak bahagikan masa kot..
walaubagaimanapun, tetap sempat menjahit dalam dok sibuk sibuk tu..hihi..

ni semua dress untuk anak sedara dan anak sendiri untuk dipakai di majlis perkahwinan my feveret cousin. permintaan si bride mintak jahit yang tak dapat nak ditolak.


yg omel ada, yang omot pun ada hehe ;)

 thorn among roses ;)

 yang ni my favourite model. omel sungguh.. tayang gigi pulak dia.
~ senyum mahal suri :)

dalam sibuk sibuk dok makan nasik tomato paling sedap di dunia,
serious lupa nak snap gambar pengantin baru.
pengantin lama pun boleh lah ye. ini loving couple yang dah 41 tahun bersama 
love u ayah & mama!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

What's up November?

i know..i know... i've been neglegting this blog for sooo long..
thousand apologies to my dear friends and readers. I have been terribly busy in the office (still in the same company, but i'm moving to a new strategic business unit that requires me to work harder) and at home (yeahh..still at the same old home) .yet,  i won't let November passes with no blog entry from me :)

the workload in the office is getting more, and at the same time I am not willing to let my sewing just slipped from my fingers! so, here are dressess that i managed to complete for my customers. thanks for your support

the dresses

above two dressess are for kak salina's 6 months old baby dhia.

amd these dresses are for feena's bundle of joy. fabrics given by feena.

the matching panties

baby sundress and sunhat from extra fabrics of feena's

again.. thanks for all your support, friends :)


Thursday, October 14, 2010


9 Oct haritu Safiya genap 4 tahun. mesti nak celebrate birthday kat taska dengan kawan-kawan kan? memandangkan 9 oct hari sabtu, maka sambutan kat taska ditunda ke hari isnin 11 oct.

 antara jajan yang ada dalam party packs. owh sungguh tak berkhasiat. alaa.. sekali sekala bolehla ye.

bithday cake safiya mama lupa nak snap pic pulak. yg ni birthday cake mama haritu, ayah belikan. kali ni taknak tulih nama, nak tulih date. ada sesiapa berkongsi tarikh lahir yang sama?
setakat ni i share birthdate dengan my cousin, my s.i.l, my cousin's wife, my second cousin, few friends..ramai tau birthdate on 26 sept :)

ok, part yg ditunggu-tunggu.. jeng-jenggg...

a birthday gown!! made by mama with TLC
safiya loves purple. dia request baju warna purple.
last friday baru kalut pegi cari kain untuk buat baju safiya. cari kain satin sebab nak buat baju macam princess mesti kain yg shiny & glowy iaitu satin kan. unfortunately takde lace yang cantik in purplish hues. kain yang ada embroidery tu, tahu tak kain apa yang i beli?

kain curtain! to be precise daycurtain wuahahaa..
tapi bila dah jadi baju nampak cantik kan..tak nampak macam kain curtain kan..cepat cakap YES...please...

birthday princess yang dah penat nak tido pun taknak bukak baju princess dia. perasan tak, barbie pun berbaju purple jugak :)

Safiya, you are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are grey. mama ayah adik love u ♥ ♥ ♥
tiba-tiba emo sebab my lil baby comel manja dah besar dah 4y.o *sobs*

safiya & gigi 4 batang

safiya & gigi 2 batang

safiya takde gigi
guess how old was she?

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

siri baju raya - the sweetest pink

sweet sangat dress ni

for 2 y.o Honey

sweet frills ~

bottom ruffles ~

i hope it fits well on Honey :)

siri baju raya - purple dress for hannah

mommy hannah kata, hannah banyak sangat baju warna pink. jadi kali ini, nak baju warna purple pulak.

hannah's flare dress with frills and bottom band

purple is royalty, for Princess Hannah ♥

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

siri baju raya - alya #2

baju alya lagi...
it's a sleeveless tie-back dress with small bows @ shoulder.

concealed zipper and cute button @ the back

siri baju raya - alya #1

pink + purple dress with big bow

concealed zipper at the back with purple candy button for closures.

for sweet Alya, little daughter of Salwana, my lovely, returned customer.

Friday, September 3, 2010

minnie mouse inspired hairband

to go with this dress

yup, it's baby wani's dress

Pp/s: sorry emir, mama had to borrow your head, lol

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

siri baju raya - baby wani

fabrik corak rama-rama warna ceria, semua orang suka.

dress untuk baby wani yang bakal berumur 1 tahun lepas raya ni.
dengan tali ikat di belakang..awww, harap bertambah cute la..  ♥

Thursday, August 19, 2010

siri baju raya - irsa & ziya

I have been out of the loop for quite sometime, I have been terribly busy in the office and at home plus masuk bulan puasa mulalah si tukang jahit sibuk. sibuk siapkan baju raya. . walaupon sebenarnya dapat tempahan untuk baju raya tu dua bulan sebelum ramadhan lagi. biasa nih, suka procrastinate. haiipp!!

ok, berbalik ke baju raya, my old friend, aznisyuhada,kawan masa skool dulu, wanted dresses for her princesses. antara azni punya specifications/needs statement for the dresses are:
-kain(yg diberi) looks good when dah jadi baju
-flare type design and sleeveless too
-something simple & sweet & girlish
-dress adik: suitable and confortable for little baby
-dress kakak: kakak punya buat kembang2 ala princess
-serah 100% on design to u coz i believe in you <-- ayat ni paling tak tahann..ekekek , tapi azni pon mangaku ini ayat power + bodek haha...

full circle dress for irsa. fully lined sebab fabric material yang nipis/jarang.
cantik kalau irsa buat twirling macam pwincess :)

dress for baby ziya

another dress for ziya
untuk ziya, since she's still a little baby, dan baby mesti baring most of the time kan. i pilih design yang paling selesa untuk baby.

comel je dresses ziya.on second thought, adakah baju-baju ni muat dengan irsa yang chubby iteww. harap-harap muat *pray*

i've been getting a lot of positive feedbacks for my handiworks. Hope all those words are truly from your heart.
This is feedback i received from Azni (via sms)
"lovely, lovely, lovely.. suka giler..x sangka kain tu boleh transform jadi cantik. nak order dress lagi. thanks a lot babe!"

me: to azni & all, thanks for your support ♥ mmuahhsss

Friday, August 6, 2010

the 'wow' factor

harap-harap bila si comel aisya pakai dress ni, semua orang akan berkata 'wow'.

..sebab bb aisya memang comel ok.., kalau bb dah comel, pakai apa pun 'wow'..

wow tak?

pink candy buton yang yummy. tp bb aisya takleh makan tau..

wowiee..banyaknya butterflies..

Monday, August 2, 2010

a dainty dress

love the colour combination. hope the owner loves it too ♥

lotsa topstitchings

concealed zipper at the back of the dress

with a matching panties to complete the look of your little girl :)
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